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Author Topic: FEATHERSTONE MASTER PLAN  (Read 8091 times)
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« on: March 28, 2008, 09:44:08 pm »

well we are 2 plans in and £70k+ spent on the second. the plan is incorrect. below is what was stated at the last meeting;

Up date from urban renaissance meeting 7th September 2007

This was advertised as the final meeting to show the final plan of the proposed re-development of Featherstone. DTZ gave a presentation of the plans. This was followed by the public’s opinions and concerns being voiced.

The Plaza, sports campus and proposed housing estate.
A large number of residents whose homes and business’s would be demolished expressed concern. This area was described as a 15 year project. This worsened their situation as they were left with property they would not be able to sell. It was pointed out that the Chesneys area had enough space to create approximately 25 more parking spaces and some planted areas. The entrance to Chesneys was also pointed out. A great community centre with an ugly un adopted road in front of it that many people had tried to have surfaced. This should be included in the plans. It was asked would Post Office road be widened to accommodate the increase in traffic from the proposed housing estate at the top of the Rovers ground? There was no plan to do this. It was explained that Post office road would be made into a more friendly family area with speed bumps, traffic calming measures and staggered parking. It was also explained that Featherstone rovers and Wakefield sports and active life styles had agreed with the cricket, bowling and football clubs to create playing pitch’s at the end of post office road. This had all been discussed within the group known as “the hub”. Denise Jeffrey explained that she was to meet with the hub next week to continue talks. A representative from the cricket club explained that 3 years ago they had been approached by MP John Tricket to see if they wish to engage in talks under the hubs wings. Nothing further had come of it.
This whole area and the contradicting information given required a detailed reply as the plans had again not been discussed by any committee and had just appeared. I explained to Denise that at the meeting of the renaissance on June 25th Bob Foster from WMDC sports and recreation had given a detailed talk about meeting the Hub and the Rovers to create various sporting plans. After this talk the Rovers commented that the Hub had not actually met for over 18 months. This was probably said as I have tried to contact them myself for 2 years. With out adding anything it does not take a fool to see something is wrong and the truth of what is going on is being kept secret and added in at the last minute to steam roller someone’s plans through with out full consultation.
I pointed out that since the meeting in June 2 further meetings had taken place without discussing the minutes of the previous ones. This was as I see it where little things like a housing estate and sports fields suddenly appeared. To build a housing estate at the top of the Rovers ground would create a significant increase in traffic to post office road. If post office road was not to be widened then an alternative access should be found. CMS medical is a good example of the problem. They had to move their entire factory from post office road due to planning refusing permission to expand as they would create more traffic than was deemed acceptable. The proposed pitches at the end of post office road again have no access. The increase in traffic that would be caused would not be acceptable for the residential area. The only way that either the estate or pitch’s could be built would be if a new access road was created. There are 2 possibilities. Firstly a new road down to the Junction Pub or second a new road up and under the railway to Cressys Corner. This was dismissed as to costly. This is not so as the amount of housing proposed would produce enough profit to create the road. It is not the public’s fault that this has to be done and so they should not be further burdened with more congestion than they have.
The response to this reply was surprising. Denise left the room and requested councilor Binnersly into the car park. Upon her return Denise then had words with several other officials and came back to her seat. Denise then addressed the meeting. She explained that she agreed that there appeared to be issues with the Plaza, Sports Campus and post office road proposals. There was a need to finalize the whole plan as she wished to take the whole project forward to a Wakefield cabinet meeting this month for approval and begin to seek funds to begin. So that things could get moving Denise informed the meeting that she was going to remove the 3 issues and put forward Featherstone’s plan without them included. The area would be discussed in more detail and a decision then made. It was stated that there was no need to remove the people’s homes. This was accepted by those present with great relief.
I then pointed out to Denise that I had worked for 4 years with The Featherstone Sports Consortium to recognize the various sports groups in the area and what they required to continue and improve. This had been turned into a document. Also 4 major projects had been created that had been shown to Wakefield sports and recreation department. I had been given the run around and little help. The last contact had come from Lisa Dodd who informed me that they could not help and that I should place my ideas into the master plan for Featherstone. On the plans being shown there was none of our work and only that of a group that did not exist. The excuse given by DTZ was not sufficient. Call me cynical but at the last minute declaring that the area of the renaissance has been shrunk can only be an attempt to exclude individuals.

