Title: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: san! on February 25, 2010, 10:15:02 am I went to the council meeting last night, to see why the town clerk was suspended. But what I saw of the meeting has put me of Politics for good I think.
Are our so called Councilllors supposed to be representing us, the people of Featherstone or are they supposed to be looking out for each other, everything is TIk for TACK. We need a change and there are too many people interfering in the affairs of the council. What amazes me is, we have some of the great talented people on the council, Kay, Clive,Bill,Bob,Roy,Margeret,Pauline, Maureen and Paul ( the councillors who was there) and still they all behave as if they were still in the school enfant class room bickering over issues. Which could easily be sorted out if they all had one goal in common, the best for Fev! I think if you all put your heads together, instead of playing politics all the time and put the town first you might achieve something we all could be proud of. Thats my view and I mean it as a resident, businessman and a parent...we only need to travel to other areas to see how far those areas have moved ahead and we in Fev are still standing where the town was 50-60 years ago. Time to move on. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Forkhandles on February 25, 2010, 12:20:58 pm Thats an excelent post san, i've been saying the same for years, but sadly, i can't see things changing for the better while-ever there is all this hatred between the two factions :(
Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Citizen Smith on February 25, 2010, 02:32:39 pm Excellent post san!
Lots of people were put off politics san! about 2003/2004 when it was realised by some people that politics were ruining the town. The problem at the time was that there was only Labour Councillors at Town and District level who were following the party line urged on by the Wakefield MDC party whip. As an aside the Labour Party Whip is now Wakefield MDC District Councillor Sarah Balfour, Jon Tricketts wife. . The Independent representatives came to office without any political motive, and still do not have any. The problem is the diehard Labour Party still do have political motive and will never let it go, they can not, they dare not. They have not tried to work with the controlling group on any occassion, just looked for mistakes in political correctness that the Independent members made, then made political gain from it. If the Labour Party diehards in this town, had worked for the benefit, progress, future of Featherstone alongside the controlling group we would be getting somewhere. Instead they have wasted time, energy and vast amounts of the peoples money in trying to regain POWER. Not for your benefit, not for my benefit, for the Labour Party benefit. You are right san! we do have some great councillors, just some are motivated by Labour Party politics, others by a passion for the town. I know who I will vote for. Sorry to sound contradictive Forkhandles but the hatred is not between the two factions the hatred is from Labour towards the people who removed the Labour Party from "jobs for the boys" and anyone and everyone who dares to challenge Labour. Independents tried to make a difference to the town. Sadly they have not been allowed to do this as quickly as we, the town folk, would have liked because of the hatred of the Featherstone Labour Party members towards the Independents efforts and achievements. Lets just let Labour back into power then they can finish the destruction and dereliction job they started on the town without the Independents trying to stop them. I think not!!! Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: san! on February 25, 2010, 04:26:26 pm nice post Citizen Smith, this what I am exactly talking about. If our so called politicians who supposed to represent us woke up. We would have a GREAT BRITAIN again.
The other thing that really bothers me is the "jobs for boys" why on earth would'nt you employ the "best person for the job" ...this attitude is in all the major political parties. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW, IT@S WHO YOU KNOW. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Seamus on February 25, 2010, 04:52:31 pm In regards to the meeting; is the town clerk still suspended?
(You've raised some very good points folks :)) Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: san! on February 25, 2010, 05:19:03 pm yep ...wonder why?
Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on February 25, 2010, 09:14:10 pm Cards on the table. Sorry my opinion will have to use the word “I”, a word I have come to distance from as all effort should be on behalf of FEATHERSTONE.
