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Author Topic: "FEATHERSTONE SPORTS CENTRE"  (Read 775 times)
Full Member
Posts: 97

« on: November 29, 2012, 10:02:48 am »

Today Pont n Cas reported about the Sports Centre. Since the FTC was turned into a Academy. We was given a weeks notice to find alternative training facilities or to cough up £35 per hour for the use of the astro pitch!!!

I run a all girls Football Club (FEATHERSTONE UNITED AFC) started 3 years ago, to encourage sport and a healthy lifestyle to young girls in Featherstone. At that time we agreed with the Sports Centre to pay 50p per child for the use of the Astro Pitch after school till 6pm as it is not used by anyone else.
We had done this for nearly 3 years till a few weeks ago when we asked to find alternative venue.

My question to all the Community leaders and Councillors is could you please explain what is actually going on  with the Sports Centre? all of the girls come from very deprived families and love playing football as we have gone on to make further 2 teams and have 2 more volunteers trained to be coaches, how do we explain to these girls unless we find a solution we will have to fold as a club.

Millions are spent on education, advertsiment, social services etc to educate people on living a healthier life, yet when young people do want to use the facilities charges are made, which they cannot afford!

I am not making any political vendettas or accusations but simply asking the questions to who it may concern, what good is a facility that nobody uses and it can't be used by the kids of Featherstone!
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Full Member
Posts: 647

« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 11:12:36 am »

What a sorry state of affairs this is San,alas i don't have an answer to your question mate  Sad
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Posts: 285

« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 12:35:52 pm »

That's disgraceful San, have you thought about writing to your MP?
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Posts: 97

« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 02:40:59 pm »

Not allot anybody can do! it just goes to show we all live in the wrong postcode area, Airedale had nearly 7million pound spent on a youth centre, Wakefield got brand new roads, Trinity walk shopping centre etc what do we get in Featherstone, more traffic, more houses and less and less facilities for folk to use.
I have come to the conclusion we ( the citizans) in Featherstone  seriosly need to  start thinking of having a refererdum on weather we want to be part of Wakefield Council, we the tax payers who are not getting anything in return.
Is it all to do  with politics? I don't know, I can't answer for them? it seems like a personal vendetta by Wakefield Council to ruin Featherstone as a town? in the USA they have ghettos and I'm afraid Featherstone will become like one as nobody will invest or start a business or any other venture here, just take a look at Station Lane with all the hair dressers and take aways, are we all supposed to live obese lives with lovely hair?
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Posts: 95

« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 06:08:05 pm »

Hi San, I really do sympathize with you. Unfortunately the Councillors and MP's that are voted to represent you don't really care about you. All they are interested in is taking money from you as a tax payer and giving Wakefield the cream of the crop while we are left in the stone age.
Most of them tow the party line and have become so cowardly they don't have the guts to stand up to the people that are bullying us out of existence.
Meanwhile the town is falling to pieces and we've been given a token gesture of some block paving to try and shut us up when the real concerns have been ignored. They are going to support the huge housing development because their peers have told them to and they don't have the guts to fight against something that is clearly wrong for the town.
Everything is about money San and the welfare state which was designed to help people who have very little money is being dismantled.
An example of this is the recent closure of 7 libraries across the district. Libraries are important places for the elderly and people with little money who can't afford books but love reading. The Hepworth gallery in Wakefield which opened a few years ago at £30 million+ and costs hundreds of thousands per year to run is still open for the filthy rich art enthusiasts to go play in meanwhile the old lass who uses the library can go get stuffed according to them. Mindless, ignorant, lifeless horrible b a s tards the lot of em.
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Posts: 145

« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2012, 09:37:32 pm »

Be interesting to see if any councillors respond to this
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Old Stonian
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Posts: 29

« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 01:03:45 pm »

If you look at the public notices in the Express they are headed  "The Council of the City of Wakefield" which explains a lot. Even if a referendum were held I cannot see any way we could opt out of what should be "Wakefield Metropolitan District Council".
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