The precinct, Station lane
2 options were shown. The first to remove the left had side building and place a supermarket. The second was to remove the back row of shops and place a super market. Upon asking to speak I was informed the meeting was running out of time. My reply was that you had not allowed me to speak since the meeting in June and that my questions that had been written had not been answered. I stated that I thought we lived in a democracy and not a communist state. The manor in which the precinct plans were being issued left concerns. We keep hearing how a supermarket will only come if it has a visible frontage. All business understands this. In the precinct area this should not be at the cost of our shops. In principle option 2 would create more business by attracting more people in front of the shops going to the supermarket. This would be greatly reduced by losing shop units. I have all ready explained how this could be done. With very little disruption to the back row shops, they could be moved to either side. This would keep the number of shops and even flats and create a really attractive shopping area that would suit all. This would have to be drawn up and shown to the people concerned for their views and comment. Also a full package with proposal guidelines, that included moving and set up costs, compensation and consultation at each stage.

Station Lane
Trees keep appearing. Will someone listen to the fact that the water mains and sewers are in a bad state without roots growing in and on them.

Town hall
I don’t think there was a person in the room not grinning when DTZ showed its plan for a focal point incorporating the town hall corner by the traffic lights. Eventually they were informed that the building was to be sold and that the new focal point and entrance to Featherstone and station lane could be blocks of affordable flats. Denise agreed it was awful to sell the building and would work with the district and town council to try and keep the building. I passed over the history of the town hall clock. This had come to light in the last week as being the most important people owned asset we have.

Public opinion and group pressure has opened up peoples ears and corrected some mistakes. There is more on the list of things to change as you will see when the final plan is printed. The items shown are what have an issue around them. Any concerns should be sent to councilor Denise Jeffrey at Wakefield council. I would be happy to talk to any one such as the back row shops in the precinct. I will be following the final plan and talking with Denise who has suggested we meet. I will not be able to back any plan that the majority are not happy with.

you may ask what is wrong with the new plan? the new plan was silently revieled 2 weeks ago. everything they said they were not going to do they have done. if they think i am going to stand about and take that think again. WMDC will see what i am up to shortly Wink

you can see a copy of the plan at;


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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2008, 07:47:34 pm »

Many of you will be aware of the recent plans to demolish buildings from the Yorkshire bank to post office road and back to graham and press. This was to be part of the new Featherstone master plan for Featherstone. At a final meeting held in chesneys at the end of 2007 WMDC explained the plan. The large number of complaints made by you on the night resulted in the plan being altered by taking off the demolition at the end of post office road. Denise Jeffery’s stated that she would see to this. A letter was sent from Denise to Kay Binnersly to confirm this had been done.
The whole plan then went to what is known as “cabinet” (a senior council meeting) to be passed as a plan to work to.
WE WERE ALL LIED TO. The plan that cabinet saw was the same one we disagreed with and was passed. It has taken time to get proof of this. Very silently the plan has been released onto the WMDC web site with none of the usual front page publicity and is there for all to see. The plan shows your area as a “civic plaza” and “improved access along post office road and improved parking”.
So what does this mean to you, you may ask. According to the plan the development is over the next 15-20 years. Unless some one does something the plan could and most probably will be executed.
My involvement was as part of the local chamber of trade. I have been involved with helping design this plan for the last year. The plan I saw towards the end of being written was becoming a pre-written plan that would not hear any ones input. My concerns are to improve station lane and not destroy it due to profit makers. I disagree with the plan.
Then comes politics’. I have been fighting this plan since its release along with the district councillors Kay, Roy and Pauline. Due to politics’ I am writing this letter to you personally and not as part of any group as there are many that would hold and use it against me.
My private statement is that it is now election time and the mud is flying. The facts are that Dick Taylor and Brendon Power (labour) both agree with the plan and the people who made it.
Labour say yes the independents say no. I need the independents help to stop this not some one working against me.
The fight for your homes will continue shortly. How much weight I can put behind it looks to be determined by politics’?
My copy of the plan is available to view at the DIY shop in the lane.
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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2008, 08:48:43 pm »

