Title: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 08, 2008, 05:23:15 pm Everyone in Featherstone has to know about Station Lanes reputation as the 'Cut and Gut'
To add insult to injury there is another planning application for a 'hot food takeaway' where the old cop shop was. There is no way that we need yet another takeaway >:( What the people of Featherstone need are shops that are for retail and not fast food. It really is getting beyond a joke and its starting to get on my nerves >:( :( >:( Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on May 09, 2008, 11:49:00 am Can't agree with you more ruthie, we've more than we need now, what are wmdc playing at ??? in one breath they're encouraging us to eat healthy, and in the next they're giving the go-ahead for yet more junk food outlets ::)
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Mr T on May 09, 2008, 12:02:56 pm I think 3 Chinese take aways, 3 Cafés, 4 Pizza places, 1 Indian Restaurant and 1 fish & Chip shop is more than enough for Station Lane ;D although I'd never say no to a Burger King..Mmm..HEE HEE :P
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 09, 2008, 12:07:36 pm You missed one Mr T!
There's that CFC place as well now . . . [funny how it reminds me or aerosol sprays ::) ] Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Mr T on May 09, 2008, 12:09:54 pm Sorry Ruthie, but your wrong, :P I included that in one of the 4 pizza places as they do pizza'z as well.
NER NER NER NER NERRR :P Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 09, 2008, 12:12:31 pm :o but but but. . .its a chicken place not a pizza place!
unless they do chicken pizzas ;D ;D hmmmm, im hungry now :( Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on May 09, 2008, 08:04:35 pm call me thick ruthie, could you remind me what was the old co-op building? ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 09, 2008, 08:11:10 pm I don’t even know where the old co-op building was lol
what i meant was the old police office (cop shop), the one next to Drannies, or at least, that’s the one that me and mum worked it out to be from what was said in the paper do correct me if im wrong though . . . you know what us blondes are like ;D Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Mr T on May 10, 2008, 04:12:03 pm I think Yetion1 should have gone to specsavers 8) for thinking you'd put Co-op instead of Cop Shop...I thought that was funny..HEE HEE ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on May 10, 2008, 05:55:02 pm looks like is was my turn for a thick blonde moment ???
so its the old cop shop? is this definate as when i shortly reveal some thing you will understand my concern. untill early next week lets just say there are plans for more and i/ we are working on stopping any more. ;) Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 10, 2008, 06:08:13 pm (http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg201/Toothienut/PaperClip.jpg)
I may be wrong with the shop, but thats where i got it from . . . Maybe we're all going blonde ??? Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on May 10, 2008, 06:47:23 pm i missed that one but had heard from another source. the shop in question is the butchers.
I suppose I had better explain the plot as something new has shown its face that has to be fort against. I was made aware of this earlier in the week. Since then me and Roy have been looking at what is going on as it is fair to say the take away situation is beyond a joke in Featherstone. The butcher is a rented property. The owner is placing the planning application. WHY IS THE NEW PROBLEM! The British local economy including Featherstone is diving to rock bottom. What landlords have worked out is that if they apply for planning permission for A5 consent ( or fast food outlet) that they can be almost certain to rent the property within 24 hours. In the present climate I can understand this with many empty shops around. The down side as you will no is smell, blocked drains, rubbish and just too many resulting in a less trading town. As far as I am concerned enough is enough. You will see shortly what we are going to do about it. It will require all of your help. ;) Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 11, 2008, 09:27:32 am ahh, well that solves the confusion of which shop it was ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on May 11, 2008, 03:19:59 pm Featherstone chamber of trade and commerce
Planning services Newton bar Wakefield Ref: 08/00860/ful, 51 Station lane To the planning committee, The above mentioned application is the final straw to the negative input so far received to help towards the regeneration of Featherstone by planning law. THERE IS A NEW PROBLEM! The British local economy including Featherstone is diving to rock bottom. What landlords have worked out is that if they apply for planning permission for A5 consent ( or fast food outlet) that they can be almost certain to rent the property within 24 hours. Without making any accusation I have to ask why 24 hours. So many takeaways cannot be profitable leaving suggestions for other motives. In the present climate I can understand this with many empty shops around. The down side is a potential for every shop to do the same. For over 6 years many volunteers have worked tirelessly to improve station lane and Featherstone. Unfortunately