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Featherstone Town => Town News => Topic started by: Obe 1 on March 11, 2011, 07:27:14 pm

Title: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Obe 1 on March 11, 2011, 07:27:14 pm
Anyone else heard about this, apparantely all the current residents are to be out by the end of the month and then by the end of the year it is to be knocked down and replaced with social housing?

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on March 11, 2011, 07:50:11 pm
I don't know about the residents having to be out by the end of the month, but I do know that the extra care ie: dinners, domestic help etc is being withdrawn next month and Brentwood will close in October. There are 10 residents remaining, so god knows what will happen to them.  :( This was decided at a meeting last week

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: yetion1 on March 11, 2011, 08:07:28 pm
And they said they would not and rumours were false. ::)

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on April 03, 2011, 09:21:00 am
All the staff have now been relocated and all in house care withdrawn  >:(

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on April 05, 2011, 11:01:11 pm
My apologies to this forum and you Kim for what follows.
I hope this forum don’t take to much flak for this leak.
The fate of Verner st will be agreed shortly and will be subject to how quick the Huntwick estate can be started. Those in the know are aware this could be three to six years. If this is the case Verner will get a bodge up to last this time. When I say bodge up I mean bodge up and nothing like the restoration works Featherstone has been used to seeing. That includes no new gas heating.

So I take it that the info on WDH website that Verner will be modernised next year is a load of rubbish and the Verner tenants are being kept in the dark yet again?

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Doberman1979 on November 26, 2011, 11:41:49 am
Any updates please folks???? Security chaps were out yesterday putting security grills on....Neighbour also got a visit yesterday from WDH looking at boiler/radiators as part of supposed refit?

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Forkhandles on November 26, 2011, 12:04:23 pm
Verner is definitely being modernised ;D

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Doberman1979 on November 26, 2011, 06:09:33 pm
Bit of goodnews! So does anyone know if Brentwood is closed for refurb then or is it getting flattened? Last entry for Brentwood on WMDC's planning site is from 1999. If they were gonna put houses up it I'd expect to see a demolition request put in? If not I'll pop an email over to WMDC & WDH on Monday see what they say.

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on November 26, 2011, 11:20:21 pm
Verner is definitely being modernised ;D
Not according to staff at New Priory  ???

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Forkhandles on November 27, 2011, 09:41:36 am
Verner is definitely being modernised ;D
Not according to staff at New Priory  ???

I'm talking about the houses Kim...not brentwood ;D

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on November 27, 2011, 10:26:09 am
Oops sorry, thought you meant brentwood ......lol

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: yetion1 on November 27, 2011, 04:27:41 pm
It was always going to be a thick plot.
Glad to see a Doberman digging or anyone. Just make sure you cover your ass as the Labour party think they are in full swing again.
Make a written (or e-mail) request for the information. They have to respond.
Can tell you what has been said in the public realm up to about 6 weeks ago.
1.   Brentwoods to go.
2.   The Verner estate will be done up.
3.   Houses are being boarded up to stop vandalism.

Cannot tell you
1.   More houses being boarded up than let.
2.   The out come of the Girnhill CPO has its sway and should start swinging wildly soon.
3.   The District Cllrs know what is going on.

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on November 28, 2011, 12:21:06 am

More houses being boarded up than let.

Yep noticed that, but if they are being done up, why are they not being let? that doesn't make sense losing money on properties lying empty.... And if they are on schedule for modernisation next year, surely the gas lines should have been started by now? Ours was done the year before modernising
Only one resident left on Girnhill?

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: yetion1 on November 28, 2011, 07:34:28 pm
Forgot to mention one thing hoping someone would pick up on the missing bit.
What the public are told and what is really going on when it comes to Featherstone are two completely different stories. However the paper trail has to keep up to date with the facts although kept up to weeks behind. ::)
Your spot on with gas Kim, A fact that’s difficult to hide.
Thought there was 3 residents left on the estate? CPO should be about ready to go if we believe what we have been told.

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on November 29, 2011, 07:43:57 am

Thought there was 3 residents left on the estate?

I could only see one occupied house when we came through last week, but I could be wrong

About Verner, does this mean no GCH is being installed?

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Doberman1979 on November 29, 2011, 01:17:42 pm
Just sent to Andy Bullock @ WDH and Janet Howley @ WMDC

Good afternoon both,

Please excuse the two pronged approach but given your positions within WDH and WMDC you seem best place to contact.

Last Friday I couldn’t help but notice security grills going up on the ground floor of Brentwood House giving the appearance of closure, as such, would you be able to advise what is happening as I can find no reference to the site on WMDC’s planning portal. Is this a short term measure for refurbishment or is there more to it, ie redevelopment of the site itself please? 

On a side note, with security grills only on the ground floor, the local youths are already taking pleasure in breaking the upper floor windows.

I look forward to your responses.

Yours faithfully


Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Doberman1979 on November 29, 2011, 03:51:28 pm
VERY quick replies from WDH! :)

From: Bullock, Alan
Sent: 29 November 2011 14:10
Cc: jhowley@wakefield.gov.uk
Subject: RE: Brentwood House, Featherstone


Thanks for your email.

Brentwood House has been decommissioned as an Independent Living Scheme and is due to be demolished. We are then looking to redevelop the site with a new housing scheme. I do not have an exact timescale for the demolition but WDH want to progress the scheme as quickly as possible. I will contact our Programming Team regarding the security of the premises and the damage to the first floor windows.

Alan Bullock

Alan Bullock
Estate Manager

(2nd email a few minutes later.)


Further to my previous email I can advise you that the upper floor windows are due to be security screened tomorrow and we are currently liaising with the statutory bodies to have all the mains services disconnected. The scheme is security and fire alarmed and will be inspected daily to minimise any problems for other residents.


Alan Bullock

Alan Bullock
Estate Manager
Wakefield and District Housing

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: yetion1 on November 29, 2011, 09:38:35 pm
Nice one Doberman.
It is an absolute refreshing change seeing someone asking good honest questions just as many should but don’t.
It doesn’t take a lot. When you don’t get a reply you know something’s up.
What’s the odds on Brentwood becoming an arson before Christmas for the quick move forward?

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on November 30, 2011, 08:13:21 am
Thanks for the info Doberman  ;D

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Doberman1979 on November 30, 2011, 11:01:21 am
Yetion1 - thats whats worrying me, its literally a couple of doors down from my house  ::)

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on November 30, 2011, 03:43:50 pm
Yetion1 - thats whats worrying me, its literally a couple of doors down from my house  ::)

Oh that's not good :( My sister used to live right next door, my daughter lives at top end

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Kim685 on December 05, 2011, 01:31:30 pm
Surveyors were out last week asking if residents want gas or electric heating  :)

Title: Re: Brentwood old folks home to be bulldozed
Post by: Little Miss Sunshine on December 07, 2011, 07:24:45 am
Yep, mine was done Monday!