tonight i have been to a meeting called "the Featherstone sports consortium". the master plan appears to have landed in this group and not with the original committee.

During the meeting today the master plan was brought up. This subject was raised at the last meeting where you gave me the first copy of the document. Since then I have studied the document and I questioned the plan as it was not the correct plan. I explained that Denise Jefferies had stated at the last public open meeting that the 2 items, the precinct and the end of post office road were to be removed due to public and committee disapproval. I have attached the letter from Denise to Kay after her request that states what the public and steering committee was told. I would be grateful if the person responsible for the mistake be found and what actions WMDC are going to take to rectify the problem. I am sure you understand the concern the residents and business's that will be demolished are feeling.
My personal view is that some one has told an untruth for the purpose of development. Development is often led by money and not people as many locals have seen the Girnhill estate.
I look forward to the reply as so do the residents concerned.
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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 06:48:29 pm »

my letter to the council;

hi Bob,

during the meeting today the master plan was brought up. this subject was raised at the last meeting where you gave me the first copy of the document. since then I have studied the document and I questioned the plan as it was not the correct plan. I explained that Denise Jefferies had stated at the last public open meeting that the 2 items, the precinct and the end of post office road were to be removed due to public and committee disapproval. I have attached the letter from Denise that states what the public and steering committee were told. I would be grateful if the person responsible for the mistake be found and what actions WMDC are going to take to rectify the problem. I am sure you understand the concern the residents and business's that will be demolished are feeling.

my personal view is that some one has told an untruth for the purpose of development. development is often led by money and not people as many locals have seen the Girnhill estate.

I look forward to the reply as so do the residents concerned.

and the reply

I have taken this up with the Major Projects team in Regeneration and they have responded by saying that they will ensure that the wording in the implementation  framework Re Chesney’s/ Plaza and Post Office Rd developments is appropriate, eg Date to be determined , subject to further public consultation. Hopefully this should be OK.



Bob Foster

Sport and Recreation Manager

Sport and Active Lifestyles

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council

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Brian Potter
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« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2008, 02:09:52 pm »

After watching the recent programme on the (non) development of Castleford, courtesy of WMDC, then I won't hold my breath on any grand ideas for the town. Every good idea on that programme was scuppered by the Authority. It could have been so much better but fountains and market stalls (to name just 2) were scrapped due to poor excuses such as "vandals might urinate in the fountain"  Shocked

However, it is interesting to note that many of these ideas are being reborn in Wakefield City Centre which seems to be undergoing a total rebuild from one end to the other. The Waterfront, new market, Marsh Way, old market area redevelopment, new roads, and the latest one is the bull ring, which will have, yes you guessed it, a fountain. Angry

There's a better class of vandal in Wakefield don't you know !
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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2008, 06:21:05 pm »

After watching the recent programme on the (non) development of Castleford, courtesy of WMDC, then I won't hold my breath on any grand ideas for the town. Every good idea on that programme was scuppered by the Authority. It could have been so much better but fountains and market stalls (to name just 2) were scrapped due to poor excuses such as "vandals might urinate in the fountain"  Shocked

