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Politics => Political Topics => Topic started by: yetion1 on September 15, 2016, 08:43:27 pm

Title: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on September 15, 2016, 08:43:27 pm
During the Br-Exit debate this topic was not commented on. I agree as for once, one’s own opinion was what mattered.
Events after the Br-Exit vote were very unusual. Amongst the many irregularities the Parliamentary Petition for a re-vote appeared to show how far those making money would go to.
What troubles me now is the new wave of money makers taking advantage and the allowance of this by the Government. From the first day after the Br-Exit vote companies began increasing prices. Common figures are 6% and 10%. Added to pension schemes arriving in 2017 it is fair to say a 15% to 20% increase in the next 8 months on the majority of products in the U.K.
When I say money makers, can anyone offer more than these observations and final comment?
1.   Nothing has officially changed commercially since the vote.
2.   The U.K. Government has not signed out of the E.U. yet or offered a date to do so.
3.   We the public are still paying the weekly E.U. bill as agreed which covers no extra costs until we are out.
4.   No one has been charged an extra tax.

Meanwhile in anticipation of the U.K. leaving the E.U. many companies from Countries such as Australia and Canada are already knocking at the door with cheaper products and better quality who are finding it difficult to enter.

Understandably this is a new situation but there has to be governance by the U.K. Government. If the Government is going to stall before leaving Europe then they and the E.U. should pay our apparently false new increases in living. Otherwise who would not think the Government is allowing a racket. Perhaps a simple Parliamentary petition calling for Br-Exit increases to be paid by the Government until they sign out would be another avenue for the people?

Title: Re: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on February 17, 2017, 10:12:48 pm
Are we having a laugh with Tony Blair’s new campaign? The fat cats must be really worried if they have brought Tony out of the woodwork to change Britain’s mind. Let the majority see what life is like after the change first please. June the 23rd 2017 gets ever nearer! ::)

Title: Re: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on May 10, 2017, 08:41:49 pm
Forgive me if I see things wrong. This post is written for an opinion as this next vote appears not as clear cut as probably we all thought. Politics has changed so much recently ending in Brexit fireworks most recent. For those who did vote to leave one of their reasons was to almost shut the door on immigration as it clearly out of control.

The war of words continued for a year resulting in T May announcing an election mainly due to threats from others trying to get their own way and not the way Brexit voted. I have to agree that comments made as threats to stall the Brexit process would be harming the UK and the conservatives would never stand a chance. Not fair but neither is politics. The Brits and Scots had been getting along quite well for the last 100 or so years but now a whole new opinion is growing.

Having lived listening to local politics the words given by most parties from the off at this election had to be good to be true and a little time was needed to see the real picture I am personally still drawing. Corbin is still running as he shouldn’t and his bags of sweets must be embarrassing to the party as most of them have issues. Not forgetting T May who did sound to have a fair plan. However the twist appears now to be coming to light very delicately by feeding the public a little at a time. It sounds like the EU has already agreed with the UK that immigration (and who knows what else) will continue in Brexit thanks to the minority rich who appear would be affected by no cheap labour. Had to look at this a bit more as the UK has a minimum wage......hasn’t it? I keep seeing news reports of farmers saying they will go bust without cheap labour. Apparently cheap labour can be brought in to the UK via outside of the UK companies working as labour contractors who pay less than UK wages. Is that not slavery? Over the centuries there are many similar circumstances but all are now considered slavery.

It appears that like it or not and regardless of how many bags of sweets is offered for your vote this election is still about Brexit. What the parties offer so far is not the Brexit deal we voted for but possibly a Brexit plan created by the EU. A wise move by any party this time would be to make very, very clear the key points of their Brexit in English without a paper bag.

Title: Re: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on May 12, 2017, 08:39:16 pm
Dews, David Alan: UKIP
Jordan, Mike: Conservative
Macqueen, Joan Mary: Lib Dems
Roberts, Martin Paul: The Yorkshire Party
Trickett, Jon Hedley: Labour

Our local candidates have been announced and it’s an interesting mix. The Yorkshire party is probably the dangerous vote as it would only help Labour split the vote from UKIP, CON & Libs but at this time for England would not help. Like it or not this appears another Brexit election. The Cons were winning with a reasonable stop the rich bullies vote but the pre drawn immigration continuance of what we see now is not the Brexit we voted for. Looks like a Labour, Conservative & UKIP battle for Hemsworth.

Title: Re: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on May 24, 2017, 09:47:41 pm
Over the weekend was just catching the latest news and viewed this video. The facts are the issue not the comments,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPygKbnhJOc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPygKbnhJOc)

My interest was gained after watching this and the next video looked as appalling,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjgCwXDo4Ac (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjgCwXDo4Ac)

After viewing these 2 reports I had gained an opinion I felt needed to be put to paper. Very sadly before I put pen to paper the atrocity of Manchester happened and began unfolding. Words cannot express the grief I share for the victims of Manchester and am not ashamed to say I have cried more than once in the last day. Everyone, if they could, would try to help. After Lee Rigby then Westminster Bridge and now Manchester it is fair to say most common folk in the UK have been touched to their own extreme. This forum is titled “make a difference” and has shown many times how those few can do just that.

Considering this area is a Labour Party strong hold perhaps the surrounding districts that are also Labour could pull rank and begin a needed political reform as part as the fight against terrorism. Enough is enough.

Title: Re: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on June 04, 2017, 07:31:27 pm

After 3 horrific attacks against innocent people in 3 months many UK residents now find themselves struggling not to use some form racism towards the terrorists.
Many agree there needs to be immediate and new action against this new threat. Many agree there needs to be more police but new powers and approach are also needed. Not just new but straight to the point.
Many people feel that politicians never listen to them anyway. With just days before an election people power has never been stronger to force politicians to offer action for a vote.
The question still remains “how”. Many suggestions are flying about like 100% closed boarders and sending people back to their own countries. More dramatic are suggestions that the associated Mosque of any terrorist should be taken down and replaced with a memorial garden or Church to remember the victims at the cost of the mosque owners in the hope that continued tolerance of a faith is allowed only if suspects are reported by mosque seniors. Whatever your thoughts this week is a good time to voice them as something has to change! Use your voice for the sake of the UK.

Title: Re: Br-Exit
Post by: yetion1 on June 22, 2017, 08:41:38 pm
Its a year tomorrow since the majority of UK residents voted to leave the E.U.

Don't forget to let off a firework as a reminder to those who would betray us.