our description of “a regeneration area” is now working against us. Station lane has all ready got 14 fast food outlets with 1 more passed making 15. This application would make 16. If you add 3 other sites that all ready have permission then you can understand the concern of 16 plus takeaways in a quarter mile. Some may consider that it is unfair for the chamber to condemn new business. Our decision is based on pure saturation that leaves many shops closed all day and only open at night as takeaways. This is not helping the regeneration of the town as it is becoming commercially un-friendly due to the spread of shops. This is not to mention the 5PM smell in station lane, the drainage problems with fat and the rubbish that the council pay to clear. So serious are the efforts of regeneration that the coal regeneration trust who are due to start work hear for the next 3 years hands on, have also voiced their concern as to has the WMDC regeneration department. I plead with the planning board to say no at take any un-usual steps that can be dealt to place a maximum number of A5 units in station lane. The ideal number would 10. How we get there is unknown. What is known is that 1 more is the end. The best advice we would be able to offer would be joining in the system and rob Featherstone’s town for your own purse and make takeaways and flats out of shops. The town should be almost dead within 3 years. please add to this and send your own complaint. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Featherstonian on May 11, 2008, 07:26:08 pm Great letter yeti
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Ruthie on May 11, 2008, 08:44:57 pm Thanks for those :)
I can now put an end to my confusion about what the cop shop is going to be. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on June 23, 2008, 10:20:06 pm 19.06.2008
Ref: planning application number 08/00860/ful, 51 Station Lane The above mentioned application is the final straw to the negative input so far received to help towards the regeneration of Featherstone by planning law. For over 6 years many volunteers and councillors have worked tirelessly to improve station lane and Featherstone. This extends to the newly released Featherstone master plan that took a year to produce and almost £82,000.00 in costs. Unfortunately our description of “a regeneration area” is now working against us. This now hinders the master plan and leaves a cloud over Featherstone. Station lane has all ready got 14 fast food outlets with 1 more passed making 15. This application would make 16. If you add 3 other sites that all ready have permission then you can understand the concern of 16 plus takeaways in a quarter mile. Some may consider that it is unfair for the chamber to condemn new business. Our decision is based on pure saturation that leaves many shops closed all day and only opening at night as takeaways. This is not helping the regeneration of the town as it is becoming commercially un-friendly due to the spread of shops. Outside businesses looking at Featherstone now are being put off because of this fact. The problem is not only in Featherstone but also prominent in Pontefract, Hemsworth Market street, Barnsley road South Elmsall, Osett town centre and Wakefield town centre. This is not to mention the 5PM smell in station lane, the drainage problems with fat and the rubbish that the council pay to clear. The anti social behaviour from youths, who congregate in front of some of these, ranges from graffiti to bricks through car windows. Station lane and other wards are becoming a lesser place to wish to be in on an evening and to trade during the day due to this. So serious are the efforts towards regeneration that the coal regeneration trust who are due to start work hear for the next 3 years hands on, have also voiced their concern as to has the WMDC regeneration department. I have pleaded with the planning board to take any steps they can to place a maximum number of A5 units in station lane. The ideal number would 10. How we get there is unknown. What is known is that 1 more is the end of any hope of regeneration. THERE IS ALSO A NEW PROBLEM! The British local economy including Featherstone and its surrounding wards are diving to commercial rock bottom. What some profiteer landlords that don’t give a dam about the area have worked out is that if they apply for planning permission for A5 consent ( or fast food outlet) that they can be almost certain to rent the property within 24 hours. You have to ask why 24 hours. So many takeaways cannot be profitable. Sue me for saying that I am aware of at lest 1 takeaway that receives little or no custom yet has operated for the past 4 years. In the present climate I can understand this with many empty shops around. The down side is a potential for every shop to do the same. THE PROBLEM AND A LIMIT MUST BE ADDRESSED AND SET. There is a solution? Wakefield council has the power and resources to “opt out”. This option would be a policy implemented by WMDC that could regulate types of business and the volume of premises. This has been done in other areas and MUST be implemented NOW in Featherstone as a matter of urgency. I await a speedy reply, Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on June 23, 2008, 10:21:00 pm Thank you for your Email regarding the above. Cllr Box has asked me to reply on his behalf.
