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Wakefield M.D.C. => Girnhill Lane Estate => Topic started by: yetion1 on October 27, 2008, 08:20:57 pm

Title: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on October 27, 2008, 08:20:57 pm
By my reckoning its time for a number of past actions to come to fruition shortly. The first is Tuesday at the WMDC cabinet meeting where the new contractor for the Girnhill Estate will finally enounced. I believe the decision will not be out for a month, but you can sit in a public area and listen. If you can I will find out on Tuesday.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on October 28, 2008, 03:26:16 pm
I would like to show you how they secure empty properties now! The latest house which became vacant yesterday (Mon 27th) has been "Secured" today (Tue 28th). First of all, instead of obtaining the keys to the property (which are still in possession of the people who have just moved out...I will explain in a bit) they simply sledge hammered their way into the house via the back door! The bottom windows are boarded up as they should be (on the outside), but like on the last few they have done, they have boarded up the upstairs windows from the "Inside" and this time left the windows "open". My guess is that the handles prevent the sheet from being flush up to the window. So apart from the fact that the windows are inviting yobs to throw stones at them (which they have done recently), there is also the risk of someone climbing a ladder and shoving the sheeting off and gaining entry! Going back to what I was saying about the keys...the previous occupier still has the keys to the house and have been back today! The front door has been kindly left un-shuttered for them to gain access! Why on earth didn't they get the keys off them instead of smashing the door in? The houses used to be secured by "Orbis", but god knows who they use now! Anyway...here's the pictures!




Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on October 28, 2008, 08:02:41 pm
That’s bloody disgusting Mr T. I would go bloody spare if I saw my home in such a state. Yet again the bully’s are back. How can they get away with this?
Talking of the bully’s, people who have read this story will not be surprised that even the announcement of the contractor for the estate named today was handled un-correctly.
WMDC cabinet passed today “STRATA” as the winning developer of the Girnhill estate. Strata were the builder of the Capricorn development that went bust at Streethouse and whose homes flood. Normal procedure then dictates that a 10 day cooling off period is taken by both sides before any announcement. Guess who told me? The pont and cas. The first thing WMDC have done is go to press. So much for procedures. The word communist keeps springing to mind. Details of what will be on offer are not confirmed but a suggestion un-confirmed is that they will offer the valuation price plus £50k. Sounds too good to me.
It gets better. There are actual full plans of the development that have at no time been disgust with the people of local council. When some people see the plans they will go ballistic or just laugh. The private houses in front of the coal hoses look to be having 3 storeys on raised ground homes over looking them. The design shows a foot path running through the estate. It hits you in the face as a crime rat run. As soon as a copy is available I will post.
So loads of negatives yet I have a grin. What ever deal is to be offered looks like you will know soon. From here at least someone to talk to and negotiate with. WMDC and the contractor can claim all they wish. The residents are in the legal driving seat.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on October 29, 2008, 05:10:22 pm

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on October 29, 2008, 06:01:44 pm
Talking to a mate today, he's decided to get out while the goings good, and take the current offer, the more people who do this just weakens the cause for those that stick it out(IMHO).

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on October 29, 2008, 08:21:02 pm
It doesn't weaken our cause, it strengthens it. The going may appear good but it will have to get gooder before the rest of us budge! A developer being appointed doesn't mean it's over yet! The valuation of the house + £50,000 may sound good, but you'd be suprised what they are offering for the valuation!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on October 29, 2008, 09:53:47 pm
What i meant mr t, was strength in numbers, the less people there are the weaker they are, its a fact ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on October 29, 2008, 10:07:32 pm
The less peolpe left should mean a better chance of an all out buy out.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Brian Potter on October 30, 2008, 12:21:25 pm
Planning application to start building in 2010, only another 18 months of living in hell then >:(

Published in the papers yesterday that the average house price in Yorkshire currently stands at £160000.
Valuation + £50000 comes to roughly £120000 from what I gather, so that's £40000 short of buying an AVERAGE house. Still being ripped off I think. The letter mentions a relocation package but it doesn't state whether that is a loan or not, anyone want to bet it won't be a gift ?

As for the second paragraph stating the estate has suffered significant decline since the coal board declared the houses defective in the 1980's, again I don't think so. Many owners took out loans and mortgages to have the faults rectified and the estate started to look great, only one body didn't invest in their houses, guess who !!!!!! The estate declined after that due to non investment by the council.

I can't believe they have the gall to try to claim credit for solving something they started, ecpecially when they aren't really solving the problem, just sticking a plaster over a gaping wound. As home owners, why weren't these people consulted on the "preferred" (note the word preferred) contractor ? Surely these people have some right to be involved. Seems more like a dictatorship to me, and I thought we were a supposed democratic country.  :-\

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on October 30, 2008, 04:32:18 pm



Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on October 31, 2008, 06:29:47 pm

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on November 02, 2008, 07:15:04 pm

I have been asked to write to you on behalf of a resident regards a number of points,

 I informed you with my last letter that the 1st of July had come and gone and no meeting had been arranged as stated to announce the awarded contractor. Your reply was that you did not know. Over a month has passed. Could you please up-date on the situation with the date and time of the meeting?

There is a huge problem with the Girnhill substation and many service cables coming from it. The problems are as serious as,

1. Cutting power to homes for up to 3 days, leaving food defrosted and property without security.
2. Street lights are all most entirely unlit. This has been in part to vandalism. WMDC have been made aware that they should install anti-vandal fittings but have not. The main problem is that the contractors have damaged the supply cable in so many places that the cables have become high resistant and are now blowing the 100 amp fuse in the sub-station. YEDL with credit have turn out many times as cables are cut through. The resistance is now so high that YEDL have had no option other than to disconnect the street light so that some homes are not cut off daily. The result is a substandard luminal count on a public highway. I believe there is European law now adopted by England that should enforce repair. I would appreciate guidance to relevant legislation on road lighting volume and repair. The solution I see is that a full re-wire of the Girnhill estate is required immediately for the safety of its residents. This would be extremely costly. Is the contractor to pay or WMDC? A solution would be build brick secure storage units with a generator inside or even containers.
3. Power cables have been exposed and damaged all over the site. A solution to the coming power cuts needs to address now in readiness now. This could again be semi-portable. It should be a full re-wire. The residents would settle for an agreed plan but fear rightly that with winter coming that they will be left stranded. It is fair for the residents to hear by give you notice of the problem. If a solution is not offered then it would be fair to assume neglect.
4. A number of the roads around the estate have now pot holes that are huge in scale to anything found elsewhere in the WMDC district. They are dangerous, damaging to vehicles and a threat to life. Again notice is given that the problem exists and that if a claim is made then this date be used as testament.
5. Town and country planning notices have been posted last week around the estate. They list a number of properties that have been passed for demolition as from 1st September 2008. As you can see from the date of this letter we are still in August 2008. Most of the numbered houses listed have been demolished? Could you explain if they were demolished legally or illegally according to planning regulation? The houses that have not been demolished are in still occupied? As the tenants know nothing about giving in and moving out could you explain why they are listed and when they will be demolished? As this appears to be a planning passed application could you confirm what date the statutory planning notices were posted for this passed application as no notice are known off? A number of residents have contacted you as to the information publicly posted by WMDC. The explanation given from you and others within your department is that the legal public notice has a printing error and that it should be ignored as there is no significance towards the occupied homes. As this is a legal notice surely it should be correct as per planning law? If the notice is wrong then any start date of public notification should be void? As the start date as advertised for commencement of demolition is only 11 days away then is the planning application void and in need of re-submission as the appropriate notice time has not been given? As residents have been given this information a further question appears. If the public are being told to ignore the notice due to a printing error then it would be fair to ask how often this has happened with every planning notice in Featherstone for the past 5 years. If the public are reading incorrect notices then they can not see a fair depiction of the actual application. How many known printing errors should be public knowledge?

Your reply will be most welcome on the estate,



Dear ????????
You have raised a large number of points in your e-mail, so I have forwarded it on to a number of colleagues across the departments concerned for a more detailed answer.  In respect of the 1st July meeting, this was a notional date suggested by Cllr Binnersley as a good opportunity to advise residents of the successful developer and convenient for Members also.  Once it became clear that further clarification would be needed this date was postponed.  Residents on the Estate have received a letter advising them of the delays in appointing the developer and the reasons why.  The clarification exercise is just coming to a close and the reports for Cabinet will be going in September.  Once the developer is appointed, we shall arrange a residents' event so that they can look at the submission in detail.  Once a date is known we shall write to residents again.
With respect to the demolition notices, only one person has contacted me and I have responded fully in writing.  You are correct that some of the properties have already been demolished.  This has been as a result of these properties being damaged as a result of arson attacks and in need of demolition more quickly.
Part 31 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, section 31 states;

“A.2    Development is permitted by Class A subject to the following conditions—

(a)  where demolition is urgently necessary in the interests of safety or health and the measures immediately necessary in such interests are the demolition of the building the developer shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, give the local planning authority a written justification of the demolition”

Discussions with Planning colleagues took place and it was agreed that these properties should be demolished as soon as possible given their condition following the fires, and given that preliminary works to remove services had been done.  This action is in support of the Council’s commitment for the health and safety of the remaining residents as a key priority.  Although Planning had been given verbal notice of the demolitions, this notice forms the written justification and so they have been included in the new application. 

I would refute that I have told anyone that there are typing errors on the notice, and to ignore it.  I am advised that the notice is legally correct.  I have checked with colleagues who have confirmed that no calls have been received in respect of the demolitions in my absence.  I am concerned if this message has been conveyed and if you can provide any further information, I will investigate.  A property has been included on the demolition notice where residents are still living;  this is because this resident is moving very imminently to another property.  I discussed this with them, to ensure that they were not anxious when the notices were put up.  The notice merely allows us to make arrangements for the preparatory work prior to demolition, once they have gone.  I can state that no property will be demolished whilst residents are still living there.

I shall come back to you once I have received information in respect of points 1 - 4 in your e-mail.  Given that you are acting on behalf of a resident, it might be prudent to provide their details, and I will contact them direct as opposed to responding through a third party.