However, it is interesting to note that many of these ideas are being reborn in Wakefield City Centre which seems to be undergoing a total rebuild from one end to the other. The Waterfront, new market, Marsh Way, old market area redevelopment, new roads, and the latest one is the bull ring, which will have, yes you guessed it, a fountain. Angry

There's a better class of vandal in Wakefield don't you know !
Here is something that may explain our predicament. This is a quote from a certain person I will keep anonymous.
While ever the people of featherstone vote independant they will get nothing
You may think this is a childish pathetic thing to come out with but it is what you are all faced with. So like a child in a pram who has just had it sweets taken from it, the pathetic draconian attitude of narrow minded pillocks resides in high office.
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« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2008, 06:50:26 pm »

just a short 1 here but thats is what has always happend and always will .the money that wmdc has to spend will always go to wakfeild first the 5 towns can forget it wmdc dont care about us .we are just the people that pay for wakeys new projects . if they want more money ,we pay it
there are far to many people that will always vote these people into power that are blind to where the money goes
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« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2008, 07:02:26 pm »

im not really a political motivated person .
i would just like our fair share .
hope your right if it gets featherstone back on the map and not wakey getting everything and others getting nothing
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« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2008, 07:27:32 pm »

im not really a political motivated person .
i would just like our fair share .
hope your right if it gets featherstone back on the map and not wakey getting everything and others getting nothing
You should see some of the deprevation that resides in this town. I ought to get a camera out and start taking pics for the record. Besides the shambolic mess of Girnhill lane, there are streets in so poor a condition I wouldn't drive a cart horse down them never mind a car. All the side streets in station lane for a start, the street next to Amigo's pizza shop looks like something from 1850's Victorian Britain. Theres holes in 'B' some roads that would bring a motorcyclist off his bike. Spend, spend, spend in wakefield. Rot, rot, rot in Fev. This town is in need of huge development and investment, are we gonna get it? Lets not kid ourselves, were being punished for voting Indy by a set of 'political has beens' who are heading out of office real soon.
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« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2008, 07:59:49 pm »

Wow, loads of really great and correct points put so well by you all. The passion shown shines and warms the heart. Don’t give up on our poor old town getting anywhere. As you say labour has crapped on us from above for years but they WILL be out soon. The position they have been in since the last election thanks to us lot getting of our asses and voting has created a situation,

1. labour needs the Indies to win votes in council. Not unless we get something Wink
 The Featherstone master plan is about to start. Council has met this week to start it off and we will be hearing shortly when meetings start. No labour top people.

2. labour has crapped on us for so long we are the crapest area going Angry
The state of the area is suddenly attracting all sorts of investment. Just from the groups that have contacted me in the last 2 months I dare to say that 2009 should see much more for Featherstone.

has the last 6 years of effort by many got somewhere. i hope we will see.
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« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2008, 08:54:56 pm »

Pont has had millions spent on it, Cas has had millions spent on it, Normanton has had millions spent on it. They got their bypasses, so did Hemsworth, we couldn't have a bypass because Lord Oswald objected to it and Labour didn't have the balls to stand up to the aristocratic numpty. Fev according to you know who is lower than worm **** in the deepest ocean and has never had nothing spent on it even when Labour had the seats here. When this town gets the investment and development it deserves i'll show my arse in Woolworths window. I'm confident my arse will remain unseen for the next 20 years at least Wink
Get em out of power and we've got half a chance. While ever they are in office, we are down **** creek without a paddle.
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« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2008, 08:57:12 pm »

 Grin if the precinct got a face lift to start, could i have a picture of your ass? Grin
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« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2008, 09:03:41 pm »

Grin if the precinct got a face lift to start, could i have a picture of your ass? Grin
I said development and investment in a true sense of the word. Perhaps block paving station lane, knock the precinct down and rebuild a new bigger one using part of the car park behind it. New roads to replace Station lane, service roads like they had built at Cas and Normy. Bring it into the 21st century. Not a couple of coats of paint and some new bits and bobs m8. I'm talking perhaps £10-15 millions worth of investment.
My arse is safe.
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« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2008, 11:04:08 pm »