Many great points said correctly leading along the history of the Featherstone political highway (a new by-pass would fit this name). Using the word love with respect to people’s passion, I have come to love many people for thier purity of help. What the independent Cllrs have done for Featherstone is wake us up and offer many avenues for us common people to speak. My own story saw the demise of the town and by whom. Independence has allowed many new roads to start putting this right. The trouble is that even if you have half a heart as you go on trying to improve the town with no political belief you will be shot down or made to suffer with as many obstacles as possible because a good deed has not got a labour label on it. With no previous knowledge like many of us I began to help where I could. My passion level grew the more people that benefitted followed by a double addition when the labour complaints started coming in. My education of politics grew from the labour bullshit. I was someone just trying to help like San. Any good business person usually cuts the crap and gets the best deal. That’s what they do. So when faced with the Featherstone situation you either give in or fight. This has produced many worthy helpers for Featherstone with many more realising thier love and voice everyday. What will be interesting to see (after the elections of course because it’s being held back as usual) are many years of Independent work. Featherstone is set to receive many millions of pounds of investment. Not from just one development but many long term areas worked on by locals. With elections around the corner I am aware of Tricket all ready planning to use others work for his own glory. We will have to see about that. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Forkhandles on February 26, 2010, 10:56:19 am CS, can you tell us any projects the indies have had stopped by the labour camp, and i stand by my statement that theres been vitriol spouted by both camps.
To tell you the truth, i just don't know who we are to trust or believe anymore, contrary to belief, i'm of any particular political persuasion :( Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on February 26, 2010, 09:51:28 pm 1. Saving Lister baths
2. Being given a paddling pool instead of a “swimming pool “. 3. When Independent Cllrs became a majority at Featherstone town council labour closed the town hall for a week whilst they removed documents. Our bloody documents showing the corruption/ ignorance to prosecution. And so the battle was fired even more. 4. Labour took out the Featherstone bypass from the UDP. That screwed us for 10 years. 5. MP John Tricket has refused to meet the chamber of trade since 2005. 6. MP John Tricket has made false allegations’ against only independent groups. 7. MP John Tricket only comes to Fev to stir **** or stick his nose in where it doesn’t matter. He spends thousands of pounds of his expenses fighting Featherstone. If for just one year in the last 6 he had stopped his paper protest many people could have benefitted from the cash. 8. Labour Cllrs persistently attacking Featherstone voluntary community groups. 9. Labour Cllrs persistently ignore the peril their residents live in like the Girnhill estate. 10. £9999.99 mysteriously disappears each year under the heading "Featherstone charities”. Confirmed recently as run by a labour only group who have not met for 4 years (officially) and cannot remember who has the accounts? This money should be given to the poor of Featherstone each year. 11. Planning applications for improvements for Featherstone are blighted with problems. Applications have actually been stolen, amended and processed just so that and Independent will not get on. 12. Peter Box “I am aware that I have rouge members in the planning department”. 13. Only in Featherstone are community groups faced with complaints from labour Cllrs. 14. The high school is not shutting? Nice housing estate. Safe? Somethings are kept very close. 15. A 5 year touring youth street football project costing £305k with £230k on the table blocked by labour Cllrs and funders. 16. 2 senior citizen women assaulted by a male labour supporter 17. 1 senior citizen male assaulted by a labour party man and his push bike. 18. A Voluntary community group wrongly perused in county court by a labour supporter who himself has a questionable adult/ child? Labour will take anyone on who will dish false dirt. Hat off, labour are good at it. 19. A labour supporter with a shoe fetish and bad breath with disguised disability funding walks around slandering in public anyone not of labour faith. 20. A Voluntary community group wrongly accused of their insurance. Cost to WMDC to look at £15k plus. Result allegation false. £15k Fev could have had. 21. MP John Tricket gets kids to litter pick asbestos off-cuts. You try and complain? 22. Featherstone war memorial was promised a donation from both labour town council at the time and WMDC. No money meant getting of the arse and begging. Not a bad job considering the grand national of events to get it. 23. The kwiksave site is being bogged down by labour that has “lost the paperwork”. And aliens will be landing on Sunday! 24. So called pressure from the MP has resulted in a plan for a supermarket that does not answer the traffic as we all know it is and will be. 25. The labour method is to comply with procedure and have public meetings to decide according to protocol what should be passed in council so that they can get the cash. A good example is how the procedure has been to regenerate Featherstone. Since 2003 there have been 3 attempts at this. 1. The Featherstone renaissance part 1. Labour thought they could push a book of changes. So appalled was the public labour panicked and chucked the document in the bin. The second plan “Featherstone masterplan” tried its best to hide 2 key issues of sneaking in a plaza and knocking down the precinct. Right until the last meeting WMDC said the plan was as the public wished. A labour Cllr lied to the public and impendent Cllrs. The plan was passed. Only the ombudsman put it right. Part 3 is on going now called the “Featherstone renaissance”. Are you ready for the pages of notes? So far there are over 200 outstanding questions. 26. So if you are un-happy you should complain. Should be easy. Not with labour controlled WMDC. The complaints department has been allowed to self distruct by re-staffing very, very regularly. At this moment even the local government ombudsman cannot make contact. It will take a few weeks to compile a full list. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: fev angel on February 27, 2010, 10:20:28 am The man you call a labour supporter didn’t take the actual community group to court he took a chair of the group who had already stood down and another community leader who had set the group up in the first place and a officer from wdh but he wasent aware that the group had already gone to a youth group he never even turned up at court i agree with you in a lot of what you have said but this can not be labour control he has issues with his self
Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: san! on February 27, 2010, 10:36:44 am If it is'nt politically motivated then why has Featherstone not proggressed any further than last twenty years.