Janet Howley


Dear Janet,
To start my letter with a reply to your last comment first. I act on behalf of a resident as they are scared to death of reprisals and bullying. Since my last letter I am now affected on a personal and trade level. As a member of the public it is dangerous to walk on the estate and harmful to vehicles delivering. I last wrote to you on the 20th August requesting immediate action on some points and investigation in to others. it is now the 2nd November and almost all the points quoted have been ignored. I am led to believe by my district council that WMDC should work to reply within 28 days. This has not been the case.
The situation I pointed out to you in points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the humanitarianliest pressing as winter is approaching and the estate is in almost total darkness. The 4 points are of such significant health and safety concern that lives are being put at risk. As no action has been taken to provide any emergency measures that are within your power since I notified you of them I have no option but to call upon others to intervene. I request that you pass this correspondence to your supervisor and explain the extreme dangers that have been ignored. I have also been in contact with the local government ombudsman who I am now communicating with. I am informed that I should contact the Health and Safety Executive. They will be informed on Monday.
Your swift reply for the sake of the public will be welcome.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on November 03, 2008, 06:58:38 pm
 Reply from WMDC,

I have checked with colleagues re your previous e-mail - apologies for the lack of  follow up response.  It appears that there was a cross in communication, as I believed they were contacting you, and vice versa.  I have now collated the information from other departments in respect of the points raised in your previous e-mail.
Electricity supply and power cables.
I am not aware of supplies being disrupted in spite of regular contact with many residents on the Estate.  There were a small number of temporary disruptions during the removal of some services - this was in some cases as a result of an over-zealous contractor who did not appreciate that residents were still in situ.  Where problems were identified, immediate action was taken to remedy.  Following your previous e-mail I did visit the site with NPS and walked every demolished plot looking for live cables.  We did inspect a number of cables but all of these were extinct - we did not find any evidence of any live cables.  However, if you have more specific information in respect of your reported concerns I will forward this on to NPS for further investigation
Street lighting
Street lighting  have responded as follows:  Street lighting is maintained to occupied properties in accordance with the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contract, but where faults are attributable to service cables provided by YEDL/CE-Electric there is no enforceable contract with them to regulate or force them to repair services.  Service cable  faults  are reported to YEDL/CE-Electric for resolution.  Faults not involving YEDL electricity supplies are recorded and are dealt with by Amey in the appropriate time and manner as soon as they are become aware of them. Amey are to request inspections by night scouts in the area but it have stated that it is difficult to identify lights that are not service faults.
Re anti-vandal streetlights such streetlighting is not available for mounting on a column.  Street lighting colleagues have clarified that the only anti-vandal light available is the type used in subways and these are mounted at the junction of the wall and ceiling.  Many of the problems associated with the vandalism of lighting columns is as a result of violent shaking, and in some instances, being shot at.  They have further added that there isn’t a lantern on the market that will withstand sustained impacts from a high powered air rifle. In the past trials of new equipment that was allegedly “vandal proof” with little or no noticeable improvement in performance for the increase in cost.
Street lighting colleagues have confirmed that the new lighting throughout WMDC area have in the main been installed to current EU standards and except for the demolition in this area these streetlights would have been upgraded to this standard.  However the new EU standard does include a reference to the old British Standard to which the existing streetlights were installed and in this situation it would be difficult to justify changing the lighting to meet the new standard. The lighting standard has no reference to the sustainability of the electric supply however this is achieved.
I am concerned that you are reporting that the estate is now in almost "total darkness" and shall ask Street lighting colleagues to again investigate  to clarify if columns are in fact faulty or being repeatedly targetted following repairs.   If this is the case, I am unsure as to what action can be taken to improve the level of lighting on the Estate, so would need to defer to lighting colleagues for further guidance.
Highways have reported that the rubble used was a 'make safe' response in response to the theft of gully lide.  Generally, where there will ultimately be redevelopment, a new lid may not be fitted.  Instead, the pot may be filled with a single size dust free aggregate which would still allow drainage to take place.  Highways reported that they would check that these arrangements were working appropriately.
Re potholes, a range of works were identified following a tour in August.  Following your previous e-mail, a further visit was undertaken and further actionable defects were found.  There were issues for rectification and should have now been completed.  Regular safety surveys are continuint whilst ever the highway network remains adopted.
I trust that this full answers your previous enquiry.  I have copied in colleagues in Highways, Street Lighting and NPS for any further comments.  I am concerned in respect of your comments about a resident's fears of bullying and reprisals as this is certainly not the approach taken by Council Officers.  We have previously had contact with a number of residents who have had concerns about bullying and reprisals - sadly these concerns have been about some of their neighbours and our approach has been to carry out our contacts in such a way as to not attract attention and worsen the situation.  I would be obliged if you would pass this information on to your resident for any future enquiries.
Janet Howley

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on November 11, 2008, 04:08:59 pm
Someone has been around today cutting the hedges back...*FAINTS*. As you would expect though, the first bit they have done is the area where there are no houses!  ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: eleanora on November 11, 2008, 05:07:34 pm
Watchout Mr T,
that usually means V.I.P.'S  coming round, so i found when i lived there, it was the only time any kind of cleaning up was done,
must be someone important to be cutting hedges this time of year!!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on November 13, 2008, 02:12:19 pm
Once again, the paper's get fed information before the resident's! Why is this so? If this artist's impression "does" become the new Girnhill estate, it will put Lego land to shame!


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on November 13, 2008, 08:20:55 pm
“Developers say they will work with the council and WMDC to create a new neighbourhood.” You can now see a copy of the plan (email me and I will let you know who has a copy). As the statement reads the plan is done, WMDC will help and the public will buy. So much for consultation when the plan has been drawn!

Ah, the “master plan”. I have been waiting for this moment for over a year. Strata are looking forward to working with it and Denise Jefferies thinks it will “kick start Featherstone regeneration and is a part of the master plan”.
One small problem according to the letters I have and the facts that exist, WMDC shrunk the master plan area to only station lane as a final plan. This was because a certain political party and us the public had loads of great ideas that would help around the town. The original area was reduced in February 2007 to just station lane as a way of not including the great ideas. The Girnhill estate was never in the final master plan. I have a complaint still outstanding for this matter. As for regeneration, the whole reason the hell exists on the estate is that the government pay councils to demolish such areas and put more units on to meet there quotas . Talking of units, does the picture not look familiar? If you remember the first master plan that was thrown out by WMDC (because even they could not have developed such a bent plan) you will recall these same buildings.

Someone just wants Featherstone to become a series of ghetto hells. Take a good look at the style they offer as I believe it is to be the new cancer of Featherstone. No bloody way!

Yet again more labour press and no replies in print. The election is not until next year yet someone is hard at it. They can’t hide for ever. The meeting on the 4th should be very, very interesting.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Kim685 on November 13, 2008, 11:51:21 pm
Looks like one of them open prisons, I don't like it at all  :( Who thinks these up??

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: eleanora on November 14, 2008, 03:46:46 pm
 looks like lots of three storey houses there,
not good for elderly & disabled people ???

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Paul on November 24, 2008, 07:53:33 pm
 been reading the Girnhill story for months now. i would have liked to have commented.  i just wonted to say well done to the determination of the people there. the log is a good read. had a few tears. keep up the fight.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 06, 2008, 05:01:45 pm
All this was shoved through the letterbox today! They must think that if they keep mentioning those infamous words "Relocation Package", we will buckle and give in! WRONG!  ;D. I'm not sure if it's open to resident's only or the general public! I will let you know when I find out! (Scroll down for more after the letter)




Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on December 06, 2008, 07:00:22 pm
I would'nt mind having a gander myself if its open to the public >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Paul on December 06, 2008, 07:17:01 pm
when i saw this in the P+C express it said the plans were to be created with input from you people and local council. just wondered if there had been any talks?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 06, 2008, 09:14:09 pm
WMDC thought it was all over! NAAAA. ;D
Take a look at the recent in post “master plan”.  Peter Box would not forget to inform a resident of a coming meeting?  ;)

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 09, 2008, 04:10:45 pm
Oh well, the peace was nice while it lasted! Demoliton has re-commenced so it's back to Crash Bang Wallop again at 8:00AM every morning! We haven't had the usual letter informing us of further demolitions! Oh sorry, I've forgot, the newspapers are informed on developments on the estate before the residents! It will probably be in the express on Thursday!  >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 09, 2008, 07:15:25 pm
Follow up from my previous post today! Someone has started a small fire somewhere downstairs in the partially demolished houses (here we go again).

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 09, 2008, 10:53:29 pm
Interesting Mr T, no letters informing you of the demolition along with the contractors arrive and conveniently leave buildings open and fires start. Correct me Mr T but is that 2 fires tonight? 2 for the price of one. Sounds like a super market that I bet meets the same. :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 10, 2008, 12:34:35 am
You are spot on yetion1...TWO fires tonight! The first fire I mentioned (the one in the living room of the partially demolished house) didn't get going and was eventually put out! The second one was the usual "through the roof" fire! As always, I have the video footage of this and shall be putting it on my You Tube channel in due course!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 10, 2008, 06:32:17 pm
After approximately 3 month's without fire's............



Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Kim685 on December 10, 2008, 07:27:50 pm
Looks like a bad one Mr T. I really thought they'd given up  :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 10, 2008, 10:13:41 pm
Ahhhhhh at last, the final plot is revealed.

Just before we start a note to Janet Howley. You will have read the many posts. Janet actually bothered to say hello. It will probably get her the sack for saying it, but the point is it could all be as easy as a chat with reason. I thank you Janet.

Back to the subject “EXCLUSIVE TO HERE” and not the bull version in the “LABOUR EDITOR RUN PONTEFRACT AND CASTLEFORD EXPRESS”.

“A plan that will be produced by the public, council and residents”.
A public meeting held upstairs in Chesneys. So what? In reception was a female guard to get by if you were a resident or 1 of 500 specially invited guests. As I may buy land up there from a resident I was allowed in.

