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 on: April 17, 2016, 04:01:00 pm 
Started by Old Stonian - Last post by Old Stonian
There was a request on this web site in 2008 for old issues of The Featherstone Chronicle. There's not much chance of that but it is on the internet and is now up to 1873. Type "The Featherstone Chronicle" into your search engine, the quotation marks are important, and see if it suits.

 on: April 11, 2016, 08:35:37 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
A fun set of traffic lights has arrived for up to a week on Station Lane. At peek times everything stops. The new rat run is around the precinct full of pedestrians.
An interesting point raised today. Why is so much effort being made to apparently get a gas pipe to the Old KwikSave site? Huh

 on: April 11, 2016, 08:32:35 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
Was it something that was said? Grin
7.50am this morning contractors arrive and removed the soil. They lifted the stones from the wall and swept up. Bizarrely they then lent the stones back on the wall that a complaint had been made about. Half a job as usual and as usual not a Cllr complaining..... Roll Eyes

 on: April 09, 2016, 08:21:01 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
So lets imagine that someone does care about the look of their property in Station Lane and spends hard earned money doing so.
Less than a month after several thousands were spent on this property by its owner, without permission their property has been attacked by workmen vandals. The Yorkshire stone flags owned by the property have been lifted and lent against the property. Then the soil from a hole has been lent against them. The damage will be revealed shortly.
As usual not a Cllr in sight although they drive past more than once a day? Roll Eyes

 on: April 07, 2016, 09:19:27 pm 
Started by ridings.info - Last post by yetion1
For the last few years CCTV prices have been dramatically falling, quality has been going up and what a CCTV camera can actually do is only limited by what we can think up. Coupled with huge amounts of section 106 money and companies wishing to buy good will it was obvious that the Government followed by local councils would pick up on money making ideas. I would love to say they are for our security but as the police almost do not exist anymore I think we can rule that reason out.
The reasons for using lamp posts and traffic lights amongst some locations you would not have considered is that there is power to run the cameras and internet links. Although cameras have come a long way the best results are still with the aid of some form of lighting. A lamp post is probably the best location to place a CCTV camera.
At the moment WI-FI is a fairly secure form of transmission although there are already reports of hackers breaking in to signals.
Given the area we live in and the people who serve us I assume their use will not be just for making money but also for an extension to the "Big Brother" conspiracy.
There are many links associated. This is quite a clear one,


 on: April 07, 2016, 04:55:23 pm 
Started by ridings.info - Last post by ridings.info
Does anyone know what the new black wifi cameras are on the lamp posts that have begun to appear all over the district?

 on: April 05, 2016, 08:42:05 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
A reply has appeared from Northern Gas,

We are due to finish the project today, we endeavour to be off site and the road to be open as usual by the end of business today.  We have another project starting on Wilson Street tomorrow which may require temporary traffic lights to be put on Station Lane on Thursday as we will require a crossing closure on Station Lane.  This project is due to last 2 weeks and the temp traffic lights will only be required for one week of this, there is a meeting taking place with the highways authority tomorrow to see if they will allow us to use the temporary traffic lights so until this has been confirmed I unfortunately cannot give you a guarantee on the method of works, I will however let you know as soon as I have feedback regarding the meeting.

 on: April 04, 2016, 08:33:50 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
Week 3 and total chaos. Most of the day has seen traffic queues all over Featherstone. This peeked tonight with every road leading in to Featherstone blocked by the biggest traffic jags Featherstone has seen in many years.

But that's not all. Station Lane was blocked this morning for 10 minutes due to a parked car and poor new footpath designs. Ross travel are based on Allison Street and have been for many years. The new footpath that extends in to the road now means that buses have to pull over the road to be able to turn in. Today a parked car and a JCB were blocking this and traffic became blocked. Not until the over vehicles were removed could traffic get by.

And there is lots more. WMDC were informed before they began bodging up the paths that the services underneath them were cream crackerd. Already the gas company at the top of the lane are looking to dig up the new paths. Best of all is the electric company. Today for the 3rd time in a week there was a power cut in station lane that cut off about 90 properties commercial and domestic. The fault has been found and a temporary fix made. The repair now looks to be going to follow the new path. As fast as the new path is laid it will be dug up by the national grid followed by gas.

As usual the cllrs that were told this would happen are nowhere to be seen Roll Eyes

 on: April 03, 2016, 09:49:47 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
Regardless of the road signs saying 3 weeks the notified time of 2 weeks to complete the Station Lane road closure is now up. After a walk around the site today it appears the shops side of Station Lane is complete and the war memorial side just needs tarmac. So why when work is so near completion has work stopped? No one on site today to complete the works whilst the worst day of traffic congestion begins in the morning.
As usual not a Cllr in sight Roll Eyes

 on: April 03, 2016, 09:38:10 pm 
Started by yetion1 - Last post by yetion1
You have to love the latest angle to improve services to combat flooding.
Instead of fixing the drains to properties that continually flood the latest plan is to knock the houses down Roll Eyes
Unless this is the new travellers site? Shocked

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