When you see more takeaways on one road/street it should set alarm bells ringing in the planning dept. Last time I spoke to a friend I was made aware we are the capital of TAKEAWAY land. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: san! on February 27, 2010, 10:44:11 am What I've seen of Fev is Nobody has had the balls to come out and say they have made mistakes and lets move on, is the ego bigger than good hard working folk of Featherstone.
Has anybody ever asked themselves why people are not intersted in politics? Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: san! on February 27, 2010, 10:46:37 am I was sent this last night, thougt I'd share it with you all. "WE STUDY THE GLORY OF GOD, AND THE HONOUR AND LIBERTY OF PARLIAMENT, FOR WHICH WE UNAMINOUSLY FIGHT, WITHOUT SEEKING OUR OWN INTERESTS...." Oliver Cromwell. Over 350 years ago in a place not far from where we stand today, brave men fought and died to free this land from a tyrant king who during his reign like kings before him raped this land and its peoples of health, wealth and happiness. Kings that imposed taxation which crippled the economic well being of communities, kept people in poverty and ill health. The tyrant king was defeated and parliament was given full power to run this country’s affairs, the true democratic state was introduced into this Country for the first time. I am of course talking about the civil war and the execution of Charles 1st in 1649 at the hand of the parliamentary army run by Oliver Cromwell. After parliament was introduced it didn’t take long for the politicians to start and replicate the tyranny they had been so apposed to in the first place in the form of a king and his nobility, arguing about wealth and who should have it, becoming as greedy and arrogant as the faction they had replaced. On 20th April 1653 Oliver Cromwell walked into parliament and with 40 armed guards dissolved it. He spoke to the elected members and told them this ‘You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go,’As they were being marched out he added ‘you are no Parliament’ Those words are now part of the history of this Island and should never be forgotten. I take a look around today and what do I see? I see greed, I see arrogance, I see men doing nothing while the nation is gripped in poverty. I watched a TV program the other evening in which politicians were discussing the most important issues according to them – politician’s expenses and the wars abroad, while I watch old age pensioners freezing to death in their own homes in my own town. What does this remind me of? It reminds me of Charles 1st taxing peasants to pay for his own lavish lifestyle and his wars abroad. It reminds me of a tyranny that once poisoned this Island in favour of looking after its own interests. A great nobleman once said:- ‘A government of the people, by the people and for the people’ of Course Abraham Lincoln in his famous Gettysburg address. Nothing could be more important to the constitution of any nation than these words. The entity on this Island which we call government in its national and local forms no longer represents the people that put it there. It only takes one politician in a Roll Royce passing a bungalow which contains a freezing starving pensioner to make Oliver Cromwell roll in his grave and for the constitution to be flawed. ‘To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards of men’ Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Never forget those words. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Citizen Smith on February 27, 2010, 04:10:30 pm CS, can you tell us any projects the indies have had stopped by the labour camp, and i stand by my statement that theres been vitriol spouted by both camps. To tell you the truth, i just don't know who we are to trust or believe anymore, contrary to belief, i'm of any particular political persuasion :( Forkhandles I did not say that the Labour Party had stopped things, I said:- Independents tried to make a difference to the town. Sadly they have not been allowed to do this as quickly as we, the town folk, would have liked because of the hatred of the Featherstone Labour Party members towards the Independents efforts and achievements. Looks like yetion1 has a few though Forkhandles ;D Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Forkhandles on February 27, 2010, 07:53:30 pm Right then chaps and chapesses, a few answers to the questions i asked on the other forums.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Without the Labour councillors Featherstone would not now have a swimming pool at all. The pool is used everyday by the main opponents against it Brian Clayton and Cllr Guy. 3.This is a complete and Blatant LIE it was never closed. 4. Clive Tennant and Dick Taylor Fully SUPPORT a bypass and have both attended By pass meetings for more than 3years past. Only a handful have been attended by any of the Independents and that was Kat Binnersley. 