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Author Topic: Supermarket  (Read 23680 times)
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« Reply #360 on: February 14, 2011, 07:26:31 pm »

Resurfacing work in Featherstone - Wakefield Road, Pontefract Road, Girnhill Lane and Station Lane crossroads

Wakefield Council will be carrying out work to plane, resurface and white line the crossroads at Wakefield Road, Pontefract Road, Girnhill Lane, and Station Lane in Featherstone from Thursday 17 February to Sunday 20 February.

Traffic will be controlled via temporary traffic lights during this period and some delays are expected for motorists.

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« Reply #361 on: February 14, 2011, 10:55:04 pm »

Some delays lol,its going to be horrendous.
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« Reply #362 on: February 21, 2011, 11:02:18 pm »

I really really hope there are no bad accidents once Lidl opens  Embarrassed
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« Reply #363 on: February 22, 2011, 01:28:23 pm »

Personally i think things will run smoothly kim. Grin
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« Reply #364 on: February 22, 2011, 07:24:05 pm »

Hope its better than the red lights stuck in all directions tonight. Roll Eyes
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« Reply #365 on: February 28, 2011, 09:03:37 pm »

The WMDC “experts” have been at it again. Wonder who made the balls up that resulted in the new tarmac being dug up only days after being laid.
Better still I would love to know which WMDC “expert” decided to build a level crossing on the main Featherstone/ Pontefract/ Wakefield BT junction manhole cover without telling them.
It was a refreshing change to here the strong language from the BT “experts” who made the highways very aware that Featherstone could be cut off if this junction is damaged. Roll Eyes
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seneca bond
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« Reply #366 on: March 04, 2011, 07:11:56 pm »

the Lidl in Featgherstone is brilliant
Lidl and Aldi a great places to shop
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« Reply #367 on: March 05, 2011, 10:58:36 am »

Hello to you all - I am a new member and have read a few of the recent posts and look forward to reading the other views held on this forum over the next few weeks and I hope to be a valued contributor.   

So, a little bit about me…..

Today it's time for my weekly shop and I will try out the Featherstone Lidl instead of my usual journey to Pontefract's Tesco's. I have heard some great things about the food at Lidl  from family and friends so I am really looking forward to it. I will post my views once I have sampled the goods.

Thought I'd mention what a surprise the look of the new Supermarket is and how the road layout has surpassed the very grim expectations I  and most of my friends held a few weeks ago. First impressions are that it seems to be a good job - effective and looks good. I have heard a few people say that it brightens up the place a bit and I am inclined to agree. As I am writing this I am remembering the long queue's  on Station Lane and Wakefield Road yesterday but I have not seen any worsening of the situation because of the Lidl opening. These queue's have been with us for a couple of years now and I recall that it took me over 10 minutes to get through the round-a-bouts into Pontefract at 5:30 last evening. Congestion is now a fact of life. I travel to Leeds each morning at rush hour so I might have a little more patience with crazy traffic conditions than some other people.

So - the proof will be in the pudding after my shop but for now I like this new place we have. Well done to who ever has made this happen.
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Happy Daze
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« Reply #368 on: March 05, 2011, 08:00:06 pm »

Thumbs Up from me as well. The food I bought has been fantastic and the price is extremely competitive.
I'll still get some shopping from Tescos but the bread, meat, vegetables and cold meats and cheeses certainly are a bargain quality product.
Beats all of the stuff you get from the Greengrocer's in the lane. Even the booze beats the so called Bargain Booze shop that we have had to put up with.
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seneca bond
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« Reply #369 on: March 13, 2011, 02:22:57 pm »

Lidl and Aldi as well do quality fresh stuff, good wines, and lots of interesting European food like speciality cheeses and stuff like that. I buy my olive oil from there, as well as pasta, rice all: the basiscs.It looks good in its situation just back from the cross roads as well.
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« Reply #370 on: March 13, 2011, 08:22:42 pm »

Lidl and Aldi as well do quality fresh stuff, good wines, and lots of interesting European food like speciality cheeses and stuff like that. I buy my olive oil from there, as well as pasta, rice all: the basiscs.It looks good in its situation just back from the cross roads as well.
DITTO,and not forgetting their own fresh baked bread Grin
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« Reply #371 on: June 20, 2011, 07:20:43 pm »

