Playday attractions site map
Please check out the many activities around the site and simply join in
In addition to the many free attractions to enjoy here today there are also many creative activities Highlighted in YELLOW. Simply ask to join in.
1. Donkey rides
2. 25 x 30 Rodo Dome
3. Climb wall
4. archery education and practice
5. Scouts with display and traditional skills
6. Foam pit (you may get wet)
7. 20 x 20 activity castle
8. Bouncy castle ball pool
9. Street Football on two pitches open to all ages and nominations
10. Straw bails to play on or build what you like. Please do not break the bails by pulling strings off.
11. Youth services PA & DJ
12. Youth services slack line skills
13. Youth services circus skills & Diablo skills
14. Youth services parachute at different times during the day
15. Youth services painting people shapes16. Steam train
17. Face Painting
18. Sandpit with buckets and spades
19. Badminton
20. Swing ball
21. Buzz Bar Challenge22. Giant Games
23. Scalextric Races
24. NACRO display plus different activities over the day including nail art, jewelry making
25. WDH display and arts and drawing during the day
26. Home Start, display & under 5s play activities during the day
27. NHS stop smoking display, children’s crafts
28. Ground works display and Spots and Stripes sports
29. Kite making and flying by Nth Featherstone TARA & Youth Work Company
30. BMX skills and advice from a professional
31. NHS Connect 3, Healthy activities during the day32. Tattoos (non permanent)
33. Model Boats display
34. Fire service, information and display
35. Police display and information vehicle, Police van on display
36. Healthy life styles, display of healthy living, fruit carving37. Library service, information and display
38. NHS oral health, information and display
39. NHS health trainers
40. Oak Hill Children’s Centre display and fun children’s activities.
41. Turning point information and display
42. Fibromyalgia support group information and display
43. Road safety display and information
44. WMDC sports, Kango Boots and other sports45. WMDC neighborhood patrollers, information and display
46. WMDC dog wardens, information and display
47. WMDC Recycling Improvement Team, display vehicle and information
48. Mamod steam engines, display
49. St John First Aid point
50. Reception, lost children and item point,
51. Zumba, information and display
52. Snow Zone, snow board simulator
53. Play Forum, display and children’s activities.54. Ian Smales, Nordic walking skills display, at various times during the day
55. Story telling
56. Card board city (lots of cardboard box fun with tunnels and building houses.)
57. Young lives disabled peoples display, information and activities for children.58. Prince of Wales Hospice fund raising and information.
59. Countryside Information Officers, Street Scene Countryside, Information and display