1.   The incorrect master plan was on the wall. A bad sign of a pre-done project going through the motions. When questioned,” it’s the master plan we are working with from WMDC”. Could I have that in writing as Peter Box publicly disagrees?
2.   What is on offer for the residents? “Nothing”. We are the contractors working to a WMDC plan. So this is a WMDC house building area that they will sell and make profit from. Is that exactly not what WMDC said they would do? In fact is that not illegal? The contractor has absolutely no intention of sitting down with the residents and working out a like for like deal. In fact the contractor’s words were “I wondered when some one would ask”. To bloody right they would. The contractor stated that any deal would have to come from WMDC and not them. Oh the lies that can now be dragged back up.
3.   They wish to start about 2010. so a final date has been set. As I see it the more the estate is not ignored and promoted the sooner a deal will arrive or a general election.
4.   The contractors re-started Monday and left of shutters after a full briefing of does and don’ts by WMDC. 2 fires straight away. Come on WMDC we are not that daft, but as to equal your tactic I have now lodged 1 of my complaints with the health and safety executive. It should cost WMDC about £100k for starters that I am sure they will palm off under contract to a contractor. 12 months of battle begins or a like for like is offered.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Kim685 on December 10, 2008, 10:34:59 pm
My God, does ANYONE of that lot tell the truth? One day it will jump up and bite them in the arse...... if it hasn't already

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Brian Potter on December 11, 2008, 10:32:55 am
Does anyone really believe the contractor was appointed with the needs of the residents in mind ? It's all smoke and mirrors saying we want to work with residents when in reality they are just ignored. There is a client and a contractor who both stand to make a tidy profit out of this, the residents are just a hinderance to their plans, a fly on the arse of tasty profits that has to be swatted. The soundbites they use just make me want to scream.....

"working with the residents"
"affordable housing"
"relocation package"

What do these terms really mean in plain english ?

"who cares about them, we will get them out the way sooner or later"
"cheap council or association housing where private residents are a hinderance"
"a LOAN that has to be paid back at some point"

There were several contractors interested in offering the residents the deal they wanted, why were they overlooked, did strata offer the biggest profit margins ?

I for one would like to see the reasons they were REALLY awarded the contract over the others.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on December 12, 2008, 04:05:31 pm
Just heard Chopper Rayboulds house has been set on fire, can you confirm this Mr T ? ???

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: floss on December 12, 2008, 04:38:29 pm
what a sad world we live in nowadays can you imagine 30years ago if kids had have done something like this they would have copped for it good and proper the bloody country has gone to ruin with the so called do gooders they are doing more harm to the country than good its gotten  to the stage where you daren't go out because of the flaming yobs  i just think this is so sad what are the next generation going to be like eh

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 12, 2008, 05:05:16 pm
Just heard Chopper Rayboulds house has been set on fire, can you confirm this Mr T ? ???

Confirmed Whistleblower! If you look further down this topic (Reply 168), I have posted the footage of it!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on December 12, 2008, 05:17:39 pm
Thanks, I saw the video earlier but didn’t recognise the house

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on December 12, 2008, 07:02:51 pm
what a sad world we live in nowadays can you imagine 30years ago if kids had have done something like this they would have copped for it good and proper the bloody country has gone to ruin with the so called do gooders they are doing more harm to the country than good its gotten  to the stage where you daren't go out because of the flaming yobs  i just think this is so sad what are the next generation going to be like eh

The next generation will be the spawn of the present yobs floss, so they'll be as bad if not worse, because the will have been raised to their yobish parents standards, with no respect for people or property.
 Some people are calling for a return of dog licences, i think people should pass a test before being allowed to become parents :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Willow on December 13, 2008, 01:12:32 pm
Just heard Chopper Rayboulds house has been set on fire, can you confirm this Mr T ? ???

Confirmed Whistleblower! If you look further down this topic (Reply 168), I have posted the footage of it!

If thats chopper's house then that must be my old house going up next door.  :( :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: floss on December 13, 2008, 01:32:45 pm
what a sad world we live in nowadays can you imagine 30years ago if kids had have done something like this they would have copped for it good and proper the bloody country has gone to ruin with the so called do gooders they are doing more harm to the country than good its gotten  to the stage where you daren't go out because of the flaming yobs  i just think this is so sad what are the next generation going to be like eh

The next generation will be the spawn of the present yobs floss, so they'll be as bad if not worse, because the will have been raised to their yobish parents standards, with no respect for people or property.
 Some people are calling for a return of dog licences, i think people should pass a test before being allowed to become parents :(
I have six grandchildren and if i thought for one minute they ever got involed in anything like this i personally would take them to task.... with their parents blessing,  i am just grateful that my children have passed down the morales i taught them to their kids, and they pull them up all the time for a wrong doing, too many parents blame the society, its their job as a parent to keep them in check. If these kids are ever caught they should also fine the parents for misconduct of parenting, see if they change the way they raise their kids then. The law is a laugh in this country you dont get penalised you get praised. The media glorify what criminals have done, then they think the are the tops for getting in the paper/tv/radio its a never ending circle for some. Its time they was locked away and  the key  thrown away, they are just scum of the earth. >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 13, 2008, 05:13:10 pm
Apparently, whilst looking at the plans at Chesney's on Wednesday, someone from Strata told a resident, "These are only the plans, nothing has been finalized yet". Interesting! They don't want finalizing either!  >:(

If thats chopper's house then that must be my old house going up next door.

Yes your right Willow, Your wallpaper is a little scorched somewhat!   

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Willow on December 15, 2008, 10:16:44 am
I never liked that wallpaper anyway ;D Still a bit gutted that the house burnt though had some good times in that house and number 6.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 15, 2008, 06:01:01 pm
The demolition team have brought a second digger on site, and are now demolishing two houses simultaneously! Unfortunately, this means they now have two skips burning at the different sites on the estate and are leaving them burning when they leave! As expected, yobs have been around tonight and chucked stuff on them, causing them to start roaring away again, and one of them was attended to by the fire brigade! Why are these skips not being extinguished before they leave? Another incident which occured last night (Sun 14th) was yobs going around the estate, spraying graffiti on things including boarded up houses which still have residents living next door! One of the diggers was also sprayed! I have included a photo! Does anyone recognize the tag?


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on December 15, 2008, 06:26:01 pm
It seems that because the demolition crew are working for the council they are able to get away with leaving properties unsecured and fires unattended despite the estate been subject to numerous arson attacks. Surely this is against health and safety procedure ?? but then again its probably easer for them to demolish the property if the roofs have been burnt off.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 15, 2008, 09:31:07 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


 You are aware demolition commenced again last Monday. I made you aware when we talked face to face last week at the public that the new contractor was not keeping to any rules or instruction from WMDC regards security and demolition procedure that had been gained from previous knowledge especially of the Featherstone serial arsonist. I have visited the site for the period and on each day I have found mainly missing shutters or badly fitted ones. Nothing has been done to stop the mal-practise. Additionally the contractors have been using skips to burn rubbish. I would like to point out that the fires are left at night un-attended. I would also like to point out


The fire brigade must have put him off tonight as he tried to do the Kwiksave building instead.

My many other points regard the condition of the roads, drains and street lighting still are current. After all this time and the huge volume of similar situations as per each contractor surely WMDC are failing in their duty of care for the residents.


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 16, 2008, 07:50:21 pm

Tonight the estate has experienced a double whammy! An "UNSECURE" block on Hawthorne Avenue (which, If I may add was reported as being unsecure) was torched and whilst this was going up, A second "UNSECURE" block round the corner was also going up in smoke, (and yes, that too was also reported as being unsecure). I won't be posting the footage on here as there isn't anything new to see, apart from there is two houses in one take as apposed to one! I will be uploading it to my online diary in due course as usual (Tomorrow), so if anyone does want to see it, you will find it at the usual address labeled "Tuesday 16th December"


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Greencatcher on December 16, 2008, 10:10:33 pm

Tonight the estate has experienced a double whammy! An "UNSECURE" block on Hawthorne Avenue (which,
Well, after all that we had a visit from the CID, yes I know....I did not believe it at first neither.  Now we have no water. So after all the banging and vibrating, the mud and the traffic, the noisy workmen that we had to put up with all b****y day, I cannot get either a bath or shower.  Okay small rant over.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 16, 2008, 10:17:39 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


As you can see from the dates a reply without your response being obtained has now had to be written 24 hours later due to an estate of kayos yet again as predicted.
I informed you and other officials yesterday by receipted mail that mal-practice was evident with physical evidence regards the demolition procedure that was being under taken and monitored by you at WMDC on the estate. I also informed you that arson would occur and probably from our serial arsonist. How ironic that while attending 2 criminal acts in the lane last night I discovered a bonfire built at the rear door of the Kwiksave burning merrily. In Featherstone English,

 “WE REARLY DO HAVE A SERIAL ARSONIST IN FEATHERSTONE AND WE THINK WE KNOW WHO IT IS!”, so lets cut the under 18 crap after 78 homes on the estate alone burnt.

At 4pm today the contactors had left the site. They not only had not been informed at all since last Thursday of their wrong doings by WMDC but instead took a new step backwards by leaving shutters off the doors and windows to 2 twin properties. Just to rub it in they left the back doors unlocked and wide open. A neon sign was all that was missing to make it just perfect for the arsonist.
At 4.23pm today I contacted your office and spoke to Bob Hall as you had gone home. I reported to Bob that the 2 blocks were left un-secure and that if they were not secured they would be burnt tonight. I explained to Bob about the serial arsonist and that immediate action must take place as a duty of care to the surrounding residents.
Well it looks like yet again for the umpteenth recorded time mine and others words were ignored.
“CAN YOU IGNORE THIS ANYMORE” as it looks like the volume of neglect is such that outside help now may be brought in to police the situation. A bold statement perhaps, but lets look at the consequences of tonight,

1.   4 properties on fire resulting in freighted local residents and an attraction for undesirable groups to view the area and hang out.
2.   4 properties burning within 15 minutes of each other that together cause enough smoke to choke a quarter of the population of Featherstone. The wind direction tonight blew the smoke up station lane and was thick enough to be felt at the back of your throat as a plastic burning taste. This is half a mile away. The smoke also was that thick that vision was lowered on the main roads and did hinder a criminal incident because of the lowered vision.
3.   Immediate residents to the fires now have smoke smelling homes. At this point and due to lack of action it would be very fair to say this could be the work of a bully. Will WMDC be providing air fresheners for those effected or providing gas masks as the situation continues? A fair question as the facts state this will continue.  Every house touched by demolition will be subject to arson. It is reasonable that the locals be provided with breathing apparatus as the volume of arson is such that the air quality is such that intervention is required. An air pollution monitor should possibly be provided immediately for reference by WMDC as any possible legal action possibly forth coming that would seek reference from this letter would ask to what was done to this notification.
4.   4 fire appliances on site leaving the 5 towns uncovered. My personal view yet alone any other incident is that if my occupied home was on fire I would be domed even though I am in sight. Of the appliances. All this because some one is not listening.