5. Cannot answer Jon Tricketts Question. 6.I believe this to be one more Lie. 7.Ditto. 8.Yeti Another Lie for proof go and ask the Community groups. 9. Not true the only person who attended the CPO meeting was Graham Isherwood who stood up to defend the Residents NONE of our Indi Councillors could be bothered to attend . For proof ask the residents that were there. 10.The Featherstone charities is NOTHING to do with the Labour party. However ask yates why he is interested in them. I can tell you it is because the old betting office across from the Marlborough Fish shop is wanted by a certain builder from Pontefract and it is owned by guess who the FC. MORE WHEN I HAVE THE TIME> Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Forkhandles on February 27, 2010, 08:03:48 pm This is a post i put on the other forums in answer to the post answering some of the questions.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard, i will post these answers onto the other forum, i hope no one objects to me acting as a go-between, someone has to do something, we can't go on like this, its driving us all bloody bonkers : Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Whistleblower on February 27, 2010, 08:18:58 pm Can I just say the answer to question 9 is rubbish, I personally spoke to Isherwood about Girnhell and his reply was “all the estate wants flattening” >:(
Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: fev angel on February 27, 2010, 08:36:04 pm Another point I have to disagree with hunt wick and verner Tara was never attacked by labour councillors I also set up south west and purston group up and I can honestly say while I was working with them there was never any problems with in the first year of me been there iam not saying it hasn’t with other groups and I was also there at the Acton and north Featherstone meetings for a few months and I never heard anything there ether
Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Citizen Smith on February 27, 2010, 11:42:26 pm Forkhandles these answers sound like they are from Richard Taylor the Labour Candidate. Read them for what they are POLITICAL ANSWERS!
Here is my view. 1. Notice this was not answered, why? Well it is because the Labour Councillors proved that they did not listen to the people about their concerns. The people of Featherstone wanted to save the Lister Baths. Labour Councillors had to go with the Wakefield MDC Labour Party Whip, they dare not do any thing else. Had the Labour Councillors listened and had the b...ls to stand up for the people, then they would not have been voted out... The party that Richard Taylor is standing for election for did not listen to the people, he will not be allowed to. The party looks after the party not the people, as they proved in the case of the Lister Baths. 2.What a good vote catching answer. Tell me Richard, how did Featherstone Labour Councillors make sure we had a swimming pool? It was a planned replacement, by the council, of swimming pools. Other pools were also replaced over a period of time, Featherstones too would have been replaced, Labour Councillors or not. The statement said "Being given a paddling pool instead of a swimming pool“, AND WE HAVE, a small pool with limited usage allowed for the public. Yes I believe Brian Clayton and Councillor Guy do use the swimming pool. Yes they did object to the closing of Lister Baths. I believe they are still not happy that the town has a paddling pool not a swimming baths. What is the point of your comment about these people? 3. Interesting topic, have to look further into this. 4. The bypass has been discussed at meetings for more tha 30 years, thats all it ever is, discussed. The original Wakefield MDC Unitarian Development Plan was adopted in December 1994 and it included the bypass, which had a reference of FTH13 I believe. The plan was upgraded in 2003 and is in the process of being upgraded again now. In 2003 Wakefield MDC agreed to adopt the new plan, which is now called the Local Development Framework, it sets out the items for progress in the district. Cabinet voted through the plan from which FTH13, the Featherstone Bypass had been removed. I believe I am correct in saying that the three District Councillors at the time went along with this without any objections. I also believe I am correct in saying that two of the Councillors were on the Cabinet, Graham Isherwood and David Bond. The third was Peter Roe who I recall was Chair of Planning, but I will have to check on that one. So there we are three very powerful figures in the Council who were in no doubt that the people of Featherstone wanted, no desperately needed, a bypass and as usual they listened, and allowed it to be removed from the future plans. The bypass meetings are useful Richard but have no real value these days as the Party you stand for removed the bypass and the fight has got harder not easier for the group. Could you tell us how many people from Featherstone attend these meetings Richard, I do not recognise many names on the minutes I receive, as being from Featherstone. I am pleased you fully support a bypass Richard and Clive Tennant, is that as a Pontefract Councillor or town resident or both? It is a pity your Labour Party friends in the town did not support it in 2003, the fight would have been easier. 