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General Forum => General Topics => Topic started by: Old Stonian on June 11, 2015, 01:52:52 pm

Title: New crossroads
Post by: Old Stonian on June 11, 2015, 01:52:52 pm
My mother (born 1910), if a job was taking too long, used to say I could have built a row of houses in the time it's taking to do that.
Rows of houses are not built any more, but Taylor Wimpy have built an estate while BT have taken what seems like months to move two green roadside boxes in the way of the new crossroads, and it still isn't done, in spite of two or three BT vans being there daily. What's going on?

Title: Re: New crossroads
Post by: Old Stonian on June 30, 2015, 09:20:02 pm
There were SIX BT vans there today. it must be a world record! When will it end?

Title: Re: New crossroads
Post by: yetion1 on July 22, 2015, 09:08:55 pm
Not an easy question to get answer too Old Stonian. You would have thought just asking would get the answer. Six weeks of asking and still no real answer as you will read!
After reading your question and talking to a couple of engineers the situation has history and issues. The problem seems to start a good few years back when a stolen car ran the lights and knocked over the original BT box. The way it was explained was if you break a cable and it is not long enough to join back together with one junction box you either need to replace the whole cable or have 2 junction boxes with a bridging cable in-between to make up the gap. After the crash the following insurance arguments chose the cheaper way and was done with 2 junctions. Every junction has a loss so it was second best for many people’s phone lines.
Not long after this repair along came along fibre optic. The cable came from Wakefield and went to Pontefract. Yes we were last to be connected. The cable was laid in the repaired cables underground conduit.
There are a few ways to look at this. Should the job have been done right the first time and should the council have intervened? Considering there have been plans to build on the Colliers Court site for many years the original repair couldn’t have been sited more wrongly. That is unless someone knew the possible price tag to the building company. The original repair took about two and a half weeks to start getting people re-connected. Bit of a difference this time?
Tried the FOI request to BT but as it does not affect me I am not entitled to any information. I bet by now the builders have tight buttocks if the job is on bill and not agreed price.

Title: Re: New crossroads
Post by: yetion1 on September 09, 2015, 09:27:44 pm
A street party is in order. After about 9 months the BT box finally has gone. After all that time you would think there was no rush. It looked today like the end of the world unless the box was out and hole filled in. A shame the hole was back filled with mud and packed down instead of hard-core as it will pot hole very quick. The council or anyone could take a look but who cares its only Fev! :(