To add further during the day the contractor severed a water main that shot a jet of water in the air. I am not aware that Yorkshire water was informed as they have not as yet visited the site. I state to you that a situation is present where it is questionable that a water pressure fault could arise over the Christmas period thus disconnecting or reducing the supply to the local residents. It would appear that the contractor is a total incompetent. I will not ask you to tell them again. I will be approaching the contractor in the morning with a camera where I will explain exactly how “CRAP “ they are and what they caused tonight to make sure the message gets over.

In brief it looks tonight like the residents HAVE been left to burn in “GIRNHELL”. Immediate action should be called upon.
Some one at WMDC is responsible for not monitoring this situation after regular notification. Surely this situation is serious enough that the BLAME must be given and some one must be penalised. This offence is serious enough for the contractor and /or the person at WMDC responsible to be sacked?
 At 9.50pm tonight by WMDC request men are boarding up the burnt out houses. The residents have voiced a grimacing disgust at the action. It would be fair to say that the boarding up will be costing us the tax payer a pretty big bill. I would like to know this cost or where I can apply to get the information under the freedom of information act.  All that was needed was an all ready paid member or members of WMDC to listen and get off their ASS. Instead yet again our town is made to suffer from shoddy practice.

Your reply would be welcome almost immediately as peoples health is officially at stake and the public require a resolution.

i wonder if this Greencatchers water problem?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 17, 2008, 06:25:51 pm
After the double arson attack last night, it's unbelievable what's happened today! One of the contractors has been in to one of them doing something (with the services I believe) and they have resecured it by placing a slab of concrete in front of the shutter! Can you believe it? I'm not sure if they have put any screws back in, but the appearance of a slab of concrete would suggest that it can't be that secure! I have included the video from last night's fiasco along with a second video underneath! As I have been typing this, the fire brigade have gone whizzing by, so I put this post on hold and went to see what was going on and you will see what in the second video! A picture of the concrete holding the shutter down is also included in this post!







Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on December 17, 2008, 06:40:39 pm
The thing thats worrying me mrT, is, when theres no more houses on girnhill to fire, where are the arsonists going to go :o :o

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 17, 2008, 07:36:07 pm
The rest of Featherstone IS the answer, yet no one listens. The Kwiksave almost went up on Monday night. A fire had been built up on to the back door.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on December 17, 2008, 08:27:11 pm
Has anyone asked the question at the police meetings, why they are not doing anything to catch the serial arsonist :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 17, 2008, 09:08:15 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


My third letter in 3 days, not my choice I assure you but as a continuing necessity to make you aware of public health and safety issues caused by badly organised WMDC administration.
I still have had no reply other than a receipt from Janet Howley. With this being the case I have had to chase the matter myself. As I stated I attended the site at 2pm today. I have pictures and film of a HGV blocking a pavement and 3 entrances on to muddy land that created a layer of wet mud on the roads surrounding. A skid patch is a good description. The temporary wooden boarding fitted after the fires late last night to secure the burnt out shells at the cost of the tax payers was still in place and looked like no attempt had been made to remove them by anyone and replace with the original metal sheets. I assumed this would be done before the end of the day but I had a bad feeling they were going to stay. Wood is flammable and combustible and surely not suitable for the arson area. I am sure the WMDC inspectors who said they were on site this morning have pointed out that wood useless and asked for its removal?
I then contacted WMDC to speak again to Bob Hall. Bob was not available and I spoke to Dave Jones. I explained the situation from the beginning to him. He was aware of some detail but was notably taken back that 4 houses had indeed been burnt in one night not to mention Girnhill Infants School at the side. I asked why nothing had been done to secure the buildings after I had pointed out that arson was certain if not? No reply could be given. I asked for Bob to call me back.
Bob returned my call.

 Me “why after you were notified and agreed to contact the contractor to re-fit shutters was nothing done to secure the buildings from known arson attacks?”
Bob “what do you expect me to do?”
Me “do what you said you were going to do as some one answering a complaint on behalf of WMDC”.
Bob “what do you expect the council to do? We do not have the resources to do the work”.
Me “then why did you have the resources at 10.50pm last night to pay for the boarding up of burnt out shells? As a tax payer is it not correct that if you had done what you said you would then it would have been at the cost of the contractor? Instead is it now not correct that due to bad administration of the handling of the Girnhill estate situation that I a tax payer is paying a bill with the added bonus of living in plastic smoke for another night? The estate has needed 24 hour police on site for at least 2 years. The fact is that when a contractor starts work the houses burn down as if by magic in order of demolition. 2 years of full written and photographed documentation. The duty of care to these people is being ignored.”
Bob “it is not possible to police the site.”
Me “you created it, is there no plan. The local term is “residents left to rot”.
Bob “the site will be inspected tonight after the contractor has gone to check for security”.
Me  “I will go myself and check your checks and let you know”.

I checked the shutters at 4.45pm and found wood still in place and some metal covers still poorly fixed. The best example would be the front door of one of the houses that had burnt last night. The front metal shutter is wedged with concrete slabs. Did WMDC send a trainee to do tonight’s inspection? Do I have to tell you the security shutters are incorrect every day until they are?
Going back to comments that WMDC cannot secure the area, the problem has not stopped.

 At 5.30 pm tonight a fire was started in the garden. The fire service attended.
 At 6.10pm 2 males were seen with a ladder, trolley and hammer in the area of the fire. The police were seen in a car on station lane. After driving behind the police car for 4 street flashing my headlight they finally pulled over. I instructed them of the males and they made of and found them. It’s early yet and I am sure there will be more to add.
I ask again that the Girnhill situation be looked at again. Last night some one some how had enough power to order instant costly works and man power. I think it only right that this power be used to put a full stop to this plight. Even the press I have spoken to today have found it hard to believe 4 houses in 1 night with a prior warning never mind the other 69 buildings.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 17, 2008, 09:24:44 pm

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on December 17, 2008, 09:26:24 pm
It appears that wmdc are drastically failing in there duty to the public, I wouldn’t employ people like Bob Hall and Janet Howley as they have a “couldn’t care less” attitude, I wonder what the health and safety executive would think of this ?. Mr Yetion1 I take my hat off to you, you are doing a fine job for these people, keep up the good work  ;) :) Has any plans been published yet on the proposed redevelopment  ???

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 18, 2008, 05:19:53 pm
The arsonist has struck again tonight, but from where I was, I couldn't see exactly where the fire was and what was burning. All I know is, it had that rubbery toxic smell to it and it was sparking well and illuminating houses nearby on Verner! There is a possibilty that the fire was on Verner and not Girnhill, but with all the empty space around here, it's more than likely it was on Girnhill. I think the remaining residents should all be supplied with Baco-Foil suits & Gas masks! What do you think yetion1? Shall we ask the council if they can supply them for us? If I find out exactly what and where, I will fill you in unless someone else can shed some light on it!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 18, 2008, 08:21:13 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


I was really hoping that a forth letter in 4 days would not be necessary. The “GirnHELL” demands again that it is.
This letter must be in two parts.

Firstly I would like to praise a member of WMDC staff and his department. Separately to writing to you with my valid concerns I also contacted the highways department. It has given me and others great pleasure to actually see someone turn up, look at the situation and then decide without prejudice and with peoples safety first that the contactors are creating safety issues.  With great professionalism he enforced council and English law by having the area cleaned as should be by the contractors under contract. This person could not have conducted himself better. Please can we have more of him in other departments as the “HELL” continues?