You raise some valid points in your Email and I will take these up with Ian Thomson who I am meeting later today. Either Ian or myself will respond to you more fully after we have been able to discuss the points you raise and how we might be able to move forward. Kind regards, Andy Wallhead Corporate Director Regeneration, Culture and Sport Wakefield MDC Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on July 11, 2008, 07:28:24 pm Further to your email to Councillor Box dated 20 June 2008 this application is still under consideration and your comments will be taken into account in reaching a decision.
We have checked with Environmental Health colleagues and understand that there is not a history of significant complaints from the existing takeaways in Station Lane which have caused nuisance or noise for residents. The accumulative impact is being considered even though there is no specific policy in the Unitary Development Plan on this issue. We will advise you when a decision is made on this application. Ian Thomson Service Director, Planning Wakefield Council Regeneration, Culture and Sport Servcies Newton Bar Wakefield WF1 2TX 01924 305858 Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: karen on August 05, 2008, 02:50:30 pm what other shopes would you like to see instead of them
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: jaffa2 on August 31, 2008, 07:44:38 pm that is a very good question karen, i can understand what yetion is saying with the landlords , and that is the only way to let there shop out is to go with fastfood outlets for a quick rent out.
if you were a landlord would you be willing to wait for a more shall we say respectable outlet or go for the quick buck. unfortunaty i think featherstone (a once great town) has gone to far into decline, more fast outlets then hull fair ,more shops turning back to houses/flats. i have to admit that i dont go into the lane on a regular basis to do shopping, but there are a lot of people that dont, and even if we could bring fev back to its former glory i think it would be to late. one thing to look at is this for me to travel from ackton to staion lane on the bus cost me £1.30. for the same amount i can go to pont/cas/wake which has more choice of shops. i cant think of a retail outlet that wants to come to featherstone becouse people dont shop here anymore, not like they used to do. this is sad Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on August 31, 2008, 08:28:57 pm The points you make are valid and are termed “retail opportunity.” The opportunity for business we need in Station lane has been driven away with every new food outlet that opens.
The task to stop the Lane folding was to find a new supermarket. This will be the turning point. The reason is something many would not consider. A new anchor store will bring new customers? The volume will be such that other companies will wish to come also. I was not certain myself as I have not been in a situation like Featherstone at the moment before but all ready due to the new NETTO the old Kwik Save site has been sold again last week. That’s not the end of enquires from other large companies looking to move in. the next couple of months will see some very positive announcements. They will not be an over night solution but at least on the right road forward. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on November 27, 2008, 09:37:41 pm Another Take Away in the Jube
Well it looks like we have another Indian restaurant opening soon. My information brings me to believe that the landlords of the Trading Post have tried to remove the business. This has now been left alone as they cannot get planning for a car park there. In the mean time they have bought the Jube and are now making plans for an restaurant. I imagine that they will need no planning as our British public houses are all ready geared up. Yet another victim of the smoking ban and recession that our pubs now are being bought up. I wonder what the world record for takeaways in a town is. we hold the one for number on a street all ready :P Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Brian Potter on November 28, 2008, 02:17:10 pm I don't see the problem with a restaurant. I would imagine the building could be turned into a lovely eatery. Now a takeaway is a totally different story.
I still don't understand why people always quote the smoking ban when talking about the demise of pubs. I still see plenty of smokers outside pubs, bars and clubs. It's got much more to do with the cost of drink at the supermarkets where you can buy stella at the equivelant of 50p per pint. What is it in a pub, not far off £3 ??? Only this week there are adverts for 3 crates of strong beer for £20. That amount would keep me going for a month, but £20 wouldn't cover a night in a pub. But I digress. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Willow on November 28, 2008, 03:14:31 pm Take away or restaurant does it really matter do they think nobody in Featherstone can cook.
I have great admiration for those smokers you have seen outside pub, but will you see as many now the cold weather is here. I haven't been in a pub since the ban started, then again I didn't really go in many before. I know a lot of my friends don't go out anymore and have friends round instead not because of cheap beer but because they can't have a ciggie anymore. Give me a warm room, a cig and a beer and I'm happy. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Kim685 on November 28, 2008, 03:52:00 pm To be honest I can't see it doing a lot of trade, what with the recession and smoking ban. Like you say, it's cheaper to eat and drink at home in comfort and I don't have to freeze my frock off to have a smoke.