5. Jon Trickett has not met the Chamber of Trade since 2005, or worked with the Independent District Councillors in Featherstone ever, or the Town Council since 2007. FACT Richard. We will see if Margarets cleverly worded amendment at Council Meeting on Wednesday makes any difference in the future. 6. I am not yet aware of all the details about certain events but can say that Jon Trickett has propogated doubt in peoples minds, by electioneering material, that has no substance and shows up his knowledge of local democratic working. Unfortunately for you Richard you do the same on your leaflets, it must be a Labour Party thing. 7. I can not comment as I am not sure what yetion1 means. I will ask 8. I can not comment as I am not sure what yetion1 means. I will ask 9. Unfortunately in front of witnesses Graham Isherwood made the remark “all the estate wants flattening”. He was I believe Wakefield MDC Cabinet Member for Housing at the time? I have asked the residents, they do not support your answer. Do you remember the 2008 District Election Richard? A resident asked how you could help with the residents plight, it happened near the Onestop. You mentioned on your Election Leaflet you would try to end the situation the residents were in. You were a little lost to give the man an answer and Mr. Trickett appeared. Do you remember what the MP said to the man, I DO! That sums up for me the Labour sympathy towards anyone who lived on the estate. As a matter of interest to people, I seem to remember the houses that were renovated, by being bricked, being given a guarantee of structural worthiness, or something like that, and it covered 60 years I believe. Tell me Richard how did your friends ar Wakefield MDC come to the conclusion they were no good? 10. Featherstone Charities is an interesting topic, the reason people are interested is nothing to do with the Betting Office Richard. I will, if I Have the time, give the chap who has the shop with posters in, information about the charity. Not detrimental to them Richard, just explaining why there is so much interest in them from numerous people, If the charity was more open about what it does and how it operates then questions would not be posed. The history of the charity is fascinating in all honesty. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Forkhandles on February 28, 2010, 09:39:35 am 1. Notice this was not answered, why?
Sorry CS, don'y know how i managed to miss this question out, its now been rectified :-[ Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Whistleblower on February 28, 2010, 10:09:44 am Some good points there Mr Smith :)
Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on February 28, 2010, 09:27:24 pm To San, that’s an interesting item. We could do with a clear up team to go in to parliament right now.
To Forkhandles, a worthy attempt to communicate and the nearest labour have spoken to Featherstone in years. It’s always worth 1 go. To the question and list, Out of 26 serious discrepancies how un-surprising only 9 points raised with 1 agreeing. Confirming the list will not be difficult as the evidence exists. 1. Fact 2. Dick, “Without the Labour councillors Featherstone would not now have a swimming pool at all. The pool is used everyday by the main opponents against it Brian Clayton and Cllr Guy.” Facts provided by Citizen. To add the one missing piece is the pools size. The education department did build the pool after labour members agreed due to public and Independent pressure. The rip off did not stop as labour Cllrs tried to build a pool smaller than the national requirement of 25 metres. Labour tried its best to get away with a 20 metre pool. If it had not been for the Lister Baths Action Group including Brian Clayton and his skill to provide documents Featherstone’s pool today would be 20 metres. If you have ever been you will understand that the walk way around the pool is very small. That’s where they got the extra 5 metres instead of building a bigger building. As for Brian and Pauline they can swim where they like. 3. Labours reply a “blatant lie”. Why is there on record at WMDC a file of the records of complaint from the newly elected Independent Cllrs regards being unable to gain access? Who is lying? 