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Author Topic: Supermarket  (Read 23722 times)
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« Reply #300 on: September 25, 2010, 08:08:21 pm »

Regeneration Team
Development and Strategic Housing
Room D34
Newton Bar
Leeds Road


Ref: Featherstone Highway problems

Dear Mr Wallhead

As much as I wish to see Featherstone improve this should not be at any cost or with any contradicting short cuts.
You are aware of the proposed Lidle supermarket construction. You are also aware of the problems involved of attempting to create a road that WMDC highways will approve of.
Road works have started on all four roads making up the cross roads. These works are apparently remedial and for the purpose of moving pipes and cables that would need to be removed. As no definite highway plan has been approved how do the contractors know where to dig to replace what cables/ pipes?  This work is slow and does cause congestion on a very busy intersection.
I would love the supermarket to open ASAP for Featherstone but cannot help feeling after seeing the situation so far that we in Featherstone are going to be left with a road junction that will be less safe than before being altered.
The proposals to take away a large percentage of the pavement in order to widen the road are dangerous. This area is a safety zone for pedestrians and house owners. Without removing buildings the pavement on the corners will struggle to meet the required width.
The residents whose land is intended to be used are very un-happy. They have all ready had to put up with scenes such as a decapitated body and a girl split in half screaming a last desperate cry before dying.
There is a real chance to improve the junction from what it is now and to allow safe access. I believe that the regeneration committee has significant enough members such as you that can and should intervene.
The residents that will be affected also deserve more information and input. This should be sooner rather than later like within a week. I would like to ask that a meeting is called to discuss the situation. This meeting should include;
1.   Yourself as regeneration
2.   Cllr Binnersley as Featherstone regeneration chairperson and local district Cllr.
3.   The head of WMDC highways
4.   A senior planning member
5.   A representative from the highway contractor
6.   A representative from Lidle
7.   An independent highways and planning expert
8.   A representative of Featherstone Chamber of Trade and Commerce.
9.   The residents effected.

I would also like to point out that on 18th October there will be a 13 week road closure on Commonside lane. It will be inevitable that the traffic will be directed through the cross roads alterations. The situation for locals will not be pleasant.

Just one more point. Before ending this letter there has been another accident. As you can see many people could have been killed. Featherstone folk tonight were lucky. Odds predict a fatality next time.

regards Wink
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« Reply #301 on: September 25, 2010, 08:09:44 pm »

Thanks for the email. I was aware that the junction was still subject to discussion and I agree with you that we need to get the best outcome for Featherstone.
I will pick this up on Monday to see exactly where we have got too regarding the junction design etc. Ill update you afterwards and we can then discuss or call a meeting.
I note your comments about commonside lane. We welcome the works, but do need to ensure we coordinate them with other activity. Ill pick this up also.

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« Reply #302 on: September 28, 2010, 08:31:51 pm »

Marshall's Mill,
Marshall Street,
LS11 9YJ


Ref: Featherstone Highway problems

To whom it concerns

I have attached recent correspondence from myself to WMDC.

On Friday 2 children and 3 adults, walking as pedestrians were almost killed at the junction of Wakefield Road and Pontefract road. There could have been others injured that were close by. There is a video of the incident that shows quite clearly how close the 5 people came to death. It is very fair to say that it is a miracle they were not killed. The junction suffers from high volume traffic that often pushes the speed limit when passing through. The fatality rate and injury rate at the junction has been high since at least 1963.

As you can see the junction is undergoing alterations. My concern is the long time these works are taking and the closed public footpaths that have been replaced with plastic cones. Pedestrians are now walking in the road without a metal barrier. The pedestrian volume of traffic is also considerable. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

I have contacted WMDC to inform them of Friday’s incident. I have not received any response other than what you see. The works that are underway are according to WMDC remedial works and not actual road works for the new supermarket. WMDC cannot confirm when the next works will start as there are “issues to resolve”. It appears that the works are after 6 weeks being dragged along at the expense of public safety. There should be a full out effort to complete the works ASAP and reinstate the pedestrian highway. From what can be seen the footpaths could be re-opened within 24hours. At least they could be part opened at night after work hours.