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: karen on November 28, 2008, 05:34:52 pm thats true kim i dont get why we need this many as it is and as for the smoking ban thats just made things worse as well as more fights on the street
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: fev angel on April 19, 2009, 10:47:43 am we got another fish shop in station lane
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on September 28, 2009, 09:28:40 pm the total of running A5 food outlets on Station lane is now 17 (excluding pubs).
Are you ready for no 18.............Motorcare :o :( a meeting has been held with WMDC to discuss an attempt at a pilot sceme to stop the Lane becoming closed all day. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on September 29, 2009, 05:46:54 pm Just what we bloody need, NOT!!!! :(
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: fugodsake on September 30, 2009, 11:21:44 am I don't profess to know much about Planning applications, but surely there must be a limit to the number of "same type" businesses allowed within such a small area?
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on October 01, 2009, 08:49:54 pm I’ve asked that question for years to heads of departments. The reply always “we will look in to it”, but that was the end.
Went to a meeting last week and the subject came up. There was a lady from WMDC planning. Apparently WMDC are in a test case that could if won, could be used as a president. Ironically I am aware that a council can make a decision as it has been done before. The same lady was seen yesterday taking pictures in Station Lane? Personally I smell a shift of politics finally getting Featherstone help. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on October 31, 2009, 10:24:35 pm ACTION CAN BE TAKEN. PERHAPS THERE IS MORE?
http://www.itv.com/News/Articles/Fast-food-joint-too-close-to-school-124328940.html Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on November 06, 2009, 08:22:05 pm Motorcares planning is in.
An old argument is part of ALL planning applications is a fat trap. Plannings get out is no staff to enforce. Reality is the fat keeps appearing. The latest victim is Duffys who had a back log arrive from the most recent passed takeaway. Seems ok for buisness to pay for clean up and thier rates by WMDC. To the real world it is another on going example of how WMDC operate in Featherstone. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: John on December 16, 2009, 09:49:54 pm Just wondering if anything can be done with the many pizza and burger boxes left every night in the lane and around Featherstone?
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on February 28, 2010, 08:01:50 pm Looks like the WMDC attempt to use a new president has failed,
http://planning.wakefield.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do;jsessionid=4A805660C02A0C0C83F6C411332797A2?action=firstPage so thats one more in Station lane and one more on Featherstone lane Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on February 28, 2010, 08:31:48 pm WMDC, WTF are you playing at, i'm bloody speachless ??? ::)
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Kim685 on February 28, 2010, 11:20:20 pm There's more bloody takeaways than shops >:(
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on December 12, 2010, 09:28:38 pm Ian Thompson
WMDC Planning Newton bar Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 2TX 12.12.2009 Ref: planning application, 10 The Precinct, Station Lane, and any further take away applications on Station Lane Dear Mr Thompson and the planning panel The above mentioned application would be a further negative input towards the regeneration of Featherstone and its town centre. For over 8 years many volunteers and councillors have worked tirelessly to improve station lane and Thus Featherstone. This extends to the Featherstone master plan that has mentioned the saturation of takeaways on Station Lane. The negatives also destroy the work being carried out within the Featherstone renaissance programme presently in action. A regeneration area is not an excuse to replace all the shops with fast food outlets. This now hinders improvement and leaves a cloud over Featherstone as there is no limit to any one business type. As a Town we are vulnerable to developments of the wrong sort and are now relying on WMDC planning to see sense and take action. In the short distance from the bottom of Station lane and only part way up to the cross roads there is all ready 16 fast food outlets open and running. There are also 2 pubs. There are 3 other shops that have consent but are shut. There will probably a further application shortly to turn another shop in to a food outlet. The near future looks to see 18 open fast food outlets that could overnight become 21. Some may consider that it is unfair for the chamber to condemn new business. Our decision is based on pure saturation that leaves many shops closed all day and only opening at night as takeaways. This is not helping the regeneration of the town that is becoming commercially un-friendly due to the spread of shops. The location of this application is the Precinct and the town centre. If this application were passed then the town centre would be shut almost completely during the day except for one shop “the pet shop”. The retail opportunity in Featherstone is dying by the week. The problem is not only in Featherstone but also prominent in Pontefract, Hemsworth Market street, Barnsley road South Elmsall, Osett town centre and Wakefield town centre. This is not to mention the 5PM smell in station lane, the drainage problems with fat and the rubbish that the council pay to