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« Reply #100 on: September 12, 2010, 06:38:54 pm » |
HS N92 GIRNHILL This is a previously developed site within the urban area. The redevelopment of Girnhill Estate is an essential part of regeneration proposals for Featherstone. Featherstone is classified as an urban settlement, where development of this scale is appropriate. Mitigation measures can be taken to resolve or reduce adverse constraint and sustainability issues to acceptable levels. This is a priority housing redevelopment site. In relation to the Air Quality Action Plan, a planning obligation will be required to offset the increase in road vehicle trips. A Phase I Desktop Study will be required to identify any potential risks of contamination. The redesigned housing layout will need to incorporate sufficient accessible greenspace, including a play area. Other categories of greenspace off-site will require a financial contribution to address quality shortfall. This is a medium location in relation to current bus services. A minor part of the site is not in the control of the developer and compulsory purchase order (CPO) procedures are being pursued.