Appeal Decision
Site visit made on 4 May 2011
by Susan Heywood BSc(Hons) MCD MRTPI
an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Decision date: 8 June 2011
Appeal Ref: APP/X4725/A/11/2144975
Girnhill Lane / Wakefield Road, Featherstone
• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
against a refusal to grant consent, agreement or approval to details required by a
condition of a planning permission.
• The appeal is made by Lidl UK GmbH against the decision of City of Wakefield
Metropolitan District Council.
• The application dated 18 May 2009, sought approval of details pursuant to condition No.
20 of a planning permission Ref 10/01938/FUL, granted on 25 November 20101.
• The application was refused by notice dated 21 January 2011.
• The development proposed is “the **** of neighbourhood foodstore together with
associated landscaping and highway works”.
• The details for which approval is sought are: “crime prevention / security measures”.
1. I dismiss the appeal.
2. The appellants have submitted details of the proposed security measures at the
recently constructed Lidl store in accordance with the requirements of condition
20 on application 10/01938/FUL. The main issue in this case relates to the
effectiveness of those security measures in deterring crime.
3. In consultation with the Police Architectural Liaison Officer, the Council raised
concerns in relation to the lack of security gates across the entrance to the
service area / loading bay. No issue is raised with any of the other proposed
security measures as detailed in the appellants’ letter of 18 May 2009 and the
submitted plans. This decision will therefore concentrate on the lack of security
gates to the service area and whether this would render the proposed security
scheme unacceptable.
4. Policy D15 of the Local Development Framework Development Policies
Document for Wakefield seeks to ensure that development proposals reduce
the opportunities for crime. The policy indicates that natural surveillance will
be one of the factors taken into account in assessing development schemes.
The service area is located to the rear of the store adjacent to the southern
boundary of the site. It adjoins the car park to the rear of a working men’s
club to the south of the site and is located in a part of the site which is not
directly overlooked by any of the surrounding properties. It therefore has poor
1 A previous planning permission reference: 08/02751/FUL was granted by the Council on 9 April 2009. That
permission also contained condition 20 relating to crime prevention / security measures.
Appeal Decision APP/X4725/A/11/2144975
http://www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk 2
natural surveillance, unlike the areas of car parking to the north and west of
the store.
5. I have had regard to the evidence presented in relation to crime and anti-social
behaviour in this area. Whilst that seems to be predominantly focussed on the
shops on Station Road to the north, it is possible that the newly constructed
Lidl store may become a further focal point for such behaviour. In particular,
the presence of doors into the rear of the premises may prove an attraction for
attempted criminal activity given the poor level of natural surveillance. I
therefore share the Council’s concerns in relation to the design of the security
measures as they relate to the service area.
6. The appellants state that the presence of security gates would affect the
turning circle, but no evidence is presented to support this argument. It would
appear from my site inspection and from the submitted plans that it would be
possible to install gates without affecting the manoeuvring space for a delivery
7. The appellants also refer to the creation of an enclosed area which itself could
have negative impacts; increased interest in the area; creation of an
unobserved area if criminals do succeed in gaining entry; encouraging staff to
use it as an outside storage area. These concerns could be overcome through
appropriate design of the security gates and through advice to staff. I note the
proposed CCTV system. Whilst this may make it easier to identify perpetrators
or pin-point undesirable activities as they happen, I have no evidence to
suggest that this would provide a deterrent to such activities occurring in the
first place.
8. The appellants also argue that the requirement for a delivery driver to open the
gates would add to the delivery time, having a cumulative impact over the
course of a week. However, I agree with the Council that there would be no
need for the security gates to be closed during the opening hours of the store.
Thus the installation of gates would not impact on deliveries which take place
during store opening hours. Even if all deliveries take place outside opening
hours of the store, it would be possible to design the gates to minimise the
time spent opening and closing them by the driver.
9. I accept that the standard Lidl design does not include measures such as
security gates, but I note the appellants’ agreement that natural surveillance is
considered to be most effective in deterring crime. In this instance, the service
area within the scheme does not benefit from good natural surveillance.
Accordingly, in the light of the evidence in this case and despite the possible
effects on the timing of deliveries as outlined above, I conclude that the lack of
security gates to the service area would reduce the effectiveness of the
proposed security measures in deterring crime. The proposed security scheme
would conflict with the advice in policy D15 of the Local Development
Framework Development Policies Document and would therefore be
10. I note the concern from a local resident in relation to non-compliance with
conditions and highway matters. None of these matters are before me in this
appeal and I am not therefore in a position to comment upon them.
11. For the reasons given above I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed.
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« Reply #372 on: June 22, 2011, 08:51:15 pm »

The last document posted was either to complicated or the mouth zips have been forced on some folk.

