I wonder if any one can help me in my search.This paragraph was taken from the Featherstone Chronicles.
William Howard (my great great grandfather)appliedfor a license to sell spirits wine and beer for consumption on the premises at the sun beer house (it was also a working farm) it was argued on his behalf that a inn was required for the convenience of the public instead of a beer house,plans forthe alterations on the premises was produced.The bench granted the application providing the plans were carried outas shown.
This was dated September 1875
The inn is the sun inn at north Featherstone
what was the farm and beer house called prior to the alterations
Was the Howard Buildings at the back of the \sun built at the same time
I have traced the name Howard back to 1769 in Featherstone when william Howard married Sarah Foster so that could make it about 1750 and they are registard as inn keepers
any informaton will be appreciated
I've always believed the bradley arms was once called the sun, that was part of the farm now belonging to copley's, can't remember where i heard it from, ,i think it was named after george bradley, the local politician, i can't ever recall hearing that the present sun inn was part of a farm, i once found a token at the back of the brads, on it is the name sun inn 3d.