I have contacted you as I believe you should intervene and thus possibly save a life based on the facts. There is other information that is hearsay and without documents.

Regards Wink
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« Reply #303 on: September 29, 2010, 06:48:00 pm »

I was on the bus that was almost hit by the car. Luckily for us the bus had just set off from the lights and stopped in time. Tonight the same bus driver told me the police had asked for the bus video. I didn’t know they had cameras but apparently they are fitted to help insurance claims.
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« Reply #304 on: October 08, 2010, 08:06:58 pm »

As you are aware, the application for the supermarket development was approved at Planning Committee although the Highways Officers had raised concerns regarding the proposals.  Following that decision, Council officers then had to produce a workable junction layout which takes into account both the vehicular and pedestrian demands of the supermarket.  That layout was then worked up in detail and is what is currently being built.  As with any construction with the highway, there is generally a need to divert Statutory Undertaker’s equipment.  This contract required the diversion of both electric and telecom cables, the electric being the most significant.  The electric diversion affects all parts of the junction and a period of 5 weeks has been allowed in the contract for Yorkshire Electricity to be on site.  In addition, proposed changes to the traffic signals require new or additional ducting, so the works you refer to are part of the contract and not remedial.

As the development has received planning permission my officers are very aware of the current junction and the proposals do take into account pedestrian safety with the introduction of much improved pedestrian crossing facilities.  I would therefore suggest reserving comment on the final scheme until everything is completed.

There are concerns from residents about the narrowing of the footway on Pontefract Road, but at least a 2m wide footway will be retained.  The majority of the views expressed to date appear to have an underlying theme relating to the approval of the supermarket rather than the construction which is currently taking place.  You have referred to safety and incidents relating to this; whilst I am not familiar with the fatality to which you refer, our records show that there has not been a fatality at the junction within the last 15 years.  Within the last 5 years we have 7 recorded accidents, mainly vehicle/vehicle shunts and 1 involving a pedestrian.  You mention a recent accident, which I feel should not be taken out of context.  The incident involved a stolen car which I believe was being driven by an underage uninsured driver who was being pursued by police.

There are no current instructions for closure of Commonside Lane for the bulk of the work.  This will be managed under temporary traffic lights, to minimise disruption to the wider area.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Wallhead
Corporate Director
Regeneration & Economic Growth
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« Reply #305 on: October 11, 2010, 09:04:04 pm »

It appears that Plastic barriers in the road are fine, and stolen cars mowing pedestrianns is ok..... B*****Ks   Shocked

In reply to your email of 28.9.10, I have now been in contact with Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and I have been assured that where pedestrians have to walk on the carriageway there will be a physical barrier between pedestrians and traffic as specified in the legislation. I have been provided with photographs to show this is being done.
Thank you for bringing these matters to our attention, and please quote the above reference in any further contact with HSE.

Health & Safety Executive
Marshalls Mill
Marshall Street
Leeds, LS11 9YJ
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« Reply #306 on: October 11, 2010, 09:24:14 pm »

WMDC Planning
Newton Bar
West Yorkshire


Dear  Wink

After being asked by residents on Pontefract road I have been following the recent planning application for the Featherstone Lidle Supermarket highways alterations.

In September WMDC replied to a written request from residents. The residents were informed that the pavement outside their homes was dug up as part of “remedial works” and that no pavement width was to be reduced. WMDC also informed residents that highways work would not begin until WMDC highways passed alterations to the plan that they had concerns about.

In September residents discovered that it was really the intention to reduce the path width to “at least” two metres. This was apparently going to be done with the newly passed highway plan. What plan? No one at WMDC can provide a copy nor show where it is situated on their own public website.

On Friday 8th October Mr. Andrew Wallhead (WMDC head of regeneration) confirmed in writing that plans were indeed passed. This response letter was advertised on the open private internet Friday evening.