Be happy, Lidle is built and running. Be even happier if you are a developer or anyone wishing to use WMDC planning. The way forward has been shown. Apply for the minimum to get a pass then add lots of amendments. If these are rejected simply appeal them as this allows you to carry on building. Featherstone can REARLY get developed now (that’s being sarcastic of course). Grin Roll Eyes
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« Reply #373 on: June 23, 2011, 09:55:44 am »

No mouth zip on me,i just found it too complicated Grin Grin
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« Reply #374 on: June 23, 2011, 04:55:29 pm »

Missed it, just read it, dont understand it  Grin
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seneca bond
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Posts: 179

« Reply #375 on: June 23, 2011, 05:59:12 pm »

The last document posted was either to complicated or the mouth zips have been forced on some folk.

Be happy, Lidle is built and running. Be even happier if you are a developer or anyone wishing to use WMDC planning. The way forward has been shown. Apply for the minimum to get a pass then add lots of amendments. If these are rejected simply appeal them as this allows you to carry on building. Featherstone can REARLY get developed now (that’s being sarcastic of course). Grin Roll Eyes

I'm happy. Lidl is a great asset to the town and the bottom of thre lane is better for it.
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« Reply #376 on: June 24, 2011, 01:56:35 pm »

The bottom of the lane is a disaster and just waiting for an accident to happen, yesterday I was waiting to pass through the lights from the Wakefield Road side when a lady driver was waiting to turn right onto Girnhill Lane but she hadnt pulled over to the right enough and nearly got her back end taken out, this morning I was at the lights outside the chinese waiting to turn left, I had my indicator on, the lights changed I had just set off when this large wagon full of pallet boards turned right from Ponte road and I had to brake quickly. There are a number of very near misses everyday with this layout, there was even a woman filming it all earlier this week.
As for Lidl I tried it the other Friday afternoon with the wife, there was us 2 and an elderly couple, and a woman with two kids and thats at 3.30 on a Friday aft, there was more staff inside and the guy at the checkout was reading the paper, its ok if you want a few bits like fruit and veg and milk, a lot of the freezer compartments were empty and some other stuff isnt that cheap, we wont be going again, but at least the youths have somewhere to skate now and hang out.
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« Reply #377 on: June 24, 2011, 03:15:38 pm »

The bottom of the lane is a disaster and just waiting for an accident to happen, yesterday I was waiting to pass through the lights from the Wakefield Road side when a lady driver was waiting to turn right onto Girnhill Lane but she hadnt pulled over to the right enough and nearly got her back end taken out, this morning I was at the lights outside the chinese waiting to turn left, I had my indicator on, the lights changed I had just set off when this large wagon full of pallet boards turned right from Ponte road and I had to brake quickly. There are a number of very near misses everyday with this layout, there was even a woman filming it all earlier this week.
As for Lidl I tried it the other Friday afternoon with the wife, there was us 2 and an elderly couple, and a woman with two kids and thats at 3.30 on a Friday aft, there was more staff inside and the guy at the checkout was reading the paper, its ok if you want a few bits like fruit and veg and milk, a lot of the freezer compartments were empty and some other stuff isnt that cheap, we wont be going again, but at least the youths have somewhere to skate now and hang out.
Empty ever time ive been in  Huh
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seneca bond
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Posts: 179

« Reply #378 on: June 24, 2011, 06:56:51 pm »

always seems bustling when I've been in.
I don't see what the gender of the driver in the incident you mention has to do with anything
the instances you describe don't seem to be related to the well marked road lay out.
There have been some terrible accidents there over the years-one fatality I saw myself involving a pedestrian and a tanker quite  afew years ago now.
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« Reply #379 on: June 24, 2011, 06:57:41 pm »

Their bread is nice,and the veg is very good,but the wife says she can't do a big shop there. Grin
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