The second part of this letter is to inform you again of arson. That’s 4 arson attacks in 4 days. As for the estate nothing much has changed. After today’s demolition shutters are still badly fitted and still include wood in an arson and crow bar zone. The arsonist is still at large and tonight must have known it was going to rain so he started early. Tonight’s fire was at about 4.35pm. The fire service attended. Not a house tonight just a pile of toxic plastic and rubber. Much of the area including Verner Street was covered in thick black choking smoke. I have asked all ready that breathing apparatus should be issued. This was not a sarcastic comment I assure you just fact. The pollution levels are constantly above dangerous in the area. WMDC cannot provide 24 hour security to stop the problem as they have stated. If we were at war the public would be issued gas masks. The estate is at war so please can they all be issued with them.
The problem is going to continue. Again I state that I write to you to report and request action to criminal acts beyond the norm. The excuse of “we were not notified” at least cannot be thrown back at the residents if each every arson is reported to you when it could have been stopped.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 19, 2008, 07:26:14 pm
I have met with various members of staff in respect of your e-mails and would report as follows:
When your first e-mail arrived on Monday, discussions with NPS took place to confirm the exact contract obligations for the demolition process. There was considerable discussion around the securing of empty properties, and how these can remain secure under current conditions.  It is necessary for the demolition contractor to enter properties to undertake final checks prior to demolition beginning.  I agree that these properties require re-securing unless demolition is going to take place immediately.  There was contact with the contractor in respect of the concerns raised, and the required standards of operation were reinforced. 
Upon receipt of your second e-mail, Housing Officers and NPS visited the Estate and as a result the contract conditions were again reinforced in person.  The following action points were agreed with the contractor:
-    the contractor is not now to have any fires on site
-    all properties that have steel sheeting removed for inspections are re-secured before the contractor leaves site for the day.
-    NPS and Housing Officers are undertaking spot checks to ensure that this is occuring.
The contractor has confirmed that this latest round of demolition will complete at approximately the end of January 09
I would state that no securing system is designed to stand up to the continual abuse that the screens have received, and ultimately if individuals are determined to get in there is little that can prevent it.  We have found evidence of individuals breaking through block work to access properties.  I would add that there has been much speculation that fires assist the demolition programme, and that there has been a strategy of leaving properties open to support this.  I would state definitively that this is false, and fire damaged properties are more difficult and costly to remove, as they have to be treated as contaminated waste.  It is simply not in the Council's interest to encourage the properties being burnt out, and ensuring residents' safety is a priority.  Please bear in mind that residents felt that the demolition of empty properties was the best course of action, as leaving empty properties and the associated problems these bring is not an option.  The Council has done everything possible to remove empty properties speedily to try and minimise the difficulties.
With respect to the condition of the road, Housing and NPS officers were on site yesterday to ensure that the promised road sweeper attended and cleaned the road.  They also observed that the operatives were hand sweeping.  Regular road sweeping has been pre-booked at regular intervals for during the demolition work, but this will be monitored in case additional cleans are required during the winter weather.  The HGV blocking the pavement is a necessity as they remove the rubble and waste from site, but such occurences are as short lived as is possible, and there are no other alternatives if the waste is to be removed. 
With respect to the disruption in water supply, the contractor works closely with service providers to ensure that these are removed and shut off prior to demolition.  However, when the Estate was built in the 1950s no drawings were kept and the exact location of some services is not fully known, which can cause difficulties.  We were not aware that the water service had been cut - however in such circumstances, the contractor takes immediate steps to ensure that any disruption is as short lived as possible, and that the integrity of the supply is restored without longer term problems.  Working with the service providers is a key aspect of this.
Re the arson attacks, you make reference to knowing who it is.  I must stress that arson is a criminal activity and as such must be reported to the Police in order that they can investigate and take appropriate action.  I appreciate anxieties at the number of fires being set but there is also a local responsibility for residents to assist the Police in dealing with criminal activity, as the Council cannot deal with this alone.  We have no information in respect of the suspected identity of the individual(s) concerned and any other information provided by residents has been passed through to the Police.  Information can also be passed by e-mail to antisocialbehaviour@wakefield.gov.uk
The securing work through Housing has been allocated to a local company to ensure that securing work can be done as quickly as possible.  However, this company does not operate a 24 hour call out system, and they attend as quickly as they are able.  Residents have been provided with the Council's One-Call number several times so that they can report any open properties that they have concerns about, out of hours.  The contact number for one call is 0845 8 506 506. The WMDC operatives that attended on the 16th December would have been from our One-Call service - however they only deal with out of hours emergency work.  I have not been advised as to what the cost of this yet.  The order for our screening company to attend the open properties you had reported was placed on the afternoon of the 15th December, and the company attended as quickly as they were able.
The Council is paying for nightly patrols (5 per night) 7 days per week.  However these patrollers have no powers to arrest, and when they come across anti social behaviour, they report it immediately to the Police.  They cannot perform any other function than to be an additional eyes and ears on the Estate at night.  The Police expressed concerns when discussions around security presence took place.  Their view was that as these individuals have no legal powers, that they could be at risk, which would ultimately mean that the Police merely have additional persons to protect.  Their role is merely to act as an early warning to get the Police if required.  The Council continues to discuss the ongoing situation with the Fire Service and any suggestions made by them are implemented.  Again I would stress that what is occuring is criminal activity, and action is taken when information provided allows.
With respect to your comment around the estate needing 24 hour policing, the Police do not have the resources to provide this service, and have stated that they are doing everything in their power to tackle the anti social behaviour; however this is very difficult especially as local information is limited.
I believe that the Council is doing everything in its power to maintain residents' health and safety in what are extremely difficult conditions.  If residents have any additional suggestions of other measures that would assist, please let us know and we will do our best to implement them.  We appreciate that residents are the best people to report on local incidents and if there are any views as to handle matters better, we will be happy to look at any suggestions made.
With reference to your comments around street lighting and highways, I responded in full in my previous e-mail, but would confirm that the situation continues to be monitored.
Janet Howley
Regeneration Manager
Development and Strategic Housing
Room D34
Newton Bar
Leeds Road
Wakefield  WF1 2TX
01924 305917
e-mail jhowley@wakefield.gov.uk

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 19, 2008, 09:10:03 pm
this weeks Guardian has a good piece in it,


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Willow on December 19, 2008, 09:44:38 pm
Didn't know you lived up there Yetion 1.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Willow on December 20, 2008, 06:11:08 pm
I hate cross posting from another forum but this has got me so angry. >:( >:( According to what this person has been told by a resident of Girnhill and I quote, not one house has yet been compulsory purchased on the estate. everyone so far has done a deal and a good deal at that. Also that the people who are causing most of the trouble are the ones that bought houses when they knew that they were condemned. just to make a quick profit. What a load of f****** b*** s***. I know people up there they have lived up there for over 30 years and in my opinion they deserve all our respect and support.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 20, 2008, 06:50:37 pm
Didn't know you lived up there Yetion 1.
its a good one that isnt it ;D WMDC would be rearly super peed if they did find i am land owner on the estate wouldnt they ;) ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 20, 2008, 07:32:48 pm
I hate cross posting from another forum but this has got me so angry. >:( >:( According to what this person has been told by a resident of Girnhill and I quote, not one house has yet been compulsory purchased on the estate. everyone so far has done a deal and a good deal at that. Also that the people who are causing most of the trouble are the ones that bought houses when they knew that they were condemned. just to make a quick profit. What a load of f****** b*** s***. I know people up there they have lived up there for over 30 years and in my opinion they deserve all our respect and support.
Your honesty is admirable willow. There are many forums all of a sudden but the truth is “the truth gets told here”.
The person speaking sounds like a baboon. As usual no evidence must be a labor guy. Tell them to come here and lets chat, or are they still running

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Willow on December 20, 2008, 10:25:00 pm
They would have to run if I was anywhere near them after that statement, ;D I'm still fuming about it. What do they mean by causing trouble. The residents are only asking for a fare deal. After what they have had to put up with since this all started they deserve a lot more than what there asking for in my opinion.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on December 21, 2008, 02:44:20 pm
  Having read the Girnhill story for months, the news info here is priceless. Just looked at the news paper link. I did notice the police say the word arson. Looks like it has been reported. Must mean an investigation has begun? ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 21, 2008, 04:54:50 pm
it looks like the arsonists are on time again tonight. 2 youths with hammers seen by no5 ascroft. will it be no5 or the digger parked next door that they have got the shutters off. ill have a £1 on the digger :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 27, 2008, 03:03:37 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


I appreciate your reply dated 19th December.  Your confirmation that all relevant departments and parties have been informed is most welcome.

Your second bullet point “all properties that have steel sheeting removed for inspections are re-secured before the contractor leaves site for the day”, confirms that the shutters should be of a metal material and not wood as those recently used around the estate. Surely wooden shutters are more prone to attack. You commented “I would state that no securing system is designed to stand up to the continual abuse that the screens have received, and ultimately if individuals are determined to get in there is little that can prevent it”, yet you know wood is not suitable and metal does prevent it unless usually weakened by the contractor.
I believe there is a solution to security, access and an all round cost saving not to mention public safety.
A. A re-usable metal door frame could be made with metal door that could be secured to the outside of the house and locked. That sorts the security and access and should actually reduce costs for covering over doorways.
B. There is a wide range of fixings available on the market today that could assist the contractor and WMDC in ease of fitting and repair and also give more strength than ever used on the estate. The Hilti Tech gun offers portable firing of anchors into concrete or brick in seconds. A grinder is all that will remove them.

Your reply “I would add that there has been much speculation that fires assist the demolition program, and that there has been a strategy of leaving properties open to support this.  I would state definitively that this is false, and fire damaged properties are more difficult and costly to remove, as they have to be treated as contaminated waste.  It is simply not in the Council's interest to encourage the properties being burnt out, and ensuring residents' safety is a priority”, does not answer the question of costs. If what you say is correct then WMDC have had a huge increase in cost due to the arson attacks.
 Is there documentation available that shows the price of removing a burnt house and non-burnt house in comparison?
 In the last 2 years all the houses demolished regardless of being burnt or not prior have been removed in exactly the same way and left on the same heavy goods vehicles to the same dumps. There is no evidence that any of the 74 burnt out properties have been treated in any different way as would be expected with a contaminated area and waste.
 Has WMDC been given a larger bill for the removal of the houses burnt pre-demolition from the contractor or a smaller one?
 Has WMDC a procedure to monitor the removal of contaminated waste?
As the arson of the houses was random and un-known did WMDC obtain a separate quote for the removal of each contaminated property?
The term contaminated waste is interesting in this scenario as there appears to be a double standard. During demolition all combustibles were removed from properties that had not been fired and then burnt in the gardens. The smoke from this was contaminating as so was the ash and waste produced that was then removed in the same wagons as everything else.

The residents did agree to as quickly as possible demolition. They did not agree to all most no monitoring of the situation.

Your comments on services “We were not aware that the water service had been cut - however in such circumstances, the contractor takes immediate steps to ensure that any disruption is as short lived as possible, and that the integrity of the supply is restored without longer term problems.  Working with the service providers is a key aspect of this”. A good example of this not being implemented is the telephone lines. All around the estate you can see telephone cables hanging from posts. Every one has not been cut but instead just ripped from each building. They are live and blow about in the wind across the public paths. During the last days of demolition this year the phone lines as usual were still connected to houses. As the buildings came down the cables pulled at the telegraph post and made it swing violently. This pulled tight the cables still connected to houses that were occupied. Surely this is un-fair on the residents and they should have a come back on some one if a line fault develops.