On Saturday 9th October Cllr Dick Taylor approached the residents concerned and asked if they would like him and the M.P Trickey to help? The residents responded “why are you asking now? You had your chance when asked but chose to do nothing. Fortunately two Featherstone people had bothered to help and had provided as much documentation and free advice as was available. This had taken much time and effort. Where were you the then when we needed you?”

On Monday 11th October about 1.50 pm Cllr Dick Taylor posted by hand one page of a copy of a WMDC planning document relating to a “variation of condition” to be heard on November 12th. A fair question is where did this document come from? It is page 4 of a 15 page document. Where is the rest? Where did it come from? Why did not even the head of regeneration know of the document? The document states that the application can be viewed in full on the WMDC website. After asking WMDC at 2.15pm and 4.30pm they cannot offer its viewing or any other plan showing where the path is to be decreased in width.
It appears that someone is using and supplying information when they wish (I wonder who that could be…..that will be Featherstone then). Sadly other people’s names are attached to take the flack. Fortunately FOR the residents affected and Featherstone the twisted goings on have produced a result. Verbally to be confirmed in writing hopefully on Tuesday is that after many voices of concern the path will stay as it is outside the resident’s houses.

Who said the people don’t have gobs and have given up the fight in Featherstone? Ah yes…Tricky!

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« Reply #307 on: October 15, 2010, 08:39:33 pm »

How very Featherstone sad again,
It appears that Labour Party Cllr Dick HAS tried to pull the wool over the resident’s eyes in a very sad plot.
Cllr Dick visited the homes on Pontefract road on Saturday and offered to get help from the M.P. Trickey. This was followed by an anonymous letter on Monday showing a link to a planning application. ALL along Cllr Dick knew that what the residents had been fighting against had been won by others persistence. The application is still not publically on line. Sorry to burst your bubble Cllr Dick and M.P. Trickey but here is the plan. The residents have won the right to keep them and Featherstone pedestrians safe.
However what do you think to the plan? Do we need crossing islands?

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« Reply #308 on: October 20, 2010, 10:15:44 pm »

Mrs Olivia Rowley

Head of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
County Hall
Wood Street

Ref: Featherstone planning and highways issues at cross roads Station Lane/ Wakefield Road

Dear Mrs Rowley

I regret that I have to waste my time and yours but a situation now exists in Featherstone that is significantly important enough to have to contact you personally. I have tried to ask your officers and departments concerned only to receive mixed responses, fobbing off, and incorrect information whilst the public of Featherstone have been left at risk of serious injury and near deaths, not to mention the many extra long traffic queues. After the events of the last two months and especially the last week I believe it only fair to ask you the boss and not the monkeys.

My concern is the Lidle planning application. The supermarket site has been passed by WMDC planning members. The highway planning in front has not! Or has it? Highways say yes? Andrew Wallhead says no? The WMDC website says yes subject to changes being heard on the 20th November. Planning stated that no works had begun and that the works that could be seen “are remedial works”. Tonight Nigel Stakes said not until the planning meeting. I would ask if the road alterations have passed when did they do so? If not what is really going on and most importantly whose name should be quoted as responsible?

The original highway report nearly two years ago said “no” and that “when someone was killed or injured they would have to CPO homes to put things right”. Since then WMDC has put up permanent signs on the highway stating a date when works would begin. It appears WMDC agree works can begin and have done so for some months. It appears that no plans existed as works started and that works were slowly dragged along until planning was granted. This has resulted on the busiest road junction in Featherstone (that is any match for a Wakefield junction) closed off paths and parts of roads for a time longer than necessary. Any works at all should have been carried out as quickly as possible to reduce congestion and public safety.

I have attached a number of documents containing correspondence and an independent report. Any clarity would be appreciated.

