« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2009, 09:54:18 pm » |
That was a realy nice house, it must be bloody heartbreaking for the former owners, there not just material things, they hold a lot of happy memories for people too
« Reply #81 on: December 16, 2009, 11:33:41 am » |
Mr Hill only moved out last week his house was second pic. He would be heartbroken if he saw that. I used to live in the one in first pic (no 25) up to being 11 (I'm 51 now) Mr & Mrs Hill lived there then so they have lived there a very long time.
« Reply #82 on: December 16, 2009, 09:29:58 pm » |
The highways agency is a powerful part of any council. The highways act and its many amendments do cover persistently closed public highways.
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« Reply #83 on: December 20, 2009, 05:59:44 pm » |
Regeneration Team Development and Strategic Housing Room D34 Newton Bar Leeds Road Wakefield WF1 2TX
Dear Mr Wallhead
I have as yet not received a response from you regards my letter sent to you all last week. Further to my letter sent to you last week, information received confirms my concerns regards to the safety of the Featherstone public. During last week there were 3 fires in the same properties. This was obviously made very easy as the properties were not properly secured. My concerns grow in light of new information. Again you are aware of the road closures that now leave only 1 access to Verner Street. In the last week this access has been blocked off completely. This has resulted in a number of repercussions that are wide ranging and life threatening. During the time of the first fire the elderly people’s home was due to start its Christmas party. The entertainment could not get through resulting in a 2 hour delay leaving many residents simply falling asleep. At the other end of the scale you also had care workers and medical supplies at both sides of the fire unable to get through. This resulted in late medication and late attendance to provide care. It is by luck that no serious incident occurred at the home or within the residents of Verner Street. The same situation was repeated because of the next 2 fires. As the situation still exists with the addition of snow and black ice I believe it fair to predict that if there is another fire then there is a fair chance a fatal incident resulting. As this is now obviously a highways issue it should be fair to request the immediate demolition of the properties concerned in the interest of saving human life. I cannot inform you much more only to let you know of the first fatality.
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« Reply #84 on: December 21, 2009, 09:45:04 pm » |
Dear You e-mails have been forwarded to me and I have discussed the points made with officers who deal with the Estate management. They have confirmed that lockable door shutters have been fitted to properties since the summer to coincide with the installation of alarms. Orbis are the company who are fitting these, as they are the market leader. As previously reported, officers did investigate the specification provided by you but could not get regular and comprehensive contact arrangements in place with your suggested supplier. As it is often necessary to have a presence on the Estate, this supplier has now been set aside in preference to Orbis who attend when requested and also out of hours if the alarms are triggered. Orbis did attend when the fires broke out and attempted to secure all openings after the fires had been extinguished; however, the fire service deemed some openings as too dangerous to allow the crew back in to cover. The daily inspections continue and work is ordered as soon as it is either discovered or passed on. They have been on the Estate this morning, where it appears that some screens have been removed over the weekend. These are to be rectified today. With respect to no 31 Ashcroft Road not being secured, this was because the Council have not yet purchased it, and the owner was moving out for the whole of the previous week before the fire. The owner has now given us permission to secure the property, as he has removed all his possessions and we have undertaking the necessary works to shutter it (at our own cost). All the empty properties are being prepared for demolition, but this will not take place until early in the New year to allow for the removal of services and any asbestos. It is not possible to demolish them any quicker than this in order to comply with the required notices. I note your comments re access to Verner Street, but would state that the disruption was only for a relatively short period, and if emergency vehicles had required to access the Estate, the fire service would have allowed this. Hopefully, the removal of these empty properties soon into the New year will restore this access more comprehensively. I trust this answers the points raised within your 2 e-mails. Yours sincerely Janet Howley Regeneration Manager Development and Strategic Housing Room D34 Newton Bar Leeds Road Wakefield WF1 2TX
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« Reply #85 on: January 03, 2010, 09:56:48 pm » |