“The securing work through Housing has been allocated to a local company to ensure that securing work can be done as quickly as possible.  However, this company does not operate a 24 hour call out system, and they attend as quickly as they are able.”  The security company is fitting wooden shutters. This is not acceptable according to your concerns. The security company is not 24hours yet when I called a member of your team to report 4 un-open properties at 4.30pm and the strong possibility of arson; they did not get boarded until 11.00pm after they had burnt down? “The order for our screening company to attend the open properties you had reported was placed on the afternoon of the 15th December, and the company attended as quickly as they were able,” is a hard to believe answer that the boarding company turned up from the 4.30pm call. According to a policeman on site that night they had asked WMDC for the shutters after first attending the scene.
 What is this company’s operating hours? I assume they just work nights from the results so far.

“Residents have been provided with the Council's One-Call number several times so that they can report any open properties that they have concerns about, out of hours.  The contact number for one call is 0845 8 506 506”. Have you tried to use this service? On 3 occasions I have called I have been informed that due to staff shortages and call volume it is un-likely anyone can attend but the report has been logged. On 3 occasions I have requested boarding up the reply is that they can instruct that service. This is really a recording office for concerns not a help line for action.

“The Council is paying for nightly patrols (5 per night) 7 days per week.  However these patrollers have no powers to arrest, and when they come across anti social behaviour, they report it immediately to the Police.  They cannot perform any other function than to be an additional eyes and ears on the Estate at night.” An obvious recommendation would be to patrol from 4.00pm to 10pm as this is when the majority of the fires occur. As co-coordinator for the local shop watch scheme a big advantage to all would be to make regular contact with these patrollers?

The contractors have now finished work until January. At this stage I can only assume that the fires will start again in January and end just before the contractors do. Perhaps a concentrated effort could be made to catch the people responsible. A portable cctv system costing £100 to £200 could easily be fitted to empty houses. Not a lot of thought could go a long way if acted upon quickly.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 29, 2008, 08:49:07 pm
I have had a report that there was a skip fire down the bottom end on Sunday night. The fire brigade turned out and found the copper boiler stripped from house.

I can also report on a sighting of the WMDC patrollers. 1 man drove down Girnhill, around Verna and back out again in seconds. He looked a skill full guy with x-ray vision as he never took his mobile phone from his ear the whole trip. As thieves were known to be on the estate he was stopped and pointed towards Ashcroft. He did go up Ashcroft at 30 mph with his phone back on his ear and turned left to Nuns lane. There must be a better word for waste of time or paid cruiser.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on December 30, 2008, 06:51:05 pm
I posted a picture a while back, indicating all the houses that had been targeted by the arsonists! Since then, as you are aware, there have been many more incidents, so I have updated the picture! Once again, I have only marked the houses that I know for sure have been targeted, although there has been more than what is shown here! The yellow squares are blocks of 4 houses!


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on December 30, 2008, 07:09:33 pm
I get that to 74 houses burnt excluding skip, garden and repeat house fires up to 3 each. One day soon I hope a reporter will find this thread and believe thier eyes, its a uk and world record for Gods sake >:(
Now there is an idea. Anyone contacted the Guiness people? ;D ;)

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on December 30, 2008, 09:14:01 pm
thats a hell of a lot of fires. im surprised the front page of a national has not taken it up.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on December 31, 2008, 04:28:54 pm
Its strange really that a labour council does nothing to stop the arson attacks. Not only are peoples lives been put in danger by toxic smoke inhalation but it is also damaging the environment. Environmental issues are something labour claim to be concerned about, but by allowing 74 fires and in some cases contributing to by leaving houses unsecured it would appear that someone’s not doing there job correctly.  >:( :-X

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on December 31, 2008, 06:26:59 pm
Just heard 3 more residents may be selling up and leaving the estate . One is definitely going and the other 2 are looking at properties, apparently they don’t fancy living on an estate with over 250 new affordable 3 story homes, not after living on such a quiet estate (apart from the fire engines) for the past 10 years. I wish them all the best and think they have done great by sticking it out this long  :)

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on January 04, 2009, 01:58:07 pm


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 07, 2009, 07:31:51 pm
Local Government Ombudsman
Beverly House
17 Shipton Road


REF: Lister Baths area

To the investigator,
Further to the up-date provided up to December 2008 I would like to bring your attention to a further matter that relates greatly my concern.
You can see from the documents that fires start mainly at night when the contractors are on site and have left for the day. You will also have seen the many instances where the securing of buildings has not been done full stop giving easy access.
After the Christmas holidays the contractors started work this Monday. Monday night saw yet another unsecured house burnt. This house sits on the end of the estate and in an even more populated area. The house had been reported un-secure on Monday night. Tuesday saw nothing done. Today I called WMDC to ask why the property was still left. I received a call from Janet Howley asking details. I explained I was grateful for her reply and explained the situation. Mrs Howley said she would investigate and let me know. Mrs Howley called me back and informed me that an officer was on their way to the house and would be speaking with the contractor. A further call from Mrs Howley informed me of bad news. The WMDC investigator had talked with the contractor and the opinion was that the UPVC door frame had been damaged in the fire and would be difficult to secure. No extra metal sheeting was on site so the property would be left un-secure again. I expressed my concern and stated that it was more than likely that the property would be on fire in the next few hours. The situation was left at that as WMDC had no other way of making safe the house in the interest of public safety.

I would like to point out that this has been one of the most blatant displays of the tactics being used. WMDC have stated many times they will try to resolve security issues on the estate within 24 hours. 96 hours later WMDC have put their hands in the air and admitted defeat. Any future problems are going to add to the resident’s plight being a breach of their human rights.


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Popeye on January 07, 2009, 08:19:36 pm
Whats your opinion on this topic Mick :-X

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 07, 2009, 08:51:38 pm
This is a reply from Mrs Howley. My reply is highlighted blue.



Thank you for your latest contact.  I would respond as follows:
1.  The wooden shutters are not provided by our screening contractor, but are put up by WMDCs call out team.  This is an emergency provision when One-Call are alerted to incidents on the Estate and provide an out of hours response.  The local screening company uses metal shuttering.  The incident you refer to where you reported open dwellings at 4.30pm was dealt with as an emergency call out by WMDC operatives, and involved wooden sheets.  The local screening company attended at 11am the following day.

Before I can comment on your reply could you confirm it was WMDC who turned up at 10.45pm just after the fire to board up the burnt out shell while the police and fire service were in attendance?
2.  The use of metal screens is the Council's preferred material, but in cases of emergency wood is applied.  I agree that metal is more hard-wearing, and I shall ask that where wood has been applied that it be replaced by metal sheeting as quickly as possible.  With respect to your suggestion around metal door frames, and the Hilti Tech gun, we shall ask the contractor to investigate and if this is a more suitable product, we will implement this. I would however add that we have used several screen fixing companies (including ORBIS and Safe Estates, who are local market leaders) who have utilised the most secure fixing methods known to them. None of the fixing methods have proved to be completely impenetrable if vandals are determined enough to gain access.
I appreciate that my suggestion has been offered. The bigger the company does not all ways mean they have met everything. Technology is moving forward on all fronts very fast.

3.  As stated previously, I have not yet received notification of the costs of the latest out of hours call-out.  As the work is undertaken by the Council's in-house emergency staff, a formal invoice is not generated.  I will ultimately be asked for an expenditure code to internally transfer funds for the work.  The cost is usually in the region of £150 as opposed to £60 per opening as charged by the contractor.

I await your reply.

4. The cost of demolishing burnt and non burnt properties varies most in the means of disposal of waste to landfill.  Every property is tested for asbestos within it, and such material is removed and disposed of in a specific manner, in accordance with health and safety legislation.  Once a property has been burnt out, the entire property is treated as if it contains asbestos, and removed in the required manner.  It is this disposal that increases the cost.  NPS have indicated that the cost differential is in the region of £1,415 extra cost per dwelling.

I am no expert regards the disposal of asbestos. If what you say is correct and the area is to be treated as contaminated should not the removal be under the guidelines shown on the directect.gov.uk website. These show covers over the property and sealable containers for the waste.
5.  The removal of all demolition material is specified through the demolition contract, and certificates are produced confirming that asbestos testing and waste removal has been undertaken in the appropriate manner.  NPS monitor the contract to ensure that removal is in accordance with legislation.

 Will NPS have the receipts for the extra costs of asbestos waste taken to the land fill sites?
6.  I am advised that the telephone services were removed from all properties prior to demolition, and the remaining cables are not live, although I agree that they look unsightly in their current condition.  BT have been involved in the demolition process, and I have not been made aware of any resident having problems with their telephone supply.  I shall ask NPS to investigate with BT to determine a better solution to the cables.
It is possible to make dead a BT cable. On many occasion BT were no where to be seen when demolition started. Houses are being knocked down with cables connected. This bends the main pole and stretch’s others cables. A fault is more than likely. Is there is a record of the charge made by BT for disconnecting every cable to every house?

7.  One-Call is a staffed service, although at peak times, answer phones do sometimes have to be used.  Where residents have called the One-call number and emergency action has been needed in respect of open dwellings, this has been provided.  We have found that this service is the best one which gives some level of out of hours coverage - we have found similar services provided through external contractors to be very costly, and attendance has generally been very poor.
8.  Patrols were originally implemented between 6pm and midnight, but local residents advised us of activity in the early hours, so patrols were adjusted.  I shall ask the patrollers to revise their attendance times around 4pm and 10pm as you suggest; however, there does appear to be no optimum time for patrols to be scheduled, and the attendance times may again need future revision.
I have to disagree regards no optimum time. The majority of the fires in the last 2 years have been 5pm to 10pm

9.  The Council has discussed the implementation of CCTV cameras with the Police some time ago, but their view was that their effectiveness was very limited.  They report that the quality of picture after dark is not good, and that they have had many instances where break ins to steal the cameras have actually increased anti social behaviour.  However, their greatest concern is that local residents may perceive an area to be much safer than it is just because CCTV is present, and may take risks with their safety.  It is on this basis that they have not been introduced.
Your points are all valid. What I have learnt that some will agree with is that the real issue is finding someone who cares. The local police inspector is more than willing to at least try and has responded to similar letters with action. The action comes not as a way to get rid of me but because there is a big problem. Evidence is just that. Sometimes it comes down to how hard some one is prepared to use it. All I can ask is that you contact Inspector Dick Jones and take his view. CCTV is an answer.