Featherstone and any possibility to improve should not be half a job. Over the years I realize we have buggar all in the way of help compared to Wakefield and Castleford and that every opportunity to gain a step forward should be fought for. There has never been a better chance to improve this junction. Sadly the opportunity appears to be the reverse. The junction concerned all ready is very busy. The same junction is shortly on top of its existing volumes of traffic to receive increases from;

300 new homes on the Girnhill estate
A supermarket with two entrances on to the same junction with 100,000 people per year
300 new homes on Pontefract road
150 new homes on the Lister Stacks
70 new homes on a site 150 yards from the Junction
The Nine Lakes visitors at aprox 500,000 per year
Aprox 12 new small house build sites
These figures are without all the new roads that lead to Featherstone and then meet this junction. Just to make things finally worse is the design of the junction. Two pedestrian islands that are to be placed and have begun being built will reduce the junction from 2 lanes to one lane. I do not think I need to explain the consequences nor that Featherstone will be gridlocked.

One final point is ironic as much as the five people that were nearly killed recently that Andrew Wallhead dismissed as irrelevant. On Tuesday work began on the Pedestrian islands. This was done by coning off the middle of the road with cones tied at the top with rope. Because of the cones the all ready tight turn was reduced. This has made a turn that HGVs now have to reverse and maneuver to get around whilst across the busy highway. In less than six hours a HGV passed the cones and hooked the rope. The HGV then drove up Station lane dragging the 40 ft rope with full sized cones attached. The implication for the workers never mind the public could have been again deadly. After calling WMDC contact centre and then highways it would have been easier to have not bothered and just bang my head against a wall, but hey, that’s the Featherstone I live in.

I would be very grateful for your opinion and response. When the bodies start piling up I am sure the insurance companies will wish to know who allowed this to happen especially when the public pointed it out. I would be even more grateful if a road junction fitting what is needed is created. As the head of WMDC I believe you have this power.

Regards Grin
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« Reply #309 on: November 03, 2010, 10:01:16 pm »

Looks like Featherstone could become the “Place to Shop”. May be early days but the evolution has begun.
You will be pleased to know that “Jack Fultons” is to open within the next four weeks in the old Lipton’s building. Sorry guys, looks like the strip club has been beaten.
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« Reply #310 on: November 03, 2010, 10:25:38 pm »

Looks like Featherstone could become the “Place to Shop”. May be early days but the evolution has begun.
You will be please to know that “Jack Fultons” is to open within the next four weeks in the old Lipton’s building. Sorry guys, looks like the strip club has been beaten.

Excellent news! Thanks for sharing Shocked)
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« Reply #311 on: November 04, 2010, 10:45:25 am »

A bit of foreward movement at last Grin Grin
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« Reply #312 on: November 04, 2010, 10:15:39 pm »

Brilliant News  Grin Grin
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Little Miss Sunshine
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« Reply #313 on: November 05, 2010, 09:40:19 am »

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« Reply #314 on: November 09, 2010, 08:53:41 pm »

WMDC Regeneration Team
Town Hall
Wood Street
West Yorkshire

Your Ref:  AW/SH
Planning Ref:  10/01938/ful

Date:  3rd November 2010

Dear Mr Wallhead,

I am sure you recall my last email to you dated 23.10.10 regards concerns over highway issues at the junction of Station Lane and Wakefield road.

I received your response. I believe the response was inadequate as it did not answer all of my simply asked questions.
Featherstone Cllr Guy was asked if she could make an enquiry. She has also not received a written response to two letters sent.
I have since requested that the WMDC chief executive Joanne Rowley OBE address mine and others concerns. I have received no reply to date.

A response has been received from planning. The response states that the highway alterations were designed by WMDC from information taken from new literature and not the usual highway guidelines book. To date no copy of this “literature” has been provided nor can be as it is apparently out of print?

As a last chance to “improve” the junction and save lives, the Featherstone regeneration committee asked for a meeting with WMDC highways and Planning before the closing date of the next planning meeting on the 12th November. As the head of regeneration you would have known this but have missed the last 4 meetings. The meeting was called for Wednesday 10th November. Yesterday this meeting was cancelled and no alternative date set. Surely WMDC have not gone in to hiding?
You will appreciate that Featherstone is worth far better treatment than this. A little digging today found out some fascinating comments. Apparently there will be no meeting with WMDC or anybody regards the road alterations. The fact that local residents and community groups have been asking for months is to be over looked. WMDC highways apparently have simply been told to get to Featherstone and sort out the mess. How will they do that when they will not listen to the problems? It also appears that by hook or crook WMDC will not meet anyone in fear of being recorded as being responsible for the total mess.
I am aware WMDC are being paid by Lidle to alter the highway? As WMDC have made a huge mistake will the cost be paid by Lidle or us the tax payers to put right?
How will a safe junction be created if the people who created it wrongly in the first place are now to wear blindfolds and earmuffs?