I can only suggest again that WMDC is not receiving value for money and dare to say they are being ripped off by Orbis. If there were daily checks why are the shutters not the correct ones and why are the incorrect ones ripped open? Why also have the so called alarms not gone off? In response to Janet’s last paragraph I would like to point out for the record its lack of concern for the people concerned who have an elderly majority. Janet’s short period can be as little as 1 or up to 6 hours. The fire service when asked considers it unreasonable to move an appliance in the middle of a fire fight. When they could be there every day and have all ready attended 3 times in 1 week “ a short period” sounds more and more deadly. Out of interest 2 WMDC neighborhood patrollers came to see me on Saturday regards the bins at the precinct, a subject I will come back to. When questioned regards the Girnhill estate it was interesting to hear that they had no briefing to conduct daily inspections. Amazingly they did make an examination after leaving that led to the shutters being repaired. Not for long as you can see from the pictures. I am sure absolutely buggar all will be done to fit the shutters that WMDC know will stop this. The next set of fires behind Henly Drive should be interesting to view with the toxic smoke that is sure to fill their £180k homes. Perhaps these people will mean more than the residents of Verner Street. Regards
« Reply #86 on: January 18, 2010, 12:34:19 pm » |
17 Jan 10 (updated) 09/02157/DEMNOT Wakefield Show on map Address: 21 -27 Ashcroft Road Featherstone Pontefract Wakefield WF7 5NL
Description: Demolition of dwellings: no 21-27 Ashcroft Road, Featherstone Status: Prior Approval Not Required
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« Reply #87 on: January 19, 2010, 09:11:14 pm » |
Thank you for your Email of 3 January. Given the comments you have made, I have asked to meet with Janet Howley and Ann Pittard tomorrow so that I might understand exactly what is or is not being done. I will drop you a detailed response thereafter. With regards to the bins, I did ask Rob Mately to see if we could locate and provide lockable bins as suggested. I asked Rob to contact you directly in this regard and copy me in. I am sure that he will do this, this week. Andy Wallhead Corporate Director Regeneration, Culture and Sport Wakefield MDC STILL NO AGREED PROPPER SHUTTERS THEN
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« Reply #88 on: January 26, 2010, 07:17:16 pm » |
Mr T
« Reply #89 on: January 31, 2010, 12:45:39 pm » |
The latest photo's from the flyover! Like I said, the majority came out all blurred due to the flying conditions, but these few were OK! These are taken more closer than the previous one's and it shocking to believe, this area was once full of life and the most popular estate in Featherstone to live many years ago! For the photo of Station Lane, see "Aerial Photograph Of Featherstone" (Improve The Forum)
« Reply #90 on: January 31, 2010, 11:06:41 pm » |
Makes you heartsick to look at it. So sad.
« Reply #91 on: February 01, 2010, 01:32:34 pm » |
Yes it is sad to see kim, lets hope its not too long before its all built up again.
Mr T
« Reply #92 on: February 02, 2010, 07:10:27 pm » |
The digger is back on site, but suprisingly, it's parked outside the houses at the top of Girnhill Lane as opposed to the burnt out ones on Ashcroft Road! Leave the eye sores up a bit longer instead of getting rid of them or maybe they want to start creating gaping holes on that side of the estate as soon as possible!
Mr T
« Reply #93 on: February 04, 2010, 06:53:20 pm » |
The digger is back on site, but suprisingly, it's parked outside the houses at the top of Girnhill Lane as opposed to the burnt out ones on Ashcroft Road! Leave the eye sores up a bit longer instead of getting rid of them or maybe they want to start creating gaping holes on that side of the estate as soon as possible!
To add to this previous post of mine, I think they are demolishing the burnt out ones first, apparently the digger is parked where it is to help reduce the risk of it going up in flames!
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« Reply #94 on: February 04, 2010, 09:59:37 pm » |
They didnt listen about needing 24 hour security for the last 2 industrial units set on fire. Dont worry MrT remember the project is being run by WMDC no security over night resulted in the fuel lines being cut and the dieasel stolen It will take at least until the weekend to be torched dont you think
« Reply #95 on: February 15, 2010, 09:13:57 am » |
14th Feb (updated) 09/02385/DEMNOT
Address: 31 & 33 Ashcroft Avenue Featherstone Pontefract WF7 5NQ
Description: Demolition of no 31 and 33 Ashcroft Avenue
Status : Prior Approval Not Required.
14th Feb (updated) 09/02384/DEMNOT
Address: 29 & 31 Ashcroft Road Featherstone Pontefract WF7 5NL
Description: Demolition of no 29 and 31 Ashcroft Road
Status: Prior Approval Not Required.
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« Reply #96 on: February 16, 2010, 10:45:13 pm » |
Anyone spotted the deliberate mistake? There have been no fires for the first time during demolition. Why? The possibility of a death perhaps to great. Before it was worth the chance?
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2010, 08:42:07 pm » |
Mr T was that your man today flying over?
Mr T
« Reply #98 on: February 22, 2010, 06:54:23 pm » |
Mr T was that your man today flying over? No not today John
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« Reply #99 on: February 22, 2010, 09:23:32 pm » |
Another new twist provided by the Girnhell demolition experts. So intense were the works to demolish empty homes on Girnhill lane on Friday that the vibrations travelled across the road to the private homes. One man asleep in bed was awoken by the noise and mortar falling down his own cavity walls. After getting out of bed the man could not help but notice various parts of his wooden floors now creaking. This person is now seeking advice.