Had to comment on this report in the local rag titled
Shopkeeper made £500,000 by duping Home Office into allowing 188 migrants into UK illegally
http://www.pontefractandcastlefordexpress.co.uk/news/crime/shopkeeper-made-500-000-by-duping-home-office-into-allowing-188-migrants-into-uk-illegally-1-8605964See if you can follow my curiosity further. You may remember the Muslim refuge sign placed above the side door of this shop about 2012 that caused some chat. I believe this guy was busted with lots of police in 2013. That's 4 years on remand having an easy sentence as I see it and will be out soon. I don't see that in the press?
One further twist to really make you think. About 4 weeks ago the same property set on fire and was attended by police and fire services. The cause of fire should be asked as it probably was due to electrical extensions. These were serving the residents still on mattresses still on the floor and the mosque in the attic basically as it was in 2013.
Who will ask questions?