Even more interestingly I discovered today a part answer to a question I asked you but gained no reply. Who is responsible? Apparently since this last August the “Corporate Man Slaughter Laws” have been put in to effect. May I ask again when some one is injured or killed should I point the relevant insurance companies to? I hope any costs do not come from my taxes.

It is so blatantly obvious that there is something suspicious and incorrect going on so why continue? The planning application should be postponed until clarity is provided to all concerned. Lives are worth much more than anything. Featherstone not becoming a car park is always worth fighting for especially when there is no need for it.

Who will Highways be asking what’s wrong? Or do they all ready know?

Yours sincerely

Joanne Roney OBE
Chief Executive
Wakefield Council
Town Hall
Wood Street


Ref: Road work commencing 15th November.

Dear Mrs Roney OBE

Again I apologize for having to contact you as head of WMDC when your officers should be the people to consult with. It has not been for the wont of trying. I recently sent you a letter dated 20.10.2010. I have received no reply.
In the mean time nothing has changed apart from the situation getting worse by the day not to mention a new twist with every enquiry.
Today I received the letter I have attached. I spoke to the person delivering the letter. I informed him that I believe that more notice should be legally given. He was surprised to hear that the road works he is creating do not have highways planning permission and that they are subject to conditions. Why indeed would someone start building without a fully passed plan? I explained that there was no way I would allow my land to be dug up to help add to the disaster and would be waiting on the 15th with the local press.
Many issues were discussed but importantly were the events of last Friday. Last Friday the new silicone chip was placed in to the new junctions traffic lights to produce the new traffic sequence. As predicted, Featherstone came to a stand still with traffic backing up in 4 directions. It was then realized that not only was there going to be a problem but the right turn from Wakefield road to Girnhill lane had no sequence. When questioned the fact that a supermarket was to be built and 300 houses had been over looked.
As I believed this to be a highway issue I obviously called WMDC and asked to speak to highways. I was put through to the WMDC contact centre. I asked to be passed to highways. I was told I could not speak to highways and any concerns would be taken now. I explained what you have just read. As I expected the receptionist could not answer and put me on hold whilst she talked to highways. After 12 minutes the receptionist came back with a response from highways. Highways knew of the works and asked that I be informed that I would shortly receive another letter informing me that the road works have now been cancelled. No other response was given. Why cannot I simply talk to highways?
I and other people have received similar treatment from the same and other departments over this matter for many months. Information that should be available has not been given. Meetings that should resolve issues have not taken place. Something is very wrong and is subsequently causing distress and long term problems for Featherstone. Objections for the planning application regards the works have to be filled by this Friday. To date WMDC have not provided all the information they should. I believe it fair that the planning hearing to be held on the 25th November be postponed until all information is provided.
I would be grateful for your response to my first letter and for this letter to be forwarded to a senior highways officer.

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« Reply #315 on: November 11, 2010, 08:51:19 pm »

Joanne Roney OBE
Chief Executive
Wakefield Council
Town Hall
Wood Street


Ref: Road work commencing 15th November.

Dear Mrs Roney OBE

Yet again I apologize for having to contact you as head of WMDC.  The person you asked from highways to contact me did so toady. Our conversation did not last long as the first few sentences brought the conversation to a halt due to further irregularities that have then continued through the whole of today, resulting again in having to contacting you.