4. There are not many people who do not back a Featherstone bypass. Citizens explanation is correct. Until it is put back in to the plan it will never happen. That would be why Independent Cllrs met with SELRAG to see what could be done and have since been working to get the plan updated to include the by-pass. Then we all can campaign to actually make it happen. There is another way to get the road but you will have to wait until mid March to see how. 5. Sure Tricket will send a messenger. 6. Dick, “I believe this to be one more Lie.” You will like this one as there is more than one. My own favourite is MP John Trickets offer of help to the chairman of the Girnhill lane residents association. When the chairman asked for help face to face the reply was “I will punch you in the head!” just for the fact file 2 witnesses and a police report. 7. One point agreed that the MP uses his expenses to much to print leaflets that come through our doors. We should have the cash. 8. Dick “Yeti Another Lie for proof go and ask the Community groups.” Sorry but there have been loads. The latest from Cllr Margaret Isherwood is posted on this site as so are many of the others. There are even more than posted on here. Who lied? 9. This looks to have been covered. 10. Dick “The Featherstone charities is NOTHING to do with the Labour party. However ask yates why he is interested in them. I can tell you it is because the old betting office across from the Marlborough Fish shop is wanted by a certain builder from Pontefract and it is owned by guess who the FC.” This subject is personal to Featherstone especially with £9999.99 of its money going missing EVERY year. You will find the facts posted on this site including a list of members. Only labour Cllrs sit on the panel. Please tell us if the information registered with Charities House in London is incorrect as we would not like there to be a fraud? Yes i am interested in ALL of the plots of land receiving rent. Yes I said ALL the plots. These are also available to view on the net. My interest is the knowledge of how much £9999.99 would benefit Featherstone folk each year. Yes I am interested in old book makers. My interest relates to labour Cllr Maureen Tennant King who in a public open meeting admitted being a member of the Featherstone Charity and that they had not met for 4 years. Someone must have communicated especially when the bookmaker moved out. What is even more interesting is that the old town clerk Wendy Wilson was caught working on the Charities accounts in the town hall before she left. As the charity is nothing to do with the town council she was pulled up for basically doing her own work in our tax paying time. As for your obsession to call Brian Clayton the boggle eyed builder you should be ashamed. No one person has donated more of his own cash in to Featherstone including Featherstone Lions as he built it. To leave the facts growing the most recent update will be interesting to answer. The old betting shop is still under contract with Willian Hill. Someone must have talked to them as they are being forced to knock the hut down and clear the land. My guess is this. 400 houses are due to be built shortly behind the betting shop site. The site cleared will be at its most valuable. The market price could be higher as the house builders will be seeking what ever entrance they can. Who is lying? Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: Forkhandles on March 01, 2010, 06:31:39 pm Looks like this is the last post from Dick on the subject folks, just like to say thanks for participating, thought a bit of good may have come out of it, but never mind, if at first you don't succede.
By the replies so far from Yates it is as I thought. The Independent way of talking and debate "if you do not agree with me then you are wrong" So according to Yates I am a Liar end of Coversation I would like to think that anyone who knows me thinks differently, I have always tried in all my dealings with the Public of Featherstone and the Lions, to be totally open and honest "what you see is what you get," that is how I was brought up. Let the Electorate make up their minds as I am sure they will. I will not post again whatever Lies Yates might think up this obviously has been a total waste of my time. Everyone Tells Lies except Yates and his Independent associates. FINALLY Clayton did Not Build the Lions Clubhouse go on tell me I am a Liar. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on March 01, 2010, 09:06:50 pm Dick Taylorlabour candidate said” By the replies so far from Yates it is as I thought. The Independent way of talking and debate "if you do not agree with me then you are wrong" So according to Yates I am a Liar end of Coversation I would like to think that anyone who knows me thinks differently, I have always tried in all my dealings with the Public of Featherstone and the Lions, to be totally open and honest "what you see is what you get," that is how I was brought up.
