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Posts: 1729
« Reply #100 on: September 24, 2013, 08:38:02 pm » |
Bit of an exaggeration there Old Stonian. About 3 weeks ago I saw 2 OAPs pulling weeds and sweeping. Why not take a carrier bag out with you and give a hand next time your passing? There are also 3 large planters in the middle of Station Lane that could do with some help after being avoided all year. But we all know why that is..................
« Reply #101 on: September 24, 2013, 10:51:14 pm » |
How many types of disgusting do you need to be Yetin1 to turn this thread yet again into a political debate ? The war memorial has nothing to do with politics and shows just what a twisted malicious person you are! Millions of Soldiers died to uphold the freedoms we have in this county not to give you a platform to have a dig at the town council, show some respect you moron ( yes I guess moron is a slanderous word ) so please feel free to write yourself a note, take it to your solicitors and shove it up your arse!!
The War memorial is about honour, remembrance and sacrifice for all those Soldiers that have been killed, we owe them that much and we should never ever forget the atrocities soldiers were subjected to in the fields and in the horrendous POW camps!
"for your tomorrows, we gave our todays" not, "we die so yetin1 can abuse our deaths to point score against the town council"
« Reply #102 on: September 24, 2013, 11:26:00 pm » |
I have to agree with Gill, the war memorial should be sacred and not used for a political slanging match
Old Stonian
« Reply #103 on: September 25, 2013, 12:46:55 pm » |
A lot of weeds can grow in three weeks and in my opinion it looks a mess. In my case "old" means old, and maintaining my own property is all I can manage.
« Reply #104 on: September 25, 2013, 06:54:19 pm » |
I have to agree with Gill, the war memorial should be sacred and not used for a political slanging match
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Posts: 1729
« Reply #105 on: September 25, 2013, 07:20:32 pm » |
Was wondering how long you couldn’t bight your lip for Gill. Your second two paragraphs are correct. Your first paragraph is the usual political rubbish. Your dad’s political propaganda and your own internet false statements were never going to fool people. When will you learn telling the truth is far more powerful? There might be a lot of flat cappers in Featherstone but they arnt thick.
That’s fair enough Old Stonian, but if everyone took the same attitude the memorial would look like it did just a few years ago. If Featherstone meant so much to the Labour Party they would never of tried to sink her would they? As the Labour Party lost power they reduced our precept to under £20K. Amazing that upon gaining power the Labour Party have spent more than this on flowers alone. I apologize for mentioning politics on this thread but sadly it is part of the package.
« Reply #106 on: September 25, 2013, 07:23:50 pm » |
Gareth, the fact that you have to bring politics into almost everything you post here, is the very reason members have been driven away and this forum is all but dead.
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Posts: 1729
« Reply #107 on: September 25, 2013, 08:49:21 pm » |
Not sure who your talking about Kim but regards any comments I make please feel free to post any document that states my own statements are false. Considering the ever increasing volume of views shown and the fact you are still here I can only assume you have had a Dick on the phone……………… Labour Cllr Jacksons recent statement is a cracker. White is not white unless it is red.
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Posts: 1729
No surprise then that no one has commented how the weeds have been killed and finally removed now they are dead. No surprise either how volunteers in clear view scrubbing hard at both memorials get no mention. Nothing to do of course with a political party who desperately continue to promote any hyped up negatives. Big thanks from me to the volunteers as the memorials continue to improve, but sadly I assume that will not stop labor Cllr Mulroe moaning this Sunday. Shame!