To explain, I informed you on Tuesday,

“Today I received the letter I have attached. I spoke to the person delivering the letter. I informed him that I believe that more notice should be legally given. He was surprised to hear that the road works he is creating do not have highways planning permission and that they are subject to conditions. Why indeed would someone start building without a fully passed plan? I explained that there was no way I would allow my land to be dug up to help add to the disaster and would be waiting on the 15th with the local press.
Many issues were discussed but importantly were the events of last Friday. Last Friday the new silicone chip was placed in to the new junctions traffic lights to produce the new traffic sequence. As predicted, Featherstone came to a stand still with traffic backing up in 4 directions. It was then realized that not only was there going to be a problem but the right turn from Wakefield road to Girnhill lane had no sequence. When questioned the fact that a supermarket was to be built and 300 houses had been over looked.
As I believed this to be a highway issue I obviously called WMDC and asked to speak to highways. I was put through to the WMDC contact centre. I asked to be passed to highways. I was told I could not speak to highways and any concerns would be taken now. I explained what you have just read. As I expected the receptionist could not answer and put me on hold whilst she talked to highways. After 12 minutes the receptionist came back with a response from highways. Highways knew of the works and asked that I be informed that I would shortly receive another letter informing me that the road works have now been cancelled. No other response was given. Why cannot I simply talk to highways?”

Today’s conversation with your officer halted when he informed me that there was never any cancelation of the road works that were to begin on the 15th. I asked why someone from WMDC highways and the contact centre lied to me? No answer could be given. I was then asked who I had talked to? I obviously could not reply as I had not been allowed to talk to highways and had received a second hand response. Our conversation was there halted until I gained the information from the contact centre.

I called the WMDC contact centre and explained the situation and asked who had given them the information? My details were taken and I was informed I would be called back shortly rather than being put on hold.
After two hours I had not received a reply and so called the contact centre again. Again I explained the circumstances and was put on hold. I was then given a reply I should have expected. My call information had disappeared and in fact there was a total blank against my name. I asked that my dated and timed conversations be listened to so that the details could be passed to your officer and eventually you.
After a further two hours and my third call I again could not obtain a response.

I then called your officer back and informed him that my records had disappeared and that it was still been looked in to. Your officer explained that this did not affect any highways work and that work would continue on the 15th. I explained to your officer that I had no intention of suffering the same fate as those people who have had the same works done outside of their properties that were titled ”remedial works”. The “remedial works” seen so far lasted months. Our conversation stopped where it began apart from my final comments. On Monday I will attempt to bring along every local media source I can find, the police and HSE. If circumstances evolve that I am arrested for peaceful objection on my own land then so be it.

You would have thought that your officer would have then looked in to what is really going on so our conversation could continue? Instead his first response was to contact the police and report possible “civil unrest”. What I lovely person!
The police contacted me shortly after. We had a civil conversation where facts and details were offered over. I was glad they had called because it has saved me the job of booking them. There is a great relevant quote from the film “Brassed Off”,

“This trophy wont been buggar all to most people, but us refusing it, well then it becomes news”.

If the only way to get any help to improve the disaster that WMDC has created is to be arrested for peace full protest then count me in. I am more than happy to be arrested for the cause to improve Featherstone. It’s a sad day when it comes to this. Hope fully if I am arrested I will be released quickly enough to get to a help Featherstone meeting later in the day.

Again please can you advise me of the concerns I have brought to your attention and ask you to help Featherstone?

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« Reply #316 on: November 21, 2010, 08:43:23 pm »

Looks like Jack Fulton’s is going to open early. Opening date is now for this Tuesday. Grin

The Lidle saga continues on Monday between 10am and 11pm with WMDC planning coming out to visit the site. A strange thing to do just for an “amendment” to a path and not a full application. These are the people who have the power to cripple or improve the junction. Lets hope they have listened this time.
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« Reply #317 on: November 22, 2010, 07:14:44 am »

Looks like Jack Fulton’s is going to open early. Opening date is now for this Tuesday. Grin

Passed it on Saturday and it looked almost ready, a lot of stock being taken in  Grin
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« Reply #318 on: November 23, 2010, 09:19:51 pm »

Well impressed with Fultons, it's a lot better stocked than the Ponte store. That's a nail in the coffin for rob dogs One Stop, a few more when Lidl opens Grin
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« Reply #319 on: November 23, 2010, 09:30:51 pm »

Remember the nails next year. They might come back!
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