Let the Electorate make up their minds as I am sure they will. I will not post again whatever Lies Yates might think up this obviously has been a total waste of my time. Everyone Tells Lies except Yates and his Independent associates. FINALLY Clayton did Not Build the Lions Clubhouse go on tell me I am a Liar.” Now let’s see. It is Dick who first dives in and calls people liars without offering any evidence. We would all like to know the truth about many subjects. You could be the bridge to fix this, or not? Sorry Dick but you used the word “liar” first and set the tone. The conversation is still going and always will do until answers are found right or wrong. So you are honest? Why not just answer the questions. Better still as a labour party member ask your people to get rid of our speculation and concern. I seem to remember the same post as you began your last election. Finally for the record you are confirming that Brian Clayton had absolutely nothing to do with the construction of Featherstone Lions. That’s the same man you condone to be bullied with the nickname “boggle eyed builder”. Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on March 29, 2010, 09:01:51 pm There have been some ripe old comments passed on from the labour forum (oh please ::)).
The criminal record slaging match was looking to be a good one especially. Well I have to take my hat off to Heather for acting against the dark side of politics. I am sure Heather will agree that to attempt to register on any forum with a dodgy email address usually only comes from a “crap stirring cheat who is ashamed to be known”. :o A message to anyone wishing to join “WELCOME”. The normal operating people of this great town find no problem. Must be only the labour party with the problem. ::) Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on March 17, 2016, 09:44:10 pm Its been a while since a response was added to this topic. After reading the previous posts I was reminded how bent thing were. Under Labour all the points raised have now changed. The problems are now a lot worse. :(
Got my council tax bill today, 2% WMDC increase for 50% less service ??? Featherstone Town Council with £16.82? Good to know a council needs funds and a further confirmation of a scuttled ship when they last lost control. 2% increase for the fire service. Considering they are now to become medics on the side they need 10% plus more, and not from me ::) 3.5% increase for Police crime commissioner/ police? Considering the police now do something else with their time other than attend our 999 calls the Police Commissioner must be on a right old wage :o But hey the majority keep voting Labour and are happy to pay :-\ (http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg99/yetion1/img107.jpg) (http://s246.photobucket.com/user/yetion1/media/img107.jpg.html) Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on April 03, 2017, 09:39:03 pm Had another Town Council leaflet and noticed the comment that plans to move to the library are well advanced and I have been charged an extra 14% on this year’s council tax for the privilege?
Forgive me if I am wrong but not long after Lister Baths was stolen from the people of Featherstone and sold off for a huge profit that Featherstone never got a penny of. The next on the list was the original Town Hall in Purston Park. Again putting public opinion aside the property was sold off for a huge profit that Featherstone never got a penny of. Meanwhile Featherstone did finally have some money spent on it with the Old Clock Cafe or Town Hall as you see it today being highly renovated as it was to be the new town hall. But it was not a Town hall in the old sense or like most other Town Halls. Featherstone Town Hall is a room rented in a building owned by WMDC. At the time I believe there was a council tax increase to cover this rent. So now the plan is to move Featherstone Town Council to a room in the library which will be rented from WMDC. One assumes that the property will be sold off for a huge profit that Featherstone will never get a penny of. Why is it costing me 14%? The deal appears to not include the library. As libraries are being shut at an alarming rate is this move the beginning of the end of a Featherstone Town Council? Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on May 12, 2017, 08:54:50 pm Ok so no one gives a crap that they are paying more council tax for something they no nothing about. Worse still for those very few people who do care apparently why we are paying more has to be kept a secret:
341/17 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 To consider, if thought fit, a resolution under the terms of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960 that the press and public be excluded from items such as the Community Centre Lease which may be of a confidential nature of the business being transacted. 347/17 PRECEPT 2017/18 Wakefield Council has requested the Town Council’s Precept demand by Friday 10th February. It was thought that Members may wish to delay the decision to the meeting on the 8th February but it was decided that the Council still wished to adopt the Community Centre when the lease was finally agreed and that the Precept demand should be £130,000 to assist in covering the costs of running the centre in the first instance this will be offset by the increased usage when the centre, which is currently closed, is reopened. There has been an increase in tax base to 4,487 houses due to the new housing being built in the Featherstone area and therefore a band A property will rise Title: Re: Is it really a council or a circus? Post by: yetion1 on May 12, 2017, 08:58:41 pm Does this mean that every business in Featherstone can apply or just every charity? There are many businesses in Featherstone suffering from daily attack who need much needed help. 342/17 MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS A grant cheque for £500 was presented to Mr Mulroe for the Dr. Jackson Cancer Fund he thanked the Council and said the shop was very busy but had suffered some damage from a break in. |