clear yet do not enforce the fat traps that are part of planning applications. The anti social behaviour from youths, who congregate in front of some of these, ranges from graffiti to bricks through car windows. Station lane and other wards are becoming a lesser place to wish to be in on an evening and to trade during the day due to this. The precinct in Station lane for example is actually being ripped up daily. So serious are the efforts towards regeneration that the coal regeneration trust who are working here for the next 3 years hands on, have also voiced their concerns to the WMDC regeneration department. I again plead with the planning board to take any steps they can to place a maximum number of A5 units in station lane. How we get there is unknown. What is known is that 1 more is the end of any hope of regeneration. The British local economy including Featherstone and its surrounding wards has dived to commercial rock bottom. What some profiteer landlords that don’t give a dam about the area have worked out is that if they apply for planning permission for A5 consent ( or fast food outlet) that they can be almost certain to rent the property within 24 hours. You have to ask why 24 hours. So many takeaways cannot be profitable? There is a solution? Wakefield council has the power and resources to “opt out”. This option would be a policy implemented by WMDC that could regulate types of business and the volume of premises. The many years of work to find this solution was rewarded by the creation 2 years ago of a landmark policy adopted by another borough. The details of this were formulated in to a document by Cllr Binnersley that I believe was present to WMDC in January 2010. The policy has been approved by cabinet and is set to possibly become reality sometime in the spring of 2011. Although the policy is not fully implemented it has been in the WMDC system long enough for a possible pilot test to be carried out. This application would be a good test of the new way forward. Whilst attending regeneration meetings this subject of takeaways has been raised. I am sure you are aware of the many senior members of this group. It is fair to say that ALL cannot believe that yet another fast food outlet is to be considered. No one is against anyone getting on, expanding existing premises or moving premises. The concern is simply the sheer numbers. Recent government information also informs me that there is a drive to remove “junk food” from the doors of our schools with an exclusion area of about 400 metres. This application falls within that guideline. The ice cream man has been removed from the near by school so there must be some knowledge of this legislation. If another take away were to open surely the ice-cream man could go back. Replies from senior members of WMDC planning and council verify in writing that they cannot go against legislation and policy. I hope that at last the planning panel has been given enough levers that help regenerate areas and not hinder them. Regards Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on February 04, 2011, 08:57:58 pm It appears that a small but significant victory occurred yesterday at the WMDC planning hearing that will now be a president for Featherstone and the UK.
If you have followed the forum you will be aware that for almost four years many people have objected against any more takeaways opening on Station Lane. Yesterday in planning the years of objection and the reasons why finally saw sense with the first rejection of a takeaway ever in Featherstone. The Clothes shop has failed as another Indian takeaway. Hopefully from here on we should all be able to quote this and stop Featherstone becoming over run. Hurray for little old Featherstone. ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on February 04, 2011, 09:52:22 pm At last,common sense has prevailed ;D ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: fugodsake on February 04, 2011, 11:46:37 pm This is good news indeed. :D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: seneca bond on March 04, 2011, 06:49:28 pm Lanes chip shop is brilliant.
and the Indian place that wasaurie Ryan's greengrocers back in the fifties looks pretty decent. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Whistleblower on March 11, 2011, 06:55:38 pm Lanes chip shop is brilliant. Chip shop near Purston park is my favourite, Lanes is closer but still go to purston :)and the Indian place that wasaurie Ryan's greengrocers back in the fifties looks pretty decent. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: seneca bond on March 11, 2011, 07:36:57 pm there are some superb takeaways in Featherstone.
lane's Fish and Chip Shop is wqonderful and good value too. Not so keen on tyhe chippy at the corner of Station lane and PO Road though. My favourite is Carolyn's deli. Quality pies pasties and cakes. I always have a roast ham on white bread cake, with all on and salad cream. Very friendly service.. The food is always nice and fresh There's a couple of decent indians as well. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Kim685 on March 11, 2011, 07:52:46 pm Lanes chippy, fish like whales ;D
I agree about Carolyns, those breadcakes take some beating ;) Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Obe 1 on March 11, 2011, 08:14:14 pm It's got to be Park Fisheries for fish and chips but you can't Brearleys on Cresseys corner for sandwiches and their roast beef with chips and gravy is to die for and beats even the best fish and chips every time IMO ;D. Bl**dy hell I'm starving now ;)
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: seneca bond on March 13, 2011, 02:19:32 pm thanks for the heads up. I'll give them a go.