10. There is no 55 Ashcroft Avenue, but staff will be patrolling and will check for openings that are not secure.

I will check. The house in question was the one left open all of Christmas with 3 fires and people stripping the building after.

I trust this clarifies the points raised in your e-mail.

Janet Howley
Regeneration Manager
Development and Strategic Housing
Room D34
Newton Bar
Leeds Road
Wakefield  WF1 2TX

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: mick200 on January 07, 2009, 09:27:37 pm
Whats your opinion on this topic Mick :-X
Oh it's just another band wagon for the independents to jump on and make matters worse. If you think I'm fooled by the staged press releases where Independent councillors turn up and appear concerned for the residents, think again. Since the Independents have become involved and got their teeth into it, it's gone off the disaster scalometer. But I suppose they can add it to the rest of 'have not dones' they have stock piled.
You see the Independents start something and never finish it, they have a whole history of incomplete projects which they use to either get elected or stay elected. Lister baths, Town hall projects, Independence from the local authority to name a few. When the curtain of history comes down and people take a peek behind it they will see a flag pole and the only small town in the authority to have two seperate war memorials. Our ancestors will 'look on' totally inspired won't they?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 07, 2009, 10:18:11 pm
A band wagon? Don’t you mean a situation created by a vote from our trusted M.P. Was it, and is not labor that has created the problem?
I like the “disaster scaleomoter”. Let’s have a look. Labor strips country and Featherstone of assets to feed the fat cat pensions leaving the biggest recession in history. Oh yes history. You remind me. The world will look back and see the billions wasted by labor like the Dome and buying banks (officially they don’t own the banks). The list is endless.
Yet the independents just get on with it and need no glory such as that tried to be taken by the M.P. and labor for a war memorial they tried everything to stop and then everything to enjoy the party.
Is the other war memorial the labor party one made out of a 2nd lamp hand lamp post? Regeneration perhaps? No because its not labor?
So far the records given should inspire our ancestors to “fight” against political parties.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on January 09, 2009, 07:30:34 pm
got to say mick, the disaster scale bit can only be given to the labour party for doing buggar all. :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on January 09, 2009, 07:49:05 pm
sorry had to post again. i posted because i think Mick is wrong and the way this is reading i had better get my words right. i said the labour party has done buggar all.
i ment to say the labour party has done buggar all to help anyone on the estate apart from cause grief. :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Victor on January 12, 2009, 02:42:55 pm
Did anyone get Fridays YEP. Slap bang on the front page, WE WONT BUDGE relates to story about an estate in South Elmsall, and its about Wakefield Council using TOUGH powers to help tear down houses on an estate.
The Councils Cabinet are meeting this week and look set to agree to a Compulsory Purchase Order for the remaining houses, but residents dont feel they have been offered a fair deal, Wake Council offered them £40,000 last year for well kept 3 bedroom homes.
Sounds very much like the Girnhell situation in Featherstone.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on January 12, 2009, 06:35:03 pm
Thanks for that information Victor! That resembles Girnhill Lane to a tee! W.M.D.C. will bulldoze their way through anyone and anything! Here is the link to that article!


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on January 12, 2009, 06:57:43 pm
Why not join forces with south elmsall residents and make yourselves stronger, or is it a daft sugestion ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on January 16, 2009, 05:19:25 pm
I had a ride round the estate today, very sad to see it reduced to rubble, not many residents left and dwindling rapidly. I hope the labour wmdc are happy, maybe Janet Howley will get a bonus when the estates flattened and she and her team have finally wrecked the community  :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Mr T on January 16, 2009, 06:32:37 pm
The demolition team have took their diggers away again today as there is nothing left for them to do, well apart from one burnt out shell which they have left for some strange reason! Why on earth didn't they do that before going? It's the last one (for now anyway). They have left a few of their skips again filled with all sorts of materials! I'm not quite sure what's in them but I bet there is something combustible in there! Oh, and they have left us a bit of muck in the middle of the road. As well as that, the mud that they have been churning up on one of the sites is slowly creeping towards the pavement again too making the place look unpleasant! I totally agree with you Whistleblower, but it doesn't matter what you say, they don't give a monkey's about anyone other than themselves! Look at how many other people have suffered or are suffering the same scenario as us! They make me sick!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 16, 2009, 08:59:08 pm
Diane and Richard Donaldson from South Elmsall need to be contacted. I have tried directory enquiries but there is only 2 Donaldson’s registered and neither was the person on the estate.
I could do with some help here, so if you can find them PM me. I have an idea to help both sides that you may read about shortly.   ;D ;)

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Kim685 on January 17, 2009, 09:44:12 am
I found them on 192.com listed as both living at same address, but their details are hidden, it costs £9.95 to reveal them  :-[ I'll keep looking though.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on January 17, 2009, 10:22:27 am
you know where they are go down and do door to door and you will find them

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 17, 2009, 06:13:15 pm
Thanks ;D. A joint effort got a result. I wish this could be put to use more.
I have quickly talked with Richard today and will be talking more in depth on Sunday.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 19, 2009, 07:14:10 pm
I had the pleasure of talking to Richard yesterday. Sounds like a determined soul (sorry WMDC you cannot have him yet) who has seen pretty much what the Girnhill residents have.
It sounds like the complaints have increased the Girnhill prices as South Elmsall is being offered £40k for the house, £15k relocation money and a £35k loan.
Interestingly the contractors work the same way as ours with cables cut dirty roads and yes FIRES. Richard has also had the usual phone calls and offers to get him out. He is also in contact with another suffering estate group in Leeds. The back history alone on this forum should give some ideas to these 2 groups when they read them plus any help people here can pass on.
Some one at WMDC I am sure will be not so happy new friends have been made.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on January 19, 2009, 07:58:33 pm
Does Richard have access to the internet to view this forum  ???

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 19, 2009, 08:30:46 pm
Yep he is on. I do believe Richard has arrived as a new member ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on January 19, 2009, 08:53:50 pm
Welcome to the forums richard, your among friends ;D ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on January 21, 2009, 08:28:39 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


Dear Janet

I have to contact you over one matter that is particularly still out standing and of a public safety issue. You will be aware of recorded reports of a metal container on the Girnhill estate since December that has had its lock broken off. The container was and is being used for the storage of asbestos by the demolition contractor.
Since the lock was removed the container has become a play den for local kids. This is bad enough. Shouldn’t the contractor have taken the container with them?
My major concern is that the serial arsonist will take a fancy to this item. If the asbestos store does go up in smoke then it will be a major incident that even the fire brigade would have to use procedure against. As for the rest of Featherstone it is very likely and has been for 7 weeks that at any time everyone could be covered in fine fall out particles of asbestos. The fire service and police should be contacted and warned.
As for the container, I think it has been ignored long enough.


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on January 25, 2009, 07:56:55 pm
there is an old saying "there is always someone worse of than yourself". this is the story befor
my impresion of Richard is he looks a fighter. hell of a picture.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Forkhandles on January 25, 2009, 08:17:13 pm
there is an old saying "there is always someone worse of than yourself". this is the story befor
my impresion of Richard is he looks a fighter. hell of a picture.

They're willing to spend £9m on a nature park, but can't even give the residents a fair deal, it beggars belief, they're no better than dictators, they make me sick >:( >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Kim685 on January 25, 2009, 10:32:56 pm
They're willing to spend £9m on a nature park, but can't even give the residents a fair deal, it beggars belief, they're no better than dictators, they make me sick >:( >:(

How can they justify that? It's disgusting  >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on February 10, 2009, 07:35:19 pm
What’s happened to Mr T’s reports lately ?, seems to have gone quiet for a while, hope things are ok ???

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on February 10, 2009, 10:03:25 pm
i dont think there has been any more fire,s but i do know more people are moveing out

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on February 22, 2009, 07:45:22 pm
dont look like much happening at the moment apart from the fires have stopped. i spotted this the other week. :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on February 22, 2009, 08:47:31 pm
i lived there and its a shame to see it there are more people moveing out now

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on February 22, 2009, 10:25:03 pm
How many residents are left now ?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on February 23, 2009, 07:11:05 am
i dont think there is many i was on ashcroft ave and i think there is about 5 or 6 mr t would know

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on February 23, 2009, 08:47:20 pm
Thanks for that John. I had been looking and missed it. ;D
 Hutchinson Demolition may be getting the boot. This was brought on from there recent time on site and the damaged they caused to the manholes and drainage whilst demolishing. They have just not had a care in the world and smashed them all to bits causing the drain people to work on the site for about 2 days last week!
The remaining residents do have a duty of care to them. The remaining residents deserve new drains and electric supplies not to mention the stretched phone cables. All this could have bee avoided yet it was encouraged. What will the labour party leaflets through selected letter boxes say about this? Nothing, as there will be no letters, that’s why! in the mean time the "right folk" send letters in each time that create documented proof as always.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 14, 2009, 10:45:26 pm
Get ready for the next fire probably tonight. The front door is ripped off a newly empty pair of homes and the looters have all ready been in today. The good point is that 1 looter got caught. The bad point is that now we rely on WMDC to board up the door, yep that means still open and probably on fire shortly. :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Madsy on March 14, 2009, 11:53:52 pm
Get ready for the next fire probably tonight. The front door is ripped off a newly empty pair of homes and the looters have all ready been in today. The good point is that 1 looter got caught. The bad point is that now we rely on WMDC to board up the door, yep that means still open and probably on fire shortly. :(

Have the police been informed of this? They should be aware! bet nobody has thought to inform them to try and prevent this!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 15, 2009, 12:15:54 am
Very negative vibes Madsy, Some people do actually care you know.  :o
Within 2 minutes of spotting the breaking the police were called who attended in less than 6 minutes. I did mention they made one arrest.
WMDC were contacted within 6 minutes but denied owning the property and insisted that it belonged to WDH. WDH were contacted to confirm the mistake. WMDC were then contacted again, who then agreed they were responsible. A joiner would be sent out when available. The reply was “don’t bother as it will be a shell by the time you put a wooden door on a burnt out shell.

