Well there is blatant and politically blatant. The front page of this week’s Labour news rag falls in to both categories. Anyone would think it’s the 2015 elections given the Red Flag labour councillor on the front page.
Forgive me but aren’t there a number documented ironies regards this picture and make believe story. This is a Featherstone Labour Party Councillor that had to leave his ward for a safe Crofton seat after his political party agreed to close Lister Baths and not spend the small sum of £1.2 million on a full rebuild. This is a Featherstone Labour Party Councillor who agreed to give Featherstone an illegally sized pool. This is a Featherstone Labour Party Councillor who agreed to begin boarding up homes when empty and create the Girnhill Estate 10 years of hell.
Reading between the lines Knottingly will get a Featherstone paddling pool. A Labour Councillor will get some coverage up to an election as they have not had a lot in their own ward and WMDC gets to latch on to funding other than for Featherstone.
But hey someone keeps voting these people in................