I'd like to see an up market restaurant in Featherstone. I always felt the Jubilee would have been a candidate when it first closed. Imposing building, on a main road, plenty of car parking: ideal. maybe the old Barclays Bank on Station Lane/Station Road would be a good candidate. It would makea decent bistro type place, would need to sort the parking out though. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: John on July 17, 2011, 09:34:51 pm anyone seen the sign in the indian window next to the post office? could be a good purchase for someone fittings n all.
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: seneca bond on July 17, 2011, 11:26:05 pm it's a damn shame. It was a decent gaff
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: John on January 03, 2012, 09:20:03 pm I was talking to one of the girls in Duffys on Christmas Eve. Poor girl had just her notice and the cafe was to shut down a few hours after.
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Paul on January 04, 2012, 07:19:51 pm I just caught the back end of a Look North report about the take aways in Featherstone. It should be on again at 10.30 pm.
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on January 05, 2012, 09:53:05 am WMDC promoting healthy lifestyles ??? its them who have given consent for the fast food joints in the first bloody place ::)
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on May 10, 2013, 07:28:48 pm Intrigued. There have been many comments from people in Featherstone who consider in their opinion that we have enough takeaways on Station Lane. Can not quite put a finger on the document yet but about 4 years ago didn’t WMDC cabinet pass new regulation to limit any further fast food outlets after many complaints and a big push off Clr Binnersly. Only the second time an authority had committed to helping.
Found this; 13/0086/FUL 43 Station Lane Detached building to be café and hot good outlet Application approved by WMDC Seems a bit odd? Lets say the new regulation has been missed. The last new location Takeaway on Station Lane was Duffy’s. Seem to remember the owner complaining regs had to have a public disabled toilet fitted. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Kim685 on May 11, 2013, 11:59:23 am Isn't 43 Dransfields?
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on May 11, 2013, 12:29:32 pm I think it could be the building that used to be a garage next to ezzas ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on May 12, 2013, 12:22:11 pm I think it could be the building that used to be a garage next to ezzas ;D Debbies café is moving to this location. Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Kim685 on May 12, 2013, 03:14:52 pm ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on May 12, 2013, 03:51:06 pm Hope they do well especially as they are reported as also going to also open the old New Duffy’s. Hope they know its £350 to change a hygiene regulated address and £350 to put a sign up on both properties. That’s £1400 just to be allowed to open. :(
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on May 12, 2013, 08:12:25 pm I heard they bought the lease on duffy's but are not opening it as a cafe ???
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on October 02, 2013, 07:48:09 pm It appears that a small but significant victory occurred yesterday at the WMDC planning hearing that will now be a president for Featherstone and the UK. If you have followed the forum you will be aware that for almost four years many people have objected against any more takeaways opening on Station Lane. Yesterday in planning the years of objection and the reasons why finally saw sense with the first rejection of a takeaway ever in Featherstone. The Clothes shop has failed as another Indian takeaway. Hopefully from here on we should all be able to quote this and stop Featherstone becoming over run. Hurray for little old Featherstone. ;D ;D ;D Another take away now open on a new site. ::) Does this mean that WMDC have removed their ban? Not going to bother to argue if they have as long as everyone else can now do what the hell they like based on this one new outlet. ;D Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on October 02, 2013, 09:15:42 pm Wheres the new takeaway ;D?
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: Forkhandles on October 04, 2013, 11:38:16 am If you mean the one on Wilson street...its not a additional one...its just Debbie's that's been re-located ;D
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on October 04, 2013, 07:47:36 pm So Debbies is relocated and the old Debbies is re-opening as a café? Somewhere in that equation is that not one more takeaway? ???
That is unless someone has found a loop hole we would all like to hear about? Isnt your mate Cllr Dick on planning? ;) Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on November 06, 2013, 09:08:14 pm A month later and no reply? Obviously hiting someones nerve. ;D
Has the WMDC cabinet democratic ruling been revoked? ::) Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: primax on November 27, 2013, 05:43:29 pm Who's on the planning? No B a lls Taylor?
Title: Re: A5 Consent - Takeaway Madness Post by: yetion1 on November 27, 2013, 09:01:49 pm Nice to see someone following the plot. 2 months later................? ::) Nothing? ::) |