Mr T
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2008, 05:01:45 pm » |
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2008, 07:00:22 pm » |
I would'nt mind having a gander myself if its open to the public
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2008, 07:17:01 pm » |
when i saw this in the P+C express it said the plans were to be created with input from you people and local council. just wondered if there had been any talks?
Full Member
Posts: 1729
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2008, 09:14:09 pm » |
WMDC thought it was all over! NAAAA. Take a look at the recent in post “master plan”. Peter Box would not forget to inform a resident of a coming meeting?
Mr T
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2008, 04:10:45 pm » |
Oh well, the peace was nice while it lasted! Demoliton has re-commenced so it's back to Crash Bang Wallop again at 8:00AM every morning! We haven't had the usual letter informing us of further demolitions! Oh sorry, I've forgot, the newspapers are informed on developments on the estate before the residents! It will probably be in the express on Thursday!
Mr T
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2008, 07:15:25 pm » |
Follow up from my previous post today! Someone has started a small fire somewhere downstairs in the partially demolished houses (here we go again).
Full Member
Posts: 1729
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2008, 10:53:29 pm » |
Interesting Mr T, no letters informing you of the demolition along with the contractors arrive and conveniently leave buildings open and fires start. Correct me Mr T but is that 2 fires tonight? 2 for the price of one. Sounds like a super market that I bet meets the same.
Mr T
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2008, 12:34:35 am » |
You are spot on yetion1...TWO fires tonight! The first fire I mentioned (the one in the living room of the partially demolished house) didn't get going and was eventually put out! The second one was the usual "through the roof" fire! As always, I have the video footage of this and shall be putting it on my You Tube channel in due course!
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2008, 07:27:50 pm » |
Looks like a bad one Mr T. I really thought they'd given up
Full Member
Posts: 1729
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2008, 10:13:41 pm » |
Ahhhhhh at last, the final plot is revealed.
Just before we start a note to Janet Howley. You will have read the many posts. Janet actually bothered to say hello. It will probably get her the sack for saying it, but the point is it could all be as easy as a chat with reason. I thank you Janet.
Back to the subject “EXCLUSIVE TO HERE” and not the bull version in the “LABOUR EDITOR RUN PONTEFRACT AND CASTLEFORD EXPRESS”.
“A plan that will be produced by the public, council and residents”. A public meeting held upstairs in Chesneys. So what? In reception was a female guard to get by if you were a resident or 1 of 500 specially invited guests. As I may buy land up there from a resident I was allowed in.
1. The incorrect master plan was on the wall. A bad sign of a pre-done project going through the motions. When questioned,” it’s the master plan we are working with from WMDC”. Could I have that in writing as Peter Box publicly disagrees? 2. What is on offer for the residents? “Nothing”. We are the contractors working to a WMDC plan. So this is a WMDC house building area that they will sell and make profit from. Is that exactly not what WMDC said they would do? In fact is that not illegal? The contractor has absolutely no intention of sitting down with the residents and working out a like for like deal. In fact the contractor’s words were “I wondered when some one would ask”. To bloody right they would. The contractor stated that any deal would have to come from WMDC and not them. Oh the lies that can now be dragged back up. 3. They wish to start about 2010. so a final date has been set. As I see it the more the estate is not ignored and promoted the sooner a deal will arrive or a general election. 4. The contractors re-started Monday and left of shutters after a full briefing of does and don’ts by WMDC. 2 fires straight away. Come on WMDC we are not that daft, but as to equal your tactic I have now lodged 1 of my complaints with the health and safety executive. It should cost WMDC about £100k for starters that I am sure they will palm off under contract to a contractor. 12 months of battle begins or a like for like is offered.
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2008, 10:34:59 pm » |
My God, does ANYONE of that lot tell the truth? One day it will jump up and bite them in the arse...... if it hasn't already
Brian Potter
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2008, 10:32:55 am » |
Does anyone really believe the contractor was appointed with the needs of the residents in mind ? It's all smoke and mirrors saying we want to work with residents when in reality they are just ignored. There is a client and a contractor who both stand to make a tidy profit out of this, the residents are just a hinderance to their plans, a fly on the arse of tasty profits that has to be swatted. The soundbites they use just make me want to scream.....
"working with the residents" "affordable housing" "relocation package"
What do these terms really mean in plain english ?
"who cares about them, we will get them out the way sooner or later" "cheap council or association housing where private residents are a hinderance" "a LOAN that has to be paid back at some point"
There were several contractors interested in offering the residents the deal they wanted, why were they overlooked, did strata offer the biggest profit margins ?
I for one would like to see the reasons they were REALLY awarded the contract over the others.
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2008, 04:05:31 pm » |
Just heard Chopper Rayboulds house has been set on fire, can you confirm this Mr T ?
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2008, 04:38:29 pm » |
what a sad world we live in nowadays can you imagine 30years ago if kids had have done something like this they would have copped for it good and proper the bloody country has gone to ruin with the so called do gooders they are doing more harm to the country than good its gotten to the stage where you daren't go out because of the flaming yobs i just think this is so sad what are the next generation going to be like eh
Mr T
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2008, 05:05:16 pm » |
Just heard Chopper Rayboulds house has been set on fire, can you confirm this Mr T ? Confirmed Whistleblower! If you look further down this topic (Reply 168), I have posted the footage of it!
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2008, 05:17:39 pm » |
Thanks, I saw the video earlier but didn’t recognise the house
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2008, 07:02:51 pm » |
what a sad world we live in nowadays can you imagine 30years ago if kids had have done something like this they would have copped for it good and proper the bloody country has gone to ruin with the so called do gooders they are doing more harm to the country than good its gotten to the stage where you daren't go out because of the flaming yobs i just think this is so sad what are the next generation going to be like eh
The next generation will be the spawn of the present yobs floss, so they'll be as bad if not worse, because the will have been raised to their yobish parents standards, with no respect for people or property. Some people are calling for a return of dog licences, i think people should pass a test before being allowed to become parents
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2008, 01:12:32 pm » |
Just heard Chopper Rayboulds house has been set on fire, can you confirm this Mr T ? Confirmed Whistleblower! If you look further down this topic (Reply 168), I have posted the footage of it! If thats chopper's house then that must be my old house going up next door.
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2008, 01:32:45 pm » |
what a sad world we live in nowadays can you imagine 30years ago if kids had have done something like this they would have copped for it good and proper the bloody country has gone to ruin with the so called do gooders they are doing more harm to the country than good its gotten to the stage where you daren't go out because of the flaming yobs i just think this is so sad what are the next generation going to be like eh
The next generation will be the spawn of the present yobs floss, so they'll be as bad if not worse, because the will have been raised to their yobish parents standards, with no respect for people or property. Some people are calling for a return of dog licences, i think people should pass a test before being allowed to become parents I have six grandchildren and if i thought for one minute they ever got involed in anything like this i personally would take them to task.... with their parents blessing, i am just grateful that my children have passed down the morales i taught them to their kids, and they pull them up all the time for a wrong doing, too many parents blame the society, its their job as a parent to keep them in check. If these kids are ever caught they should also fine the parents for misconduct of parenting, see if they change the way they raise their kids then. The law is a laugh in this country you dont get penalised you get praised. The media glorify what criminals have done, then they think the are the tops for getting in the paper/tv/radio its a never ending circle for some. Its time they was locked away and the key thrown away, they are just scum of the earth.