« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2010, 06:31:39 pm » |
Looks like this is the last post from Dick on the subject folks, just like to say thanks for participating, thought a bit of good may have come out of it, but never mind, if at first you don't succede.
By the replies so far from Yates it is as I thought. The Independent way of talking and debate "if you do not agree with me then you are wrong" So according to Yates I am a Liar end of Coversation I would like to think that anyone who knows me thinks differently, I have always tried in all my dealings with the Public of Featherstone and the Lions, to be totally open and honest "what you see is what you get," that is how I was brought up. Let the Electorate make up their minds as I am sure they will. I will not post again whatever Lies Yates might think up this obviously has been a total waste of my time. Everyone Tells Lies except Yates and his Independent associates. FINALLY Clayton did Not Build the Lions Clubhouse go on tell me I am a Liar.