 Perhaps the programme reffered to by Brian Potter which reffered to Cas as a failing town will inspire the people of Featherstone  Smiley. The people of Cas stood together and put pressure on those above. It took a long time, but in the end they got what they wanted, an improved Town. The programme about the parks and play areas certainly got me thinking. I hope this project has set a president!! How can they refuse action in other rundown areas??? Surely the community groups in Featherstone have areas of land on their patch belonging to WMDC or WDH that could be put to good use for the benefit of the community. Why should the Cas Masterplan take 5 years and Feath's 20 years? If as Yetion1 says things will start to move in 2009 we need to support those putting the pressure on to make sure it happens.
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i'm now 60 and proud of it.
Brian Potter
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Posts: 11

« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2008, 10:23:23 am »

But did Cas get what it wanted ? I don't think so. Each programme had an element of WMDC stopping ideas in their tracks. They got some of what they wanted, just enough to keep them quiet. Where have we heard that before ? In the bridge programme they offered one guy £2000 for his land which was worth 50 times that. Where have we heard that before ?

Even when Featherstone was under Labour control it got very little. We have always been the poor relations. The councillors at that time were very busy slapping each other on the back but achieved very little in real terms. When it came to a fight, none of them had the cahoonas to stand up and be counted. They were there for the perks and the easy life.

To say Featherstone won't get anything while it votes indy is very dangerous coming from a party with a majority of one.
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« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2008, 10:00:06 am »

 Unfortunately I only just remember the politics of Featherstone pre 1974 as I was still at school and as with most young people it did not make much sense. I suppose it might just have seemed better with hindsight. I do't think Cas got all they wanted but at least it is a start and something to work on. If Feath got that kind of kick start it would be something. At least we would have something to build on and it might just get people working together instead of pulling the town apart.

I agree that a majority of one is a dangerous position to be in but perhaps that could work in Feath's favour over a period of time.
Things wo'nt change overnight but we do seem to be making some progress.

I am proud of our town and I am sure we have the determination to move forward.
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i'm now 60 and proud of it.
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Posts: 230

« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2008, 03:57:24 pm »

I know that this isnt directly linked to 'the master plan' but i couldnt think of anywhere else to put it, and i thought some of you may be interested however you may have seen/posted it before and i may just be going daft.  Undecided

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Mmmm.... Barbie Wink
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« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2008, 10:30:56 pm »

As far as i can tell this is a combination of plan 1 and a little of plan 2. Plan 1 went in the bin. Plan 2 awaits its changes. The fields in front of Denis Sterlings alotments are not even in the 10 year plan yet. I stand corrected if i am wrong.
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« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2008, 09:10:20 pm »

You had better get ready. I have found out today that the government is encouraging this type of build. Take a close look. Square blocks 3 to 5 storey with inner garden and fence on the outside. Reminds me of prison blocks and Little London near Chapletown Leeds. Even I would be desperate to walk down a street there. Looks like the government policy is getting near to George Orwell’s prediction. Soon I predict we all will live in cubes to satisfy council housing targets.
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« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2008, 07:26:21 pm »

"Let’s work together" I have rammed down my throat again and again. What a load of balls. 3 years of working with all parties to plan regeneration and then a halt, or so we were told. It is becoming clearer and clearer there have been more back room meetings this year than ever using the information gained.

To the **** at WMDC who thought it would be funny to allow the demolition of the Kwiksave site next week (like closing the area to begin) without telling anyone and thus stopping the October Festival, good try. Last year closing the railway when we had a license to cross it for the October Festival was the start of seeing how low you could go.

 Yes, the Kwiksave looks like its coming down very soon. The propossed plans look like the area will get cleaned up almost fully. The almost bit is where talking could have worked wonders.
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