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Posts: 1729
Ok so no one gives a crap that they are paying more council tax for something they no nothing about. Worse still for those very few people who do care apparently why we are paying more has to be kept a secret:
341/17 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 To consider, if thought fit, a resolution under the terms of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960 that the press and public be excluded from items such as the Community Centre Lease which may be of a confidential nature of the business being transacted.
347/17 PRECEPT 2017/18 Wakefield Council has requested the Town Council’s Precept demand by Friday 10th February. It was thought that Members may wish to delay the decision to the meeting on the 8th February but it was decided that the Council still wished to adopt the Community Centre when the lease was finally agreed and that the Precept demand should be £130,000 to assist in covering the costs of running the centre in the first instance this will be offset by the increased usage when the centre, which is currently closed, is reopened. There has been an increase in tax base to 4,487 houses due to the new housing being built in the Featherstone area and therefore a band A property will rise