Looks like you lost your bet! ;)

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Madsy on March 15, 2009, 12:22:36 am
Well ok then! My Mistake!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on March 15, 2009, 03:11:51 pm
There’s 3 or possible 4 residents that’s moving out next week so the looters and arsonist will be busy  >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on March 15, 2009, 03:26:59 pm
bet the firebrigade are busy too. just read back it reads like the future. someone should inform the authorities.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 15, 2009, 08:41:31 pm
The good news was that the door was boarded up within 1 hour thanks to WMDC (yes I did just say thanks).
The bad news is exactly that “boarded up”. Wood as we know is no bloody good it needs to be metal.
7.45am today a slim white male age 35/40, short brown hair on a push bike was trying to get in to the boards. The male spotted he was being watched and then pretended to look for something on the floor. Then it got funny as he kept pretending to look as he made his way down Girnhill and down the school guinel.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 19, 2009, 07:49:29 pm
does anyone know if another house has gone up today about 4ish

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Victor on March 23, 2009, 10:30:41 am
Just seen on the WMDC Planning web site that there is a Demolition Notification for numbers 42 and 44 Ashcroft Road and numbers 8, 10, 11, 13, 16 and 18 Ashcroft Avenue.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 23, 2009, 01:59:37 pm
there,s not many people left up there now just a hand full or so its such a shame

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Greencatcher on March 23, 2009, 06:33:51 pm
It`s certainly very lonely.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 23, 2009, 07:49:08 pm
i bet it is  :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 23, 2009, 11:01:48 pm
With respect to Mr T and residents and in interest of publicity for those left a poll has been created.
 So, how long before the next fires?
1.   Before contractors are on site?
2.   As the contractors arrive?

Or are we now good enough to predict the next fire after the contractor has arrived as they work their way around?
3.   1 day after starting work
4.   2 days after starting work
5.   3 days after starting work
6.   4 days after starting work
7.   5 days after starting work

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 24, 2009, 08:35:44 am
Yet again this is not a personal grudge against you but I feel that this poll should not have been done if I would have still been up there I would have been out raged to hear there was a poll been done to when the next house fire will happen can I ask has the residents that’s left up there been consulted by this

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 24, 2009, 11:21:39 pm
 No grudge taken, but why should people reply to your questions when you delete your posts when a reasonable question is asked of yourself? (open a topic if you need to argue again!!!)
With respect I will answer for the sake of others.
Because many people complained is why the present home owners have got a better deal than was first offered although not perfect. This involved the media. For the sake of the remaining home owners it will be interesting what the media make of the “sweep stake poll”. As many people as possible should be invited to vote and then as many people as possible should post the story to the press. You never know it might just stop 1 arson attack.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 25, 2009, 10:08:13 pm
back to the estate harold old house was on fire tonight. puts water on my fire as i voted 2 days after. Sadly i think that answers the poll. :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 26, 2009, 08:14:40 am
that’s bad I didn’t know he had moved

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on March 29, 2009, 08:51:17 pm
Is it nearly all over?
Bet you thought for the residents. No WMDC.
It sounds like WMDC are hanging by thread waiting for the new financial year as they cannot pay their debts. A Girnhill home owner has been forced to stay in their property until next month as WMDC do not have the money to pay them until then. As we are only talking about £100k+ or less this must be serious. Has a bank pulled a plug I wonder?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 29, 2009, 09:08:53 pm
thats awfull not many left up there now

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: John on March 30, 2009, 07:33:48 pm
was talking to wmdc council tax today. part of the system is down. talked later to a guy about it who recons wmdc have shut down allsorts to save money. sumert sounds wrong :(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on March 30, 2009, 07:48:26 pm
yes it does realy wrong

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on April 01, 2009, 09:17:06 pm
Harolds old house is burning tonight. The 2 semis are well away. Contractors must be due on site then. This bloody subject needs talking about, not so much here but every bloody whare.
Fly tipping looks like it has started. Ive heard that a man is offering to take rubbish. Could it be as easy as tagging his next load?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Victor on April 02, 2009, 08:37:37 am
Demolition Notices have gone in for numbers 21 and 23 Went Grove on the WMDC planning web site, 09/00584/DEMNOT.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on April 02, 2009, 10:48:33 pm
The story in daylight gets better.
As Harold’s house is burning and a tower hose arrives from Castleford the surrounding on looking youths aged 10 to 16 ish move away, and enter the corner property opposite the phone box blatantly in view of other residents and the fire service.
As the Castleford hose leaves 40 minutes later it has to stop to extinguish a fire started in the house entered by the youths.
The fire service finally gets a grasp, finish their job and leave. At about 11.40pm Harold’s house is on fire again. As this is was a second fire on 1 property within 24hours the fire servicee has to call an investigation. The local fire service then had to wait until a fire investigator arrived on scene and concluded his investigation.

Basically as I see it whilst the fires rage the arsonist looks on AGAIN and then strikes AGAIN and AGAIN with repeated ARSON attacks. Just how bloody much I wonder did last night cost and did anyone elsewhere suffer?
I think we all know what is coming next. What a bloody shame and a total blind eye to justice.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Whistleblower on April 03, 2009, 07:00:54 pm
Did Mr T video it ?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on April 03, 2009, 08:21:22 pm
Dont think he did. I did my first ever film. Still trying to up load it. If anyone can film and is near by please get your batteries charged and ready. ;D

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on April 12, 2009, 05:32:13 pm
Apologises to the residents as the following has passed without report,

8th April 2 Fire engines attended (7:10) at the newly empty property at the end of Ashcroft Road (Before you turn right to Verner).whether it was in the shed or in the house downstairs I don't know!

11th April 2 fire engines have attended out buildings today for your reference, an out building which has an "asbestos" roof! Constant exposure to black toxic smoke, burning asbestos and other flammable materials, just WHEN will something be done about all this? The number of years this has been going on, the number of fires....!

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Featherstonian on April 13, 2009, 07:06:03 pm
just seen 2 fire engines on Ashcroft.

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: fev angel on April 14, 2009, 07:40:12 am
i was told that there was another went up last night pure utter stupid >:( >:(

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on April 19, 2009, 03:33:13 pm
Mrs J Howley
Housing and public protection
Newton bar
West York’s
Wf1 2tx


Dear Janet


Yet again I have been forced to write to inform you that WMDC is not providing a “duty of care” for the Girnhill estate/ surrounding residents and members of the public within the local fire service coverage area. It appears that WMDC has given up on the area as daily checks have now stopped and emergency repair requests are being ignored.
Over the last 12 days I have reported to the WMDC contact centre that buildings were insecure and would be set on fire. In that time no repairs appear to have been made resulting in another 4 houses being burnt. Since Wednesday I have reported twice daily that there are open buildings. As of today the buildings are still un-secure and in fact because no repairs have been made a total of 8 properties have now been opened. I am amazed that not one house was set on fire last night but am sure the situation is building up and that we will be seeing the biggest major fire of up to 16 houses at once very shortly, possibly today.
The recorded facts just for the last 2 years state what will happen each time demolition is announced. The situation requires addressing and the only way is

1.   secure the metal panels with more bolts and other simply placed metal supports
2.   secure all loft hatches as most fires appear to start in the loft as a way to quickly spread the fire
3.   at least security on site from 4pm to 7am should be immediately placed
4.   daily checks should involve not driving past but actually looking around each property
5.   Newly empty properties are most at risk within 24 hours. A recent example was 1 hour after an owner leaving the turf in the back garden was removed followed by the shed. New properties should be monitored heavily in the first week

I would also like to point out a concern with the WMDC contact centre. Many times when you call it is argued that WMDC do not own the property and that WDH do. This is incorrect and always takes time to resolve with proof. I am sure many people have been put off at this point. Also when a request is made to re-board a property the information is given that the buildings department is 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. This is misleading information as the contact centre is aware that a 24hour boarding service is available to be initiated in response. The WMDC contact centre needs to be informed of the situation.
I have provided you with pictures and address of this week’s damage to shutters. I have also provided this to the WMDC contact centre. Today reference was ID C61845.


Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: yetion1 on April 19, 2009, 03:35:15 pm
Thanks to MrTs original picture the score card can be now up-dated.

10 years of inflicted hell instead of “duty of care”.
 Laws regard arson leaving the way open to serial arsonist in Featherstone
With a world record of 82 plus homes in flames
This is “Girnhell”

The Girnhill estate in Featherstone is a Wakefield Metropolitan District Council inflicted hell that began 10 years ago. The estate has been run down by WMDC backed by legislation so that people leave and sell up for a fraction of their life long homes value for profiteers to then take over. Incidents of officials bullying home owners have been recorded and records kept of the many letters and calls made only to be ignored. In the last 2 years arson has become a daily way of life on the estate not to mention the burglary rate.  The remaining residents can claim the world record for the number of homes burnt by arson at just over 82 in 2 years, never mind earlier years. The total excludes repeat fires, out buildings and burning fly tipped rubbish. If these were included the total would be almost 200 incidents.
Recent changes to the law and how it describes arson state that an empty home is not arson enough to call for an investigation. My question has to be is there a reasonable number before arson is arson. For example In 6 days 7 homes and a skip went up and one night just as one house was put out another was ignited. As that was put out the first house was re-lit. The People living next door had to flee for their lives. And not once has there been a police investigation. This sucks. Surely now with a world record some ones head has to roll?
These English people in their English castles deserve our support.



If this was terrorists it would cause a big stink and receive action. The training ground here has produced an arsonist or perhaps 2 and possibly sown the seed to many more that are now burning other local areas as a now seen common act of vandalism.
An investigation MUST be called for. How strange the fires always start just before demolition? Does someone save costs? The council say no, the facts say yes! The time and money spent by the fire service is astronomical. The other lives put at risk by no fire service cover must be a cause for an investigation to be called?

Title: Re: Girnhill Lane Archived News 4
Post by: Guardian on August 09, 2012, 